{'name': 'formats', 'label': 'Format', 'maintainer': 'Daniel Alemneh', 'order': 'name', 'maintainerEmail': 'daniel.alemneh@unt.edu', 'definition': 'Format is the structural type of the digital manifestation.', 'created': datetime.datetime(2008, 3, 5, 11, 12, 47), 'modified': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 17, 10, 40, 40), 'terms': [{'name': 'audio', 'label': 'Audio', 'order': None, 'url': 'https://digital2.library.unt.edu/vocabularies/formats/#audio', 'properties': [{'property_name': 'description', 'label': 'Data stored in a sound file format.'}]}, {'name': 'image', 'label': 'Image', 'order': None, 'url': 'https://digital2.library.unt.edu/vocabularies/formats/#image', 'properties': [{'property_name': 'description', 'label': 'A two-dimensional graphical representation of a scene. It is a visual pattern used by interfaces to display units and terrain.'}]}, {'name': 'other', 'label': 'Other', 'order': None, 'url': 'https://digital2.library.unt.edu/vocabularies/formats/#other', 'properties': [{'property_name': 'description', 'label': 'Formats that do not fit into any of the other categories on this list.'}]}, {'name': 'text', 'label': 'Text', 'order': None, 'url': 'https://digital2.library.unt.edu/vocabularies/formats/#text', 'properties': [{'property_name': 'description', 'label': 'A written or printed document. There are no pictures, graphic art, sounds or moving video; just the words you see on the screen.'}]}, {'name': 'video', 'label': 'Video', 'order': None, 'url': 'https://digital2.library.unt.edu/vocabularies/formats/#video', 'properties': [{'property_name': 'description', 'label': 'Recorded moving images such as those seen on television. A video camera is used to photograph real objects or people and the single images are played back at a rate of anywhere from about 8 to 30 frames per second. Often, video includes accompanying audio, and in some cases, it also includes some computer-generated animation.'}]}, {'name': 'website', 'label': 'Website', 'order': None, 'url': 'https://digital2.library.unt.edu/vocabularies/formats/#website', 'properties': [{'property_name': 'description', 'label': 'A set of interconnected webpages'}]}]}