The Effects of a Home-Based, Audio Cassette Marriage Enrichment Course on Marital Communication and Marital Adjustment (open access)

The Effects of a Home-Based, Audio Cassette Marriage Enrichment Course on Marital Communication and Marital Adjustment

This study investigated the effects of a home-based, audio cassette marriage enrichment course on marital communication and marital adjustment. The marriage enrichment course evaluated in this study consisted of two audio cassette tapes, each containing two sessions of approximately 45 minutes in length, and one work booklet. The course contained exercises emphasizing the development of communication skills, encouragement of self-disclosure, learning of empathy skills, and the setting of personal and mutual goals. The unique aspects of the course were the home-based setting in which the couples completed the program, and the self-enclosed audio cassette nature of the course.
Date: August 1984
Creator: Anderson, Larry D. (Larry Don)
System: The UNT Digital Library
Perceptions of Student Participants Toward Small Business Institute Programs at Selected Institutions of Higher Education in Texas (open access)

Perceptions of Student Participants Toward Small Business Institute Programs at Selected Institutions of Higher Education in Texas

This investigation examines the perceptions of students enrolled in Small Business Institute (SBI) courses at six collegiate schools of business toward various aspects of the SBI experience. A questionnaire, adapted from an earlier study, was assessed for content validity by appropriate authorities in the areas of the SBI, entrepreneurship, and business communications. Two administrations of the questionnaire were given at an approximate three-month interval. The initial administration preceded all contacts between student consultants and clients. The second administration was given some three months later to essentially the same body of students following extensive contacts with clients. More than 75 per cent of the pre-test respondents also took the post test, thereby augmenting the validity of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Chi-square statistics employed in the study. Results of the study indicate the existence of significant inter-school differences among student perceptions toward the SBI experience, both prior and subsequent to the initiation of contacts with clients. On the other hand, there were no significant differences in pre- and post-administration response patterns within the schools.
Date: December 1984
Creator: Aston, William S.
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Use of Computers in the Administration of Non-Public Schools (open access)

The Use of Computers in the Administration of Non-Public Schools

The purposes of this study were (1) to identify the uses of computers in non-public school administration and (2) to determine what factors affect the usage of computers in non-public school administration. An eight per cent (1525 schools) sampling of all nonpublic secondary and elementary in the United States was sent questionnaires. Eight hundred and seventy two (57 per cent) were returned. Some major findings of this study were that 36 per cent of all non-public schools use computers for administrative purposes. Non-public secondary schools use computers significantly more for administration than do non-public elementary schools. Independent schools, those not associated with any religious body, use computers significantly more for administration than do Parochial schools, those affiliated with some religious body. Within the Parochial classification, there is no significant difference in administrative computer usage between Catholic and Other Parochial schools. Schools with an enrollment larger than 500 students use administrative computers more frequently than do smaller schools. Administrators not using administrative computers perceived that the expense of computers and the lack of trained computer personnel were the major reasons they were not using computers. Administrators using computers for administrative functions listed word processing, general accounting, payroll, grading, attendance monitering and …
Date: December 1984
Creator: Beyer, Stephen
System: The UNT Digital Library
A Comparative Study of Opinions Concerning Faculty Teaching Behaviors Among Faculty Members and Senior Teacher Training Students in Six Teachers Colleges in Bangkok Thailand (open access)

A Comparative Study of Opinions Concerning Faculty Teaching Behaviors Among Faculty Members and Senior Teacher Training Students in Six Teachers Colleges in Bangkok Thailand

