
378 Matching Results

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L'emploi variable des signes diacritiques dans le français tchaté : une étude variationniste en temps apparent . (open access)

L'emploi variable des signes diacritiques dans le français tchaté : une étude variationniste en temps apparent .

After providing an historical overview of the French spelling system and orthographic variation, this study analyzes selected internal (i.e., linguistic) factors and one external (i.e., social) factor that can influence the use of diacritics in online French-language chat sessions. From a corpus of synchronous computer-mediated communication, 3,855 tokens of graphemes capable of bearing diacritics were coded with the following scheme: Letter, Diacritic, Grapheme (i.e., Letter and Diacritic combined), Date of Participation, and Age Group of Participant. A multivariate (VARBRUL) analysis determined that Grapheme exerts the most influence on variation.
Date: May 2010
Creator: Al-Rashdan, Omar
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
Mosques in France: The Visible Presence of Islam (open access)

Mosques in France: The Visible Presence of Islam

Numerous laws are being directed toward subduing the visible presence of Islam throughout France, and in return French Muslims are becoming bolder in the projection of their faith. This thesis examines the presence of Islam in France throughout history and in contemporary French civilization. Specifically, this thesis addresses the issues regarding the visible presence of Islam in France through such institutions as mosques and how they are the key symbols representing the prominence of Islam in France. It looks at what lies in the collective French mind that creates such an influence on today's policies and outlook, as well as identifies the key characters that dominate the current affairs surrounding Islam in France. The thesis reviews the country's past relations with the visible presence of Islam through the controversies surrounding the construction of famous mosques. In addition, this thesis underlines key areas where both the State and the Muslim population must make concessions in order to avoid further conflict.
Date: May 2011
Creator: Arnold, Ashley Patricia
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
Reflections of Revolution: Le Figaro, Le Monde, and Public Opinion in France during the Algerian Conflict (1954-1962) (open access)

Reflections of Revolution: Le Figaro, Le Monde, and Public Opinion in France during the Algerian Conflict (1954-1962)

This thesis is an examination of the printed media in France (1955-1963), as represented by two mainstream newspapers: Le Monde (left-centrist) and Le Figaro (right-centrist). Using these newspapers, as well as Gallup polls recorded at the time, this study explores correlations of what was reported in newspapers and how French public opinion evolved during the course of the war. These two major sources of information are shown to have given contradictory information, thus accounting for some of the paradoxes found in public opinion polls. Specifically, the paradoxes analyzed in the study concern the Front de Libération Nationale (FLN) and the Pieds-Noirs (the European population of North Africa).
Date: December 2002
Creator: Atkins, Michael
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
An English-French Glossary of Library Terms (open access)

An English-French Glossary of Library Terms

The problem in this study has been to analyze the vocabulary needs in the field of Library Service and to develop a professional tool, including an English-French glossary of approximately fifteen hundred terms concerning the making, the acquisition, and the organization of books as related to Library Service.
Date: August 1939
Creator: Collier, Thelma Johns
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
Problèmes de l'Adaptation Filmique d'un Texte Littéraire: Études Comparées de Madame Bovary de Gustave Flaubert et du Colonel Chabert d'Honoré de Balzac (open access)

Problèmes de l'Adaptation Filmique d'un Texte Littéraire: Études Comparées de Madame Bovary de Gustave Flaubert et du Colonel Chabert d'Honoré de Balzac

The release of the two films, Madame Bovary (1992) by Claude Chabrol and Le Colonel Chabert (1994) by Yves Angelo, arouses an interest in a method which studies the rapport between the seventh art and literature. Following the studies of the narratologists, Gerard Genette, Yves Reuter, Gerard-Denis Farcy, Celestino Deleyto, Andre Gaudreault and Francois Jost, a method of analyzing and studying the relationship between literature and cinema can be developed. The principal interest of a comparative study can reside in the relationship between the story and the narration of the two genres of works. The study conducted at this level of analysis allows the appreciation of the impoverishments or the enrichments operated by the adapter. The comparative analysis of the works of Flaubert, Chabrol, Balzac, and Angelo reveal the problems relative to the cinematographic adaptation.
Date: May 1998
Creator: Conditto, Kerri L. (Kerri Lee)
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
France and the United States: Borrowed and Shared National Symbols (open access)

