Synthetic Liquid Fuels: Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior for 1951; Part 1 - Oil from Coal (open access)

Synthetic Liquid Fuels: Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior for 1951; Part 1 - Oil from Coal

Report issued by the Bureau of Mines over an annual study of synthetic liquid fuel production. Results of the annual study are presented and discussed. This report includes maps, tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: July 1952
Creator: unknown
System: The UNT Digital Library
Low-Temperature Carbonization Assays of North American Coals (open access)

Low-Temperature Carbonization Assays of North American Coals

Report issued by the Bureau of Mines over studies conducted on low-temperature carbonization of coal. Methods and results of the studies are presented and discussed. This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: 1957
Creator: Selvig, W. A. & Ode, W. H.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Microscopic Structure and Concentratability of the Important Iron Ores of the United States (open access)

Microscopic Structure and Concentratability of the Important Iron Ores of the United States

Outline of Problem: "This paper covers a survey of 19 ores collected from seven of the more important iron-ore districts of the United States and is a contribution by the ore-dressing section of the United States Bureau of Mines to general research program on iron and steel being conducted by the Bureau."
Date: 1936
Creator: Cooke, S. R. B.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Coal-Washing Investigations: Methods and Tests (open access)

Coal-Washing Investigations: Methods and Tests

From Introduction: "The investigations described in this bulletin are confined to a study of the washing characteristics of bituminous coals. The washing characteristics of coals from many of the most important coal-producing fields of the Eastern and Central States were examined."
Date: 1929
Creator: Yancey, H. F. & Fraser, Thomas
System: The UNT Digital Library
Analyses of Tipple and Delivered Samples of Coal: (Collected During the Fiscal Years 1948 to 1950 Inclusive) (open access)

Analyses of Tipple and Delivered Samples of Coal: (Collected During the Fiscal Years 1948 to 1950 Inclusive)

From Forward: "This bulletin is the first of a new series, which includes analyses of only tipple and delivered coal. It covers samples collected throughout the United States from July 1, 1947 to June 30, 1950 (fiscal years 1948-50). It is planned that future publications of this series will cover a period of one fiscal year only and be issued as soon as possible after June 30 of each year."
Date: 1953
Creator: Snyder, N. H. & Aresco, S. J.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Flood Prevention in Anthracite Mines, Northern Field: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania, Project Number 3 (Wyoming) (open access)

Flood Prevention in Anthracite Mines, Northern Field: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania, Project Number 3 (Wyoming)

From Scope of Report: "This report covers the following: (a) A brief description of the work contemplated under Project No. 3 as an integral part of the Conowingo tunnel system; (b) an economic discussion of the area affected; (c) the geology and hydrology of the Northern field, including the Wyoming Basin; (d) the basic problem, plans, and costs, and the construction schedule of the project; (e) an economic analysis and a justification for the project; (f) recommendations and cooperation of local interests; and (g) final conclusions."
Date: 1955
Creator: Ash, S. H. (Simon Harry), b. 1889; Dierks, H. A.; Kynor, H. D.; Lesser, W. H.; Miller, P. S. & Romischer, W. M.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Flood Prevention in Anthracite Mines: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania, Projects Numbers 4 and 5 (open access)

Flood Prevention in Anthracite Mines: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania, Projects Numbers 4 and 5

From Scope of Reports: "This report covers the following: (a) A brief description of the work proposed under Projects Nos. 4 and 5; (b) the topography, geology and hydrology of the area into which the sections of the proposed tunnel are to be driven; (c) plans, costs, and construction schedules of the projects; and (d) conclusions and recommendations."
Date: 1956
Creator: Ash, S. H. (Simon Harry), b. 1889; Dierks, H. A. & Kennedy, D. O.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Barrier Pillars in Wyoming Basin, Northern Field: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania (open access)

Barrier Pillars in Wyoming Basin, Northern Field: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania

From Introduction: "The purpose of this report is to furnish factual data on barrier pillars that enter into the water problem of the Wyoming Basin; these data will, in turn, be helpful in solving the anthracite-mine-water problem of the Northern field."
Date: 1954
Creator: Ash, S. H. (Simon Harry), b. 1889
System: The UNT Digital Library
Coal-Mine Accidents in the United States and Foreign Countries (open access)