The purpose of this study is to compare the opinions concerning faculty teaching behaviors among groups of faculty members and senior teacher training students in six teachers colleges in Bangkok, Thailand. Five research hypotheses guided the data analysis for this study; the variables used were sex, age, teaching experience, and college of employment. A published, validated survey instrument, which lists sixty-one behavioral items and incorporates a Likert-type response scale, was used to collect the data. Random sampling of the population corresponded to existing male-female ratios for each group at each schools, with the exception of one school that has only female students. From the sample of 480, the total response was 85.6 percent. In order to test for significant differences of opinion among the variables and between the groups at the .05 level, t and F tests were applied. The data indicate that 70.5 percent of the 190 responding faculty are females who have taught for more than ten years; females also constitute 72.4 percent of the 221 senior teacher training students. In regard to opinions of appropriate faculty teaching behaviors, significant differences were found between faculty and students (faculty members had higher mean scores) and between male and female …
Date: December 1984
Creator: Bhulapatna, Prakit
System: The UNT Digital Library
Teacher Competency Testing: Practices and Perceptions in Selected States in the Nation (open access)

Teacher Competency Testing: Practices and Perceptions in Selected States in the Nation

The problem of this study was to analyze the utilization of teacher competency testing in the eleven states that originally enacted legislation requiring teacher competency testing. A questionnaire was developed, validated, pretested, and finally submitted to state and local superintendents in eleven states. Thirty-three questionnaires were returned representing 75 percent of the questionnaires mailed. Responses were reported in percentage tables. An analysis of variance program was conducted on all data to determine whether the perceptions of the state and local superintendents were significantly different on each question. An analysis of the findings of this study led to the following conclusions. 1. The benefits of teacher testing to state agencies, schools of education, school districts, and society outweigh the disadvantages of increased budgets and larger educational bureaucracies and the possibility of teacher shortages. 2. Teacher competency testing procedures are used primarily for entrance to and graduation from teacher education programs and for certification purposes. 3. Characteristics of a comprehensive teacher competency testing program include a written assessment of acquired knowledge, procedures for evaluating an applicant during student teaching, a probationary period prior to permanent certification, additional training or assistance for teachers, and provisions for retaking of failed examinations. 4. Evidence indicates …
Date: December 1984
Creator: Bolton, Patricia A. (Patricia Ann)
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Utilization of U.S. Higher Education and Training by Foreign Naval Officers (open access)

The Utilization of U.S. Higher Education and Training by Foreign Naval Officers

The problem with which this study is concerned is the degree of utilization by foreign officers, who were selected for the United States International Military Education and Training Program (IMET), to train their fellow navy officers and men upon returning to their home countries. The purposes of this study are (1) to identify and evaluate methods that may be used to monitor and verify that the American training of foreign officers is being used as intended by Congress; (2) to examine the subsequent impact of such training on indigenous educational and training capabilities; (3) to examine the methods used to select the officers to be included m the IMET program; and (4) to examine funding allocations for IMET to discover if a rational budgeting process exists.
Date: August 1984
Creator: Bowling, Weldon James
System: The UNT Digital Library
Secondary Laboratory Teachers' Student Grouping Decisions: A Descriptive Study (open access)

Secondary Laboratory Teachers' Student Grouping Decisions: A Descriptive Study

Teachers use student grouping to reduce the complexities of the classroom. Grouping has been credited with making behavior more predictable, improving interpersonal skills, and making instruction easier by increasing homogeneity. Research suggests that teachers' grouping decisions are influenced by characteristics of the student, the teacher, the task, and the environment. Research on grouping has centered on elementary classes, with little investigation of secondary classes. The purpose of this study was to describe the influences on secondary laboratory teachers' grouping decisions in a naturally occurring secondary school setting.
Date: May 1984
Creator: Brooks, JoAnn Stewart
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Composing Processes of Blind Writers (open access)

