{'name': 'rights-qualifiers', 'label': 'Rights Information', 'maintainer': 'Daniel Alemneh', 'order': 'name', 'maintainerEmail': 'daniel.alemneh@unt.edu', 'definition': 'Rights information provides information about rights held in and over the resource describes the conditions under which the work may be used, distributed, reproduced, etc., how these conditions may change over time, and whom to contact regarding the copyright of the work.', 'created': datetime.datetime(2009, 2, 5, 12, 0, 9), 'modified': datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 14, 9, 29, 51), 'terms': [{'name': 'access', 'label': 'Rights Access', 'order': None, 'url': 'https://digital2.library.unt.edu/vocabularies/rights-qualifiers/#access', 'properties': [{'property_name': 'description', 'label': 'The level of access that this resource is allowed.'}]}, {'name': 'holder', 'label': 'Rights Holder', 'order': None, 'url': 'https://digital2.library.unt.edu/vocabularies/rights-qualifiers/#holder', 'properties': [{'property_name': 'description', 'label': 'The one who holds the license/rights to the resources'}]}, {'name': 'license', 'label': 'Rights License', 'order': None, 'url': 'https://digital2.library.unt.edu/vocabularies/rights-qualifiers/#license', 'properties': [{'property_name': 'description', 'label': 'Rights/License associated with the resources'}]}, {'name': 'statement', 'label': 'Rights Statement', 'order': None, 'url': 'https://digital2.library.unt.edu/vocabularies/rights-qualifiers/#statement', 'properties': [{'property_name': 'description', 'label': 'Statement or a link to a detailed statement of the rights for the resource'}]}]}