France and the United States: Borrowed and Shared National Symbols

This thesis analyzes and demonstrates the similarities and differences between some of the national symbols of France and the United States. This includes the shared and borrowed aspects of each one and the ways in which each culture is reflected through, and built around them. The flags, national anthems, and several national icons such as France's Marianne and Uncle Sam are discussed. This analysis deals with the historical contexts and cultural meanings of the symbols, showing the changes each has undertaken in form and in national and international importance. Through the study of national symbols, this thesis reveals the similarities along with the differences between the two nations, which are often perceived as being highly dissimilar and even opposing in belief systems, cultures, and histories.
Date: May 2011
Creator: Crawford, Katlyn Marie
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
Comment peut-on être Persane ou Peruvienne ?: On le devient (open access)

Comment peut-on être Persane ou Peruvienne ?: On le devient

Cette analyse littéraire examine les parallèles entre les deux romans Lettres persanes de Montesquieu (1721) et Lettres d'une Péruvienne de Françoise de Graffigny (1747) en se concentrant sur le sort des femmes et leur rébellion contre la claustration. Leurs révoltes transformatrices révèlent une volonté qui refuse et puis transcende les barreaux de leur captivité pour vivre librement. La philosophie de Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) personnifie leurs luttes pour devenir et exister, ce qui se traduit par leur capacité de dévoiler leur vraie nature. Elles se battent contre le néant de leurs existences où elles ne peuvent que succomber aux contraintes imposées. Elles se battent pour se définir et pour devenir. Cependant, c'est Graffigny qui nous offre une réponse plus proto-féministe dépassant les paramètres masculins de la société. Son livre répond directement aux Lettres persanes pour créer une nouvelle femme iconoclaste qui transcende les barrières de la société pour se réinventer.
Date: May 2016
Creator: Daucourt, Monica Hazan
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
Grenelle Environnement (open access)

Grenelle Environnement

The new 'Grenelle II' laws are presented in the French Parliament. The Grenelle II (2010) follows the Grenelle I (2007) and a second public consultation round with representatives of large companies. Detailed plans are presented for building, transport and energy sector. Local authorities are asked to play a more important and facilitating role. The new law package contains six pillars and contains the 'outlines' and 'logistics' of the application on regional and local level: - 1. Improving the Energetic Performance of Buildings. Among the measures are : insisting on 'Batiments a Basse Consommation' (BBC, < 50 KW/H/m2 per year) for new buildings and to reduce the consumption of existing buildings by 38% untill 2020. - 2. Creating a change in Transport Use. Among the measures presented are : speeding up the process of public transport infrastructure, insisting local public authorities on offering 'lease-bikes' and car-sharing programs, and subvention of electric and hybrid car development. - 3. Reducing significantly Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions. Measurements foreseen are : Obligation of all enterprises with over 500 employees and municipalities with more than 500.000 inhabitants to calculate CO2 emissions on a yearly bases. -4. Preserving Biodiversity. Pharmaceutical and hospital products will be more …
Date: October 2010
Creator: France. Ministère de l'écologie, de l'énergie, du développement durable et de la mer
Object Type: Text
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Variable use of ne in Negative Structures: An Apparent-Time Variationist Study of Synchronous Electronic French Discourse (open access)

The Variable use of ne in Negative Structures: An Apparent-Time Variationist Study of Synchronous Electronic French Discourse

