Term Name: text_article |
URI: |
Label: |
Article |
Description: |
A full article from a periodical, such as a journal, magazine, or newsletter |
Term Name: image_artwork |
URI: |
Label: |
Artwork |
Term Name: text_book |
URI: |
Label: |
Book |
Description: |
A book, atlas, photojournal, ledger, etc. |
Term Name: text_chapter |
URI: |
Label: |
Book Chapter |
Description: |
A full chapter that is part of an anthology or larger, multi-chapter text |
Term Name: text_clipping |
URI: |
Label: |
Clipping |
Description: |
Newspaper clippings and partial excerpts from other published materials (generally removed, physically, from publication, rather than drafted text, which may be an "article" or "chapter") |
Term Name: collection |
URI: |
Label: |
Collection |
Description: |
An aggregation of items. The term collection means that the resource is described as a group; its parts may be separately described and navigated. |
Term Name: dataset |
URI: |
Label: |
Dataset |
Description: |
Information encoded in a defined structure (for example, statistical data file, tables, databases, etc.), intended to be useful for direct machine processing. |
Term Name: image |
URI: |
Label: |
Image |
Description: |
A primarily symbolic visual representation other than text that does not qualify for a more specific defined resource type. For example - logos, diagrams/charts/graphs, illustrations, etc.. Note that image may include both electronic and physical representations. (For moving images see Video.) |
Term Name: interactive-resource |
URI: |
Label: |
Interactive Resource |
Description: |
A resource which requires interaction from the user to be understood, executed, or experienced. For example - forms on web pages, applets, multimedia learning objects, chat services, virtual reality. |
Term Name: text_journal |
URI: |
Label: |
Journal/Magazine/Newsletter |
Description: |
An issue of a periodical such as a journal, magazine, or newsletter |
Term Name: text_legal |
URI: |
Label: |
Legal Document |
Description: |
Court or government legal documents, e.g., affadavits, deeds, wills, land grants, warrants, etc. |
Term Name: text_leg |
URI: |
Label: |
Legislative Document |
Description: |
Materials generated by state and federal legislatures, such as text of bills and resolutions, or session proceedings |
Term Name: text_letter |
URI: |
Label: |
Letter |
Description: |
Materials that are primarily correspondence (e.g., letters, memos, e-mails, etc.), but may include accompanying attachments or envelopes. |
Term Name: image_map |
URI: |
Label: |
Map |
Description: |
An individual map or unbound map sheet |
Term Name: image_score |
URI: |
Label: |
Musical Score/Notation |
Description: |
Sheet music or score |
Term Name: text_newspaper |
URI: |
Label: |
Newspaper |
Description: |
Full issue of a newspaper |
Term Name: text_pamphlet |
URI: |
Label: |
Pamphlet |
Description: |
A non-serial publication under 50 pages including booklets, brochures, small flyers, etc. |
Term Name: text_paper |
URI: |
Label: |
Paper |
Description: |
Written composition such as an essay, working/discussion paper, white paper, etc. |
Term Name: text_patent |
URI: |
Label: |
Patent |
Description: |
An issued patent including a description for an invention and often diagram(s) |
Term Name: image_photo |
URI: |
Label: |
Photograph |
Description: |
Photographic print, negative, or slide |
Term Name: physical-object |
URI: |
Label: |
Physical Object |
Description: |
An inanimate, three-dimensional object or substance. For example -- a computer, a wooden box, a sculpture. Use "physical object" to categorize museum objects that have digital representations in the Portal. Use "image" to categorize physical objects that are incidentally represented in photographs. |
Term Name: text_poem |
URI: |
Label: |
Poem |
Description: |
Individual or collected poetry or verse text, not published as a "book" |
Term Name: image_postcard |
URI: |
Label: |
Postcard |
Description: |
Image or text printed on a card, intended to be mailed (with or without handwritten notes) |
Term Name: image_poster |
URI: |
Label: |
Poster |
Description: |
Poster or broadside, usually larger than a flyer (pamphlet), intended for advertisement, decoration, information (e.g., a research or conference poster), etc. |
Term Name: image_presentation |
URI: |
Label: |
Presentation |
Description: |
Images or text used as visual aids for a speech, lecture, seminar/webinar, or other presentation |
Term Name: text_prose |
URI: |
Label: |
Prose fiction |
Description: |
A literary composition not classified as poetry such as a novel, novella, or short story |
Term Name: text_report |
URI: |
Label: |
Report |
Description: |
A research, statistical, technical, or summary report written by an individual, organization, or other agency |
Term Name: text_review |
URI: |
Label: |
Review |
Description: |
A written commentary on an item (books, artwork, journals, etc.) or an event (performances, conferences, exhibitions, etc.) |
Term Name: text_script |
URI: |
Label: |
Script |
Description: |
Text of plays, speeches, etc., meant to be read or performed |
Term Name: software |
URI: |
Label: |
Software |
Description: |
A computer program in source or compiled form which may be available for installation non-transiently on another machine. For software which exists only to create an interactive environment, use interactive resource instead. |
Term Name: sound |
URI: |
Label: |
Sound |
Description: |
A resource consisting of content primarily intended to be rendered as audio. For example - a music playback file format, an audio compact disc, and recorded speech or sounds. |
Term Name: specimen |
URI: |
Label: |
Specimen |
Description: |
Scientific sample |
Term Name: image_drawing |
URI: |
Label: |
Technical Drawing |
Term Name: text |
URI: |
Label: |
Text |
Description: |
A resource consisting of content that is primarily words for reading that does not qualify for a more specific defined resource type, such as: a certificate, handwritten note, printed forms, business cards, invoices, tickets, receipts, ballots, meeting minutes/agendas, etc. |
Term Name: text_etd |
URI: |
Label: |
Thesis or Dissertation |
Term Name: video |
URI: |
Label: |
Video |
Description: |
A moving image or a series of visual representations that, when shown in succession, impart an impression of motion. |
Term Name: website |
URI: |
Label: |
Website |
Description: |
A set of interconnected webpages |
Term Name: text_yearbook |
URI: |
Label: |
Yearbook |
Description: |
School yearbook or group annual |