Term Name: ARK |
URI: |
Label: |
Archival Resource Key (ARK) |
Term Name: BRAC-NUM |
URI: |
Label: |
BRAC Number |
Description: |
BRAC Number is used to designate the numbers assigned by the Base Reassignment and Closure Commission to documentation involved with their activities.
Term Name: CALL-NO |
URI: |
Label: |
Call Number |
Description: |
An alphanumeric code assigned to each item in the library to determine its subject and indicate its location on the shelves. [NB:. Considering the local uniqueness of Call No., we recommend to use it in conjunction with other identifiers.] |
Term Name: CASI |
URI: |
Label: |
Center for AeroSpace Information Number |
Term Name: CRS |
URI: |
Label: |
CRS Report Number |
Description: |
The Congressional Research Service Report Number. [NB: The CRS reports are made available for public by the Government Documents Department at the UNT Libraries.] |
Term Name: DOI |
URI: |
Label: |
Description: |
Digital Object Identifier, the opaque string used as an identifier by the DOI System. DOIs may be used to identify any intellectual property entity, including those already identified by systems such as ISBN. |
Term Name: GOVNO |
URI: |
Label: |
Government Documents No. |
Description: |
A unique identifier which designates documents published by government agencies. Generally used when a more specific type option is not available. |
Term Name: GRANTNO |
URI: |
Label: |
Grant Number |
Description: |
The grant number assigned by the agency. |
Term Name: ISBN |
URI: |
Label: |
Description: |
The ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a unique machine-readable identification number, which marks any book unmistakably. This number is defined in ISO Standard 2108. |
Term Name: ISSN |
URI: |
Label: |
Description: |
The ISSN(International Standard Serial Number) is an eight-digit number which identifies periodical publications as such, including electronic serials. More than one million ISSN numbers have so far been assigned. |
Term Name: LCCN |
URI: |
Label: |
Library of Congress Control Number |
Description: |
The LCCN (formerly known as Library of Congress Card Number) was the number used to identify and control catalog cards. With the development of the MARC format and the first distribution of machine-readable records for book materials in the late 1960s, the name of the LCCN was changed to Library of Congress Control Number. LCCNs are used for authority, bibliographic and classification records and the basic control number has been fixed in length at 12 characters. |
Term Name: LOCAL-CONT-NO |
URI: |
Label: |
Accession or Local Control No |
Description: |
Other pointers to the metadata in the local system. Most commonly, these will be accession numbers assigned by a museum, archive, or special collection, or local numbers used by a collector to identify elements of his or her collection. |
Term Name: OCLC |
URI: |
Label: |
Description: |
The Online Computer Library CenterOCLC) is an online cataloging system shared by libraries worldwide, and an "OCLC number" is a unique identifying number attached to all records in the OCLC cataloging and interlibrary loan database. In WorldCat, the "OCLC number" is called the Accession number. |
Term Name: OSTI |
URI: |
Label: |
Office of Scientific & Technical Information Report Number |
Description: |
Office of Scientific & Technical Information Report Number |
Term Name: OTHER |
URI: |
Label: |
Other |
Term Name: PAT-NO |
URI: |
Label: |
Patent Number |
Term Name: REP-NO |
URI: |
Label: |
Report No. |
Description: |
A publisher-supplied number identifying a report-- usually within a series of similar reports. The report number will normally be found on the title page, documentation page, and/or cover of a report. The number may be a standard technical report number formulated to the ANSI/NISO Z39.23 standard, or a less standardized number designed to work within an organizational scheme of the issuing agency's publications. |
Term Name: RISM |
URI: |
Label: |
RISM No. |
Description: |
A unique identifier within RĂ©pertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM), the International Inventory of Musical Sources. |
Term Name: SERIESNO |
URI: |
Label: |
Series Number |
Term Name: SUDOC |
URI: |
Label: |
SuDoc Number |
Description: |
The Superintendent of Documents (SuDocs) classification system is designed to group together publications by the same government author. This number usually consists of an alphabetic identifier for the agency (e.g. CR for Civil Rights Commission) followed by a series of numbers that represent both the type of publication, the department within the agency that produced the publication, and the year or congressional session the material was produced. The purpose of this system is to uniquely identify, logically relate, and physically arrange each publication so that all publications of a single agency or department may be found together. The UNT Libraries Government Documents Department, one of the Federal Depository Libraries, uses this number to arrange the publications of the Commission on the shelves. |
Term Name: TXDOC |
URI: |
Label: |
TxDoc Number |
Description: |
Texas Document Classification (TxDoc) number uniquely identify Texas state documents. The UNT Libraries Government Documents Department uses this number to arrange the publications of the State on the shelves in the library. |
Term Name: UNT-TITLE-ID |
URI: |
Label: |
UNT Title Identifier |
Description: |
Identifier assigned by the UNT Libraries' Title App in the Aubrey system to uniquely identify title records in the system. |
Term Name: UNTCAT |
URI: |
Label: |
UNT Catalog No. |
Description: |
A unique identifier within the UNT Libraries' online catalog system. From the current III catalog, the bibliographic record number will be used. |
Term Name: URL |
URI: |
Label: |
Description: |
Uniform Resource Locator: The global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web. The first part of the address indicates what protocol to use, and the second part specifies the IP address or the domain name where the resource is located. |
Term Name: URN |
URI: |
Label: |
Description: |
A particular scheme, urn:, specified by RFC2141 and related documents, intended to serve as persistent, location-independent, resource identifiers. A URI that has an institutional commitment to persistence, availability, etc. Note that this sort of URI may also be a URL. See, for example, PURLs. |
Term Name: UUID |
URI: |
Label: |
Universally Unique Identifier |
Description: |
UUID is an identifier standard used in software construction, standardized by the Open Software Foundation (OSF) as part of the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE). |