The Composing Processes of Blind Writers

An examination of the composing processes of blind writers was conducted to determine the strategies used by these composers. Two individuals blind from birth and two persons blinded later in life participated in the study. Using participant observation and stimulated recall, the researcher examined the composing processes of these subjects. Each individual participated in four writing sessions and used the compose-aloud technique where by the composer repeats orally any thoughts that occur during writing. In addition, an interview was conducted with each participant which provided a writing history, attitude toward writing, and composing strategies. Results of the research indicated that blind writers use the same basic processes of writing as reported for sighted writers. Blind writers in this study did not make written plans prior to writing and spent between one and four minutes in prewriting. Planning was an ongoing feature of the composing process. The writers in this study demonstrated the recursive feature of composing. Rescanning was a continual part of their composing sessions . Three of the subjects reported using rescanning for planning and editing. One individual reported using rescanning for editing only. Some differences were found in the blind writers as compared to the research on sighted …
Date: December 1984
Creator: Bryant, Deborah Goforth
System: The UNT Digital Library
A Study of Motivation to Work and Job Satisfaction of Student Activities Advisors at Srinakharinwirot University in Thailand (open access)

A Study of Motivation to Work and Job Satisfaction of Student Activities Advisors at Srinakharinwirot University in Thailand

The problem with which this study is concerned is the motivation to work and the job satisfaction of faculty members who work both as full-time instructors and student activities advisors at eight campuses of Srinakharinwirot University in Thailand. In relationship to the respondent student activities advisors, the purposes of this study were (a) to study the perceived relationship between motivation to work and job satisfaction, (b) to compare perceptions of motivation to work and job satisfaction according to selected demographic variables, and (c) to determine whether or not these variables significantly contribute to the prediction of motivation to work and job satisfaction for the sample population. Two published survey instruments were used to collect the data. Both instruments were administered to 206 student activities advisors of Srinakharinwirot University; usable, completed questionnaires were returned by 191 (92,7%) respondents. The statistical treatments applied to the collected data for seven research hypotheses include the Kentall Tau correlation coefficient, one-way analysis of variance, and multiple regression analysis. The numerous data findings from this study appear to support several conclusions. Among these are that although the respondent faculty members who were also student activities advisors were modestly motivated to accept the additional advisory responsibilities, feelings …
Date: December 1984
Creator: Chatsupakul, Khompet
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Perceptions of Teacher-Coordinators and Employers of Senior Cooperative Students as to the Role of the Employer in the Fort Worth Independent School District's Vocational Office Education Program (open access)

The Perceptions of Teacher-Coordinators and Employers of Senior Cooperative Students as to the Role of the Employer in the Fort Worth Independent School District's Vocational Office Education Program

The problem of this investigation was to clarify the responsibilities of the employer participating in the VOE program. Three major purposes were stated: (1) to determine the role expectations of employers of VOE students as perceived by employers participating in the program; (2) to determine the role expectations of employers as perceived by the VOE teacher-coordinators; and, (3) to determine if any significant differences existed between the employer perceptions and those of the teacher-coordinators. To obtain information, questionnaires were sent to a random sample of fifty employers participating in the VOE program during the 1983-84 school year. An identical survey instrument was administered to thirty VOE teacher-coordinators in Fort Worth. A Chi-square test of independence was applied to the data to test the hypotheses, with the .05 level used as the point of rejection. Of the seventeen surveyed possible role functions addressed, a majority of the employers responded positively to sixteen, were undecided about one, and responded negatively to none. A majority of the teacher-coordinators responded positively to eleven, were undecided about six, and responded negatively to none. One significant difference existed between the employer perceptions and those of the teacher-coordinators concerning one training responsibility which resulted in the rejection …
Date: December 1984
Creator: Collet, Terry A.
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Relationship of Satisfaction, Academic Achievement, and Goal Commitment to Student Retention in a Baccalaureate Nursing Program (open access)

The Relationship of Satisfaction, Academic Achievement, and Goal Commitment to Student Retention in a Baccalaureate Nursing Program

The problem in this investigation is retention of nursing students. The purpose is to identify, describe, and analyze existing relationships between satisfaction with college, academic achievement, and goal commitment for nursing majors in a baccalaureate nursing program that has high retention. Data were collected using two survey instruments and student grade-point averages.
Date: August 1984
Creator: Curry, Linda C. (Linda Cox)
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Perception of Present Administrator Competencies and The Future Training Needs and Programs for Public School Administrators in Cross River State, Nigeria (open access)