Coal-Mine Accidents in the United States and Foreign Countries

From Introduction: "The lack of comparable and accurate statistics of coal-mine accidents in the united States as a whole led the Bureau of Mines in 1911 to undertake the collection of such data. The mining departments of the leading foreign coal-producing countries have long taken cognizance of the importance of statistics. The bureau feels that in presenting the tables embodied in this report it is offering the and comparable statistics of coal-min accidents for the country as a whole that have ever been published."
Date: 1913
Creator: Horton, Frederick W.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Oil and Gas Wells through Workable Coal Beds: Papers and Discussions (open access)

Oil and Gas Wells through Workable Coal Beds: Papers and Discussions

From Preface: "In carrying out such a policy with reference to the subject under consideration, the Bureau of Mines invited the State geologists, mine inspectors, and a number of coal operators and oil and gas well drillers from the States interested to meet representatives of the Bureau of Mines in Pittsburgh, Pa., for a discussion of the subject during February 7 and February 8, 1913. This adjourned meeting of the conference will be held at an early date and its report will be printed in a later edition of this bulletin, with such additional suggestions as may be received by the Bureau of Mines. The bureau will be glad, therefore, to receive at the earliest practicable date any additional suggestions or any additional information throwing light on the matters discussed in this bulletin."
Date: 1913
Creator: Rice, George S. & Hood, O. P.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Analyses of Coals in the United States with Descriptions of Mine and Field Samples Collected between July 1, 1904 and June 30, 1910: Part 1. -- Analyses (open access)

Analyses of Coals in the United States with Descriptions of Mine and Field Samples Collected between July 1, 1904 and June 30, 1910: Part 1. -- Analyses

From Significance and value of Analyses of Coal: "The analyses published in this report cover samples of coal collected in many different parts of the country with unusual care by experiences men, in such manner as to make them representative of extensive beds of coal."
Date: 1913
Creator: Lord, N. W.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Analyses of Coals in the United States with Descriptions of Mine and Field Samples Collected between July 1, 1904 and June 30, 1910 Part 2. Descriptions of Samples (open access)

Analyses of Coals in the United States with Descriptions of Mine and Field Samples Collected between July 1, 1904 and June 30, 1910 Part 2. Descriptions of Samples

From Introduction: "This volume contains the descriptions of the samples whose analyses are published in the preceding volume, Part I of this bulletin. The descriptions have been compiled from the notebooks of the persons who collected the samples, have been condensed from accounts given in published reports of the United States Geological Survey, or have furnished by the collection themselves. Inasmuch as the descriptions represent the work of many persons during a period of six years, and inasmuch as they were recorded under widely differing conditions, they necessarily vary in fullness detail."
Date: 1913
Creator: Lord, N. W.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Review of State Mine Inspector's Reports as They Relate to Accidents from Falls of Roof (open access)

Review of State Mine Inspector's Reports as They Relate to Accidents from Falls of Roof

Report issued by the U.S. Bureau of Mines over state mine inspection reports from 19 U.S. states. The information in the reports includes details of accidents, locations that specific accidents occurred, and proposed remedies for prevention of future accidents. This report includes tables.
Date: April 1929
Creator: Paul, James Washington
System: The UNT Digital Library
Thickness of Bituminous Coal and Lignite Seams Mined in the United States in 1945 (open access)

Thickness of Bituminous Coal and Lignite Seams Mined in the United States in 1945

Report issued by the U.S. Bureau of Mines discussing bituminous coal and lignite seams found in the United States. The thickness of seams from several U.S. states is compared, as well as the mining methods employed. This report includes maps, tables, and illustrations.
Date: December 1947
Creator: Young, W. H. & Anderson, R. L.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Loss of Life Among Wearers of Oxygen Breathing Apparatus (open access)

Loss of Life Among Wearers of Oxygen Breathing Apparatus

Report issued by the U.S. Bureau of Mines discussing fatalities of mine workers while wearing self-contained oxygen breathing apparatuses. Descriptions of the circumstances surrounding the deaths of 26 workers are presented. This report includes a table.
Date: April 1944
Creator: Grove, G. W.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Mineral Facts and Problems, 1956 (open access)

Mineral Facts and Problems, 1956

Report issued by the Bureau of Mines over mineral characteristics, uses, and problems. Descriptions of common minerals and their uses are presented and discussed. This report includes tables, maps, and illustrations.
Date: 1956
Creator: United States. Bureau of Mines.
System: The UNT Digital Library