Term Name: act |
URI: |
Label: |
Actor |
Description: |
A person or organization who principally exhibits acting skills in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment. |
Term Name: adp |
URI: |
Label: |
Adaptor |
Description: |
A person or organization who 1) reworks a musical composition, usually for a different medium, or 2) rewrites novels or stories for motion pictures or other audiovisual medium. |
Term Name: anl |
URI: |
Label: |
Analyst |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization that reviews, examines and interprets data or information in a specific area. |
Term Name: ann |
URI: |
Label: |
Annotator |
Description: |
A person who writes manuscript annotations on a printed item. |
Term Name: arc |
URI: |
Label: |
Architect |
Description: |
A person or organization who designs structures or oversees their construction. |
Term Name: arr |
URI: |
Label: |
Arranger |
Description: |
A person or organization who transcribes a musical composition, usually for a different medium from that of the original; in an arrangement the musical substance remains essentially unchanged. |
Term Name: arn |
URI: |
Label: |
Artisan |
Description: |
A person or organization who conceives and usually also produces a craft work such as a ceramic pot, textile, piece of jewelry, or furniture. |
Note: |
Locally developed code and definition. |
Term Name: art |
URI: |
Label: |
Artist |
Description: |
A person (e.g., a painter) or organization who conceives, and perhaps also implements, an original graphic design or work of art . . . . For book illustrators, prefer Illustrator [ill]. |
Term Name: asg |
URI: |
Label: |
Assignee |
Description: |
A person or organization to whom a license for printing or publishing has been transferred. |
Term Name: att |
URI: |
Label: |
Attributed name |
Description: |
A person or organization associated with or found in an item or collection, which cannot be determined to be that of a Former owner [fmo] or other designated relator indicative of provenance. |
Term Name: aut |
URI: |
Label: |
Author |
Description: |
A person or organization chiefly responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of a work, usually printed text. This term may also be used when more than one person or body bears such responsibility. |
Term Name: aui |
URI: |
Label: |
Author of introduction, etc. |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization responsible for an introduction, preface, foreword, or other critical introductory matter, but who is not the chief author. |
Term Name: bnd |
URI: |
Label: |
Binder |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization responsible for the binding of printed or manuscript materials. |
Term Name: ctg |
URI: |
Label: |
Cartographer |
Description: |
A person or organization responsible for the creation of maps and other cartographic materials. |
Term Name: ctn |
URI: |
Label: |
Cartoonist |
Description: |
A person who specializes in drawing cartoons. (Much of this work is humorous, and is intended primarily for entertainment purposes.) |
Term Name: cha |
URI: |
Label: |
Chair |
Description: |
Thesis/Dissertation Committee chair (or major professor), or a person whose primary/only role was serving as chair of a committee that produced an item. |
Term Name: cng |
URI: |
Label: |
Cinematographer |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization who is in charge of the images captured for a motion picture film. The cinematographer works under the supervision of a director, and may also be referred to as director of photography. Do not confuse with videographer. |
Term Name: clb |
URI: |
Label: |
Collaborator |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization that takes a limited part in the elaboration of a work of another person or organization that brings complements (e.g., appendices, notes) to the work. |
Term Name: col |
URI: |
Label: |
Collector |
Description: |
A person or organization who has brought together material from various sources that has been arranged, described, and cataloged as a collection. A collector is neither the creator of the material nor a person to whom manuscripts in the collection may have been addressed. |
Term Name: cmr |
URI: |
Label: |
Committee Member |
Description: |
Use for a person who is a member of a Thesis/Dissertation advising committee or whose primary/only role was serving on a committee that produced an item. |
Term Name: com |
URI: |
Label: |
Compiler |
Description: |
A person or organization who produces a work or publication by selecting and putting together material from the works of various persons or bodies. |
Term Name: cmp |
URI: |
Label: |
Composer |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization who creates a musical work, usually a piece of music in manuscript or printed form. |
Term Name: cnd |
URI: |
Label: |
Conductor |
Description: |
A person who directs a performing group (orchestra, chorus, opera, etc.) |
Term Name: csl |
URI: |
Label: |