The Perception of Present Administrator Competencies and The Future Training Needs and Programs for Public School Administrators in Cross River State, Nigeria

The problem of this study was to determine how Nigeria's public education system might be improved through the improvement of the competency of school administrators. The study's four purposes were to identify present administrator levels of competency and present and future competency needs and to suggest training programs to develop present and future competencies needed by Nigerian school administrators. A survey instrument was utilized to assess perceptions of administrators, professors, students, and bureaucrats. A 70 per cent response rate from each of the eight groups studied (totaling 230 persons) was considered acceptable. Analysis of the findings reveals that all groups of respondents perceived all 53 competency areas to be important to highly important for public school administrators to possess at present and in the future. Differences of opinion appeared with respect to present levels of competency, but a fairly high degree of concurrence existed among all eight groups of respondents with regard to 17 areas of lowest present competence among practicing administrators. Respondents suggested very few methods and programs for improving present levels of administrator competency. In those areas in which respondents perceived lower levels of competency among administrators, deficiencies were generally attributed to lack of governmental cooperation. On the …
Date: December 1984
Creator: Etim, Gerald O. (Gerald Okon)
System: The UNT Digital Library
An Analysis of the Vocal Teaching Techniques of Allan Rogers Lindquest (open access)

An Analysis of the Vocal Teaching Techniques of Allan Rogers Lindquest

The problem with which this research is concerned is the documentation of Allan Rogers Lindquest's vocal teaching techniques and contributions to the field of vocal pedagogy in America from 1974 to 1981. The purpose of this study is the identification and compilation of voice building techniques and vocal exercises that were formulated for vocal pedagogy by Lindquest. As a result of reviewing the literature related to vocal pedagogy, which identifies methods of voice teaching and contrasts pedagogical styles, the research questions developed for this study concern the identification and classification of Lindquest's teaching techniques in instructional areas that include breath and breath support, areas of resonance, vowels and vowel modification, vocal registers, other related areas of vocal production, and the directions for and expected results of special vocal exercises. The sources of data for this study are verbatim transcripts of fifty-six audio tapes of voice lessons conducted by Lindquest with seven students.
Date: August 1984
Creator: Forrest, Margaret O. (Margaret Ogburn)
System: The UNT Digital Library
A Descriptive Profile of Adjudicated and Nonadjudicated Adolescents Educated at a Juvenile Center/School for Disruptive and/or Maladapted Youth (open access)

A Descriptive Profile of Adjudicated and Nonadjudicated Adolescents Educated at a Juvenile Center/School for Disruptive and/or Maladapted Youth

The purpose of this investigation was to develop a descriptive profile of both adjudicated and nonadjudicated adolescents educated in a juvenile center/school for delinquent and/or maladapted youth in order to (a) disclose the characteristics of the contemporary adolescent delinquent educated in a community based facility with both day and residential components, (b) discern any differences in demographic data, scholastic data, handicapping conditions, and delinquent behaviors among handicapped and nonhandicapped adolescents with delinquent or maladaptive behaviors, and (c) discover the prevalence by types of handicaps exhibited by this population since the implementation of Public Law 94-142. The subjects for the study were 102 adolescents educated in a juvenile center/school during September 1, 1981, through August 31, 1982.
Date: August 1984
Creator: Gilliam, Brenda McKinney
System: The UNT Digital Library
A History of State Level Curriculum Legislation Affecting Texas Public Elementary Schools, 1950-1983 (open access)

A History of State Level Curriculum Legislation Affecting Texas Public Elementary Schools, 1950-1983