This study of the variable use of ne in synchronous electronic French discourse follows the methodological guidelines and the theoretical framework proposed and subsequently elaborated by Labov for analyzing variable features of language. This thesis provides a quantitative variable rule (i.e., VARBRUL) analysis including age as a factor group (i.e., independent variable), thereby making a new contribution to this area of inquiry. The data (50,000 words from the vingtaine 'twentysomething' channel and 50,000 words from the cinquantaine 'fiftysomething' channel) are a subset of 100,000 words from a corpus of one million words collected in 2008 by the thesis director from the public chat server EuropNet. This study aims to answer the following overarching question: To what extent does age-compared to other factors-influence the variable use of ne in verbal negation in synchronous electronic French discourse? In order to answer this question, and possibly others, the VARBRUL analysis will include age, subject (e.g., noun vs. pronoun), type of second negative particle (e.g., pas 'not', jamais 'never', personne 'no one'/'nobody', and so forth), as well as verbal mood/tense.
Date: December 2010
Creator: Gould, Rebecca J.
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
Présentations de la Grammaire et Représentations du Discours Dans les Manuels de Français Publiés aux États-Unis: une Étude Diachronique (open access)

Présentations de la Grammaire et Représentations du Discours Dans les Manuels de Français Publiés aux États-Unis: une Étude Diachronique

This study partially replicates and re-explores specific dimensions of a textbook analysis of the presentation and use of specific grammatical elements and sociolinguistic variants in textbooks published in the United States for learners of French. Authenticity is situated as a central construct in the analysis of interrogatives, relative pronouns, and the negative particle ne in selected textbooks and ancillary materials. The findings reveal that little progress has been made over the past twenty years in integrating authentic representations of discourse into French-as-a-foreign-language textbooks.
Date: May 2010
Creator: Grall, Christophe
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
Thèmes Dominants Dans Le Père Goriot (open access)

Thèmes Dominants Dans Le Père Goriot

Four themes dominate Balzae's Pere Goriot: Paris, ambition, money, superman. Paris is described physically, socially and morally all strata of society are cruel and corrupt. The contrast between poverty and luxury arouses the ambition of young provincial Rastignae. While his ambition is mainly social, most of the characters of the novel have financial ambitions; money is their only valued Vautrin would kill and Goriot's daughters would reduce their father to pauperism for profit. Beth Vautrin and Goriot are presented as supermen, but while the former is a strong-willed ruthless ex-convict, the latter is a monomaniac, utterly blinded by paternal love. The four themes reflect contemporary society as well as Ralzac's own life and character. They recur throughout the Comdie Humalne but are skilfully condensed in Le Pere Goriot.
Date: December 1975
Creator: Habib, Joseph
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
Le Thème du Néant dans la Poésie de Stéphane Mallarmé (open access)

Le Thème du Néant dans la Poésie de Stéphane Mallarmé

Stéphane Mallarmé, 1842-1897, was driven by a yearning for the ideal, and felt an immense despair when his human attempts to reach up to it, through his poetry, fell far too short. The void (le Néant) into which he fell is the subject of the present study. Sources used were the writer's poetry, as well as all critical works which seemed pertinent to the study of this poet whose symbolism is so wonderfully and yet frighteningly deep and meaningful.
Date: December 1972
Creator: Hindsley, Donald Hugh
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
JAC Audio Interview: Luce Irigaray transcript

JAC Audio Interview: Luce Irigaray

JAC interview of Luce Irigaray discussing gender and feminism in relation to writing, philosophy, and rhetoric.
Date: 1996
Creator: Hirsh, Elizabeth; Olson, Gary A. & Irigaray, Luce
Object Type: Sound
System: The UNT Digital Library
Biodiversité: Quelle Recherche Dans 15 Ans?: Enjeux, Chercheurs, Contextes (open access)

Biodiversité: Quelle Recherche Dans 15 Ans?: Enjeux, Chercheurs, Contextes

Proceedings of a meeting of the French Institute of Biodiversity (IFB), setting a course of research for the next fifteen years. The IFB, composed of government agencies, research organizations, and NGOs, is a scientific interest group promoting scientific research in biodiversity. The IFB is devoted to coordinating research on biodiversity in all natural and social sciences, to promoting biodiversity research at the national, European, and international levels, and to disseminating knowledge and providing educational outreach to the general public.
Date: October 2006
Creator: Institut Français de la Biodiversité
Object Type: Text
System: The UNT Digital Library
Performance Practice: Crafting a Historically Informed Interpretation of Nouvelles Poésies (open access)