Consultant |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization relevant to a resource, who is called upon for professional advice or services in a specialized field of knowledge or training. |
Term Name: ctb |
URI: |
Label: |
Contributor |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization one whose work has been contributed to a larger work, such as an anthology, serial publication, or other compilation of individual works. Do not use if the sole function in relation to a work is as author, editor, compiler or translator. |
Term Name: cph |
URI: |
Label: |
Copyright holder |
Description: |
A person or organization to whom copy and legal rights have been granted or transferred for the intellectual content of a work. The copyright holder, although not necessarily the creator of the work, usually has the exclusive right to benefit financially from the sale and use of the work to which the associated copyright protection applies. |
Term Name: crp |
URI: |
Label: |
Correspondent |
Description: |
A person or organization who was either the writer or recipient of a letter or other communication. |
Term Name: dgg |
URI: |
Label: |
Degree grantor |
Description: |
Use for the organization granting a degree for which the thesis or dissertation described was presented. |
Term Name: dsr |
URI: |
Label: |
Designer |
Description: |
A person or organization responsible for a design |
Term Name: drt |
URI: |
Label: |
Director |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization who is responsible for the general management of a work or who supervises the production of a performance for stage, screen, or sound recording. |
Term Name: dis |
URI: |
Label: |
Dissertant |
Description: |
Use for a person who presents a thesis for a university or higher-level educational degree. |
Term Name: dst |
URI: |
Label: |
Distributor |
Description: |
A person or organization that has exclusive or shared marketing rights for an item. |
Term Name: dnr |
URI: |
Label: |
Donor |
Description: |
A person or organization who is the donor of a book, manuscript, etc., to its present owner. |
Term Name: drm |
URI: |
Label: |
Draftsman |
Description: |
Use for the person who prepares technical or mechanical drawings. |
Term Name: edt |
URI: |
Label: |
Editor |
Description: |
A person or organization who prepares for publication a work not primarily his/her own, such as by elucidating text, adding introductory or other critical matter, or technically directing an editorial staff. |
Term Name: egr |
URI: |
Label: |
Engraver |
Description: |
A person or organization who cuts letters, figures, etc. on a surface, such as a wooden or metal plate, for printing |
Term Name: exm |
URI: |
Label: |
Examiner |
Term Name: exp |
URI: |
Label: |
Expert |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization in charge of the description and appraisal of the value of goods, particularly rare items, works of art, etc. |
Term Name: fmo |
URI: |
Label: |
Former owner |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization who owned an item at any time in the past. Includes those to whom the material was once presented. A person or organization giving the item to the present owner is designated as Donor [dnr] |
Term Name: fnd |
URI: |
Label: |
Funder |
Description: |
A person or organization that furnished financial support for the production of the work. |
Term Name: ill |
URI: |
Label: |
Illustrator |
Description: |
A person or organization who conceives, and perhaps also implements, a design or illustration, usually to accompany a written text. |
Term Name: ive |
URI: |
Label: |
Interviewee |
Description: |
A person or organization who is interviewed at a consultation or meeting, usually by a reporter, pollster, or some other information gathering agent. |
Term Name: ivr |
URI: |
Label: |
Interviewer |
Description: |
A person or organization who acts as a reporter, pollster, or other information gathering agent in a consultation or meeting involving one or more individuals. |
Term Name: inv |
URI: |
Label: |
Inventor |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization who first produces a particular useful item, or develops a new process for obtaining a known item or result. |
Term Name: jrr |
URI: |
Label: |
Juror |
Term Name: lbt |
URI: |
Label: |
Librettist |
Description: |
A person or organization who is a writer of the text of an opera, oratorio, etc. |
Term Name: mfr |
URI: |
Label: |
Manufacturer |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization that makes an artifactual work (an object made or modified by one or more persons). Examples of artifactual works include vases, cannons or pieces of furniture. |
Term Name: orm |
URI: |
Label: |
Organizer of meeting |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization responsible for organizing a meeting for which an item is the report or proceedings. |
Term Name: org |
URI: |
Label: |