The problem with which this study is concerned is that of tracing the history of state level laws and resolutions which affected the elementary school curriculum in Texas' public schools during the years 1950-1983. The roles of the legislature, the State Board of Education, and the State Department of Education in relation to the curriculum are presented. The purposes of the study are to review state level legislation since 1950 that affected the curriculum, to update the work of earlier historical accounts of public education in Texas, and to provide a basis for understanding the current state of curriculum by focusing on its evolution. Inspection of the data reveals that numerous topics were added to the elementary curriculum during the years under study, resulting in a fragmented and complex curriculum. Many of these topics were repealed in 1981. The study concludes that the State Board of Education and the State Department of Education, as well as the legislature exert considerable influence over the curriculum, and that this influence seems likely to increase as the result of reform legislation enacted in 1981. Further study relating to the implementation effects of the new curriculum is recommended.
Date: December 1984
Creator: Love, Dorothy Anne
System: The UNT Digital Library
Perceptions of Vocational Administrators, Vocational Counselors and Vocational Teachers Toward Selected Issues in Vocational Education (open access)

Perceptions of Vocational Administrators, Vocational Counselors and Vocational Teachers Toward Selected Issues in Vocational Education

The purposes of this study were to determine the perceptions of vocational administrators, vocational counselors, and vocational teachers toward selected issues in vocational education. This study surveyed randomly selected vocational administrators, vocational counselors, and vocational teachers by means of a questionnaire designed to ascertain perceptions toward selected issues related to three categories: policies and procedures, curricula, and societal implications. The Likert-type scale instrument consisted of 26 items covering the three categories. A total of 116 returned useable questionnaires of the 150 sent. Vocational administrators returned 90% (4 5 instruments); vocational counselors returned 70% (35 instruments); and vocational teachers returned 72% (36 instruments).
Date: August 1984
Creator: McHam, Marilyn
System: The UNT Digital Library
Social Interest and Job Satisfaction Among Full-Time Employed Nurses (open access)

Social Interest and Job Satisfaction Among Full-Time Employed Nurses

This cross-sectional survey examined the relationship between social interest, as postulated by Alfred Adler, and job satisfaction among full-time employed registered nurses to determine whether social interest was related to work attitude and whether job satisfaction was related to age, level of education, experience, and type of position in nursing.
Date: August 1984
Creator: Nelson, A. Susan (Alice Susan)
System: The UNT Digital Library
A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of the Relaxation Response and Personalized Relaxation Tapes in Medical Technology Students (open access)

A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of the Relaxation Response and Personalized Relaxation Tapes in Medical Technology Students

This investigation was a development of a Personalized Relaxation Technique which was used in a comparative study of the effectiveness of this technique with the Relaxation Response, a popular relaxation method. The purpose of the study were (1) to design a Personalized Relaxation Technique and (2) to determine if this Personalized Relaxation Technique is as effective as the Relaxation Response. From the analysis of the data, no significant difference was found tin the three groups. Therefore, the two hypotheses were rejected. The conclusion of the study were (1) discrepancies exist in the literature concerning various relaxation techniques, (2) individual differences may be responsible for these discrepancies, and (3) fine tuning is needed between the theoretical concepts of a study on a relaxation technique and the research measures used to explore these concepts.
Date: December 1984
Creator: Ramsey, Michael Kirby
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Perceived Attitudes of Medical and Health School Faculty Deans Concerning Selected Factors of Employee Assistance Programs (open access)

The Perceived Attitudes of Medical and Health School Faculty Deans Concerning Selected Factors of Employee Assistance Programs

The problem with which this study is concerned is to determine the perceived attitudes of medical and health school deans toward selected factors that are related to employee assistance programs (EPAs). These factors, which are variables in this study, include perceptions toward EPAs of necessity and desirability, purposes and goals, services offered, policies and procedures, sources of referrals, and barriers to successful implementation.
Date: May 1984
Creator: Scherschell, Jack R. (Jack Roland)
System: The UNT Digital Library
Attributional Predispositions and Attributions for Success and Failure Among Seriously Emotionally Disturbed Adolescent Males and Nondisturbed Regular Education Adolescent Males (open access)