Originator |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization performing the work, i.e., the name of a person or organization associated with the intellectual content of the work. This category does not include the publisher or personal affiliation, or sponsor except where it is also the corporate author. |
Term Name: oth |
URI: |
Label: |
Other |
Description: |
Use for author or contributor term which have no equivalent in the MARC list or for terms which have not been assigned a code. |
Note: |
Locally developed code. |
Term Name: own |
URI: |
Label: |
Owner |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization that currently owns an item or collection. |
Term Name: ppm |
URI: |
Label: |
Papermaker |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization responsible for the production of paper, usually from wood, cloth, or other fibrous material. |
Term Name: prf |
URI: |
Label: |
Performer |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization who exhibits musical or acting skills in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment, if specific codes for those functions ([act], [dnc], [itr], [voc], etc.) are not used. If specific codes are used, [prf] is used for a person whose principal skill is not known or specified. |
Term Name: pht |
URI: |
Label: |
Photographer |
Description: |
A person or organization responsible for taking photographs, whether they are used in their original form or as reproductions. |
Term Name: prt |
URI: |
Label: |
Printer |
Description: |
A person or organization who prints texts, whether from type or plates. |
Term Name: pro |
URI: |
Label: |
Producer |
Description: |
A person or organization responsible for the making of a motion picture, including business aspects, management of the productions, and the commercial success of the work. |
Term Name: ptr |
URI: |
Label: |
Proprietor |
Description: |
This is a local designation for a person holding granted rights to oversee the day-to-day activities involved in publication or production. |
Term Name: rce |
URI: |
Label: |
Recording engineer |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization who supervises the technical aspects of a sound or video recording session. |
Term Name: rfr |
URI: |
Label: |
Referee |
Term Name: rpt |
URI: |
Label: |
Reporter |
Description: |
A person or organization who writes or presents reports of news or current events on air or in print |
Term Name: rth |
URI: |
Label: |
Research team head |
Description: |
Use for a person who directed or managed a research project. |
Term Name: rtm |
URI: |
Label: |
Research team member |
Description: |
Use for a person who participated in a research project but whose role did not involve direction or management of it. |
Term Name: res |
URI: |
Label: |
Researcher |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization responsible for performing research. |
Term Name: ret |
URI: |
Label: |
Retailer |
Description: |
A person or organization or company or store that sells the item. |
Term Name: scl |
URI: |
Label: |
Sculptor |
Description: |
A person or organization who models or carves figures that are three-dimensional representations. |
Term Name: spk |
URI: |
Label: |
Speaker |
Description: |
A performer contributing to a resource by speaking words, such as a lecture, speech, etc. |
Term Name: spn |
URI: |
Label: |
Sponsor |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization that issued a contract or under the auspices of which a work has been written, printed, published, etc. |
Term Name: srv |
URI: |
Label: |
Surveyor |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization who does measurements of tracts of land, etc. to determine location, forms, and boundaries. |
Term Name: ths |
URI: |
Label: |
Thesis advisor |
Description: |
Use for a person under whose supervision a degree candidate develops and presents a thesis, memoire, or text of a dissertation. |
Term Name: trc |
URI: |
Label: |
Transcriber |
Description: |
A person who prepares a handwritten or typewritten copy from original material, including from dictated or orally recorded material. |
Term Name: trl |
URI: |
Label: |
Translator |
Description: |
A person or organization who renders a text from one language into another, or from an older form of a language into the modern form. |
Term Name: tyg |
URI: |
Label: |
Typographer |
Description: |
Use for a person or organization primarily responsible for choice and arrangement of type used in an item. If the typographer is also responsible for other aspects of the graphic design of a book (e.g., Book designer [bkd]), codes for both functions may be needed. |
Term Name: vdg |
URI: |
Label: |
Videographer |
Description: |
A person in charge of a video production, e.g. the video recording of a stage production as opposed to a commercial motion picture. The videographer may be the camera operator or may supervise one or more camera operators. Do not confuse with cinematographer |
Term Name: wit |
URI: |
Label: |
Witness |
Description: |
Use for a person who verifies the truthfulness of an event or action. |