Attributional Predispositions and Attributions for Success and Failure Among Seriously Emotionally Disturbed Adolescent Males and Nondisturbed Regular Education Adolescent Males

This study addressed the attributional predispositions and specific attributions for success and failure of seriously emotionally disturbed adolescent males and nondisturbed, regular education adolescent males (hereafter referred to as disturbed students and nondisturbed students, respectively). Specifically the purpose was to determine an attributional predisposition of disturbed students and nondisturbed students. Furthermore, this study sought to ascertain whether disturbed students and nondisturbed students indicated different attributions for success and failure at achievement tasks. The study then examined the congruence between students' attributional predispositions and their actual attributions.
Date: August 1984
Creator: Turnage, Thomas A. (Thomas Albert)
System: The UNT Digital Library
An Identification of the Needs of Pre-Service Primary Teacher Education in Cross River State Nigeria, 1984 (open access)

An Identification of the Needs of Pre-Service Primary Teacher Education in Cross River State Nigeria, 1984

The purposes of this study are to (1) identify and classify the needs of pre-service primary teacher education in Cross River State, Nigeria; (2) establish a priority of identified needs by perceived importance; and (3) propose a model for the preparation of primary teachers in Cross River State, Nigeria, based upon the needs identified.
Date: August 1984
Creator: Usoro, Udo Akpan
System: The UNT Digital Library
A Comparative Study of Working Women, Career Women, and Homemakers on the Variables of Self-Concept, Locus of Control, and Attitudes Toward Women (open access)

A Comparative Study of Working Women, Career Women, and Homemakers on the Variables of Self-Concept, Locus of Control, and Attitudes Toward Women

The purpose of this study was to compare working women, career women, and homemakers on the variable of self-concept, locus of control, and attitudes toward women; to determine the relationship between group membership and age, marital status, education, income level, number of children, age of youngest child, maternal education, maternal training, and maternal work history; and to predict self-concept from a linear combination of locus of control, attitudes toward women, group membership, and all the other variables.
Date: May 1984
Creator: Varhely, Susan C. (Susan Carol)
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Current Status of Thai Teacher Institutions in Regard to Environmental Problems and a Proposed Environmental Curriculum System for Teacher Training Programs (open access)

The Current Status of Thai Teacher Institutions in Regard to Environmental Problems and a Proposed Environmental Curriculum System for Teacher Training Programs

This study investigated the current status of Thai teacher institutions in regard to environmental problems and proposed an environmental curriculum system for teacher training in Thailand. An interview questionnaire was designed to gather descriptive data about selected Thai teacher institutions, teaching strategies utilized in environmental-related courses, and the employment of ten selected environmental-related problems in three aspects: (1) courses offered at Thai teacher institutions, (2) environmental research conducted by faculty members of Thai teacher institutions, and (3) environmental services provided to the public by faculty members of Thai teacher institutions. Of the seventeen Thai traditional teacher institutions considered, representatives from fifteen (88 percent) were interviewed.
Date: May 1984
Creator: Veeravatnanond, Vinai
System: The UNT Digital Library
A Comparison of Academic Performance and Progress Toward Graduation Between Presumptive-Deny and Regularly Admitted Students in a Large Public University (open access)

A Comparison of Academic Performance and Progress Toward Graduation Between Presumptive-Deny and Regularly Admitted Students in a Large Public University

This study is concerned with the problem of measuring, describing, and analyzing the academic performance and progress toward graduation over a five-year period (1977- 1983) of students who entered a large public university through an admissions review committee process for presumptive-deny students. The purpose of this study is to compare the academic performance of these students (N = 310) with that of randomly selected students who entered through the regular admissions process (N = 350) to determine if the review committee's decisions were as effective in selecting students for admission as were the objective data (college entrance examination scores and rank in high school class) used in the regular admissions process. Neither transfer nor non-United States citizens were included in either group.
Date: August 1984
Creator: Walker, N. Bruce (Norman Bruce)
System: The UNT Digital Library