Performance Practice: Crafting a Historically Informed Interpretation of Nouvelles Poésies

This book chapter discusses performance practice and crafting a historically informed interpretation of "Nouvelles Poésies."
Date: November 20, 2014
Creator: Justice, Andrew
Object Type: Book Chapter
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Brownsville Ranchero. (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 135, Ed. 1 Friday, August 21, 1868 (open access)

The Brownsville Ranchero. (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 135, Ed. 1 Friday, August 21, 1868

Newspaper from Brownsville, Texas that includes local, state, and national news along with advertising.
Date: August 21, 1868
Creator: Maltby, H. A.
Object Type: Newspaper
System: The Portal to Texas History
The Brownsville Ranchero. (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 136, Ed. 1 Saturday, August 22, 1868 (open access)

The Brownsville Ranchero. (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 136, Ed. 1 Saturday, August 22, 1868

Newspaper from Brownsville, Texas that includes local, state, and national news along with advertising.
Date: August 22, 1868
Creator: Maltby, H. A.
Object Type: Newspaper
System: The Portal to Texas History
The Brownsville Ranchero. (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 137, Ed. 1 Sunday, August 23, 1868 (open access)

The Brownsville Ranchero. (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 137, Ed. 1 Sunday, August 23, 1868

Newspaper from Brownsville, Texas that includes local, state, and national news along with advertising.
Date: August 23, 1868
Creator: Maltby, H. A.
Object Type: Newspaper
System: The Portal to Texas History
The Brownsville Ranchero. (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 138, Ed. 1 Tuesday, August 25, 1868 (open access)

The Brownsville Ranchero. (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 138, Ed. 1 Tuesday, August 25, 1868

Newspaper from Brownsville, Texas that includes local, state, and national news along with advertising.
Date: August 25, 1868
Creator: Maltby, H. A.
Object Type: Newspaper
System: The Portal to Texas History
The Brownsville Ranchero. (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 139, Ed. 1 Wednesday, August 26, 1868 (open access)

The Brownsville Ranchero. (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 139, Ed. 1 Wednesday, August 26, 1868

Newspaper from Brownsville, Texas that includes local, state, and national news along with advertising.
Date: August 26, 1868
Creator: Maltby, H. A.
Object Type: Newspaper
System: The Portal to Texas History
The Brownsville Ranchero. (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 140, Ed. 1 Thursday, August 27, 1868 (open access)

The Brownsville Ranchero. (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 140, Ed. 1 Thursday, August 27, 1868

Newspaper from Brownsville, Texas that includes local, state, and national news along with advertising.
Date: August 27, 1868
Creator: Maltby, H. A.
Object Type: Newspaper
System: The Portal to Texas History
The Brownsville Ranchero. (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 141, Ed. 1 Friday, August 28, 1868 (open access)

The Brownsville Ranchero. (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 141, Ed. 1 Friday, August 28, 1868

Newspaper from Brownsville, Texas that includes local, state, and national news along with advertising.
Date: August 28, 1868
Creator: Maltby, H. A.
Object Type: Newspaper
System: The Portal to Texas History
The Brownsville Ranchero. (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 142, Ed. 1 Saturday, August 29, 1868 (open access)

The Brownsville Ranchero. (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 142, Ed. 1 Saturday, August 29, 1868

Newspaper from Brownsville, Texas that includes local, state, and national news along with advertising.
Date: August 29, 1868
Creator: Maltby, H. A.
Object Type: Newspaper
System: The Portal to Texas History
The Brownsville Ranchero. (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 143, Ed. 1 Sunday, August 30, 1868 (open access)

The Brownsville Ranchero. (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 143, Ed. 1 Sunday, August 30, 1868

Newspaper from Brownsville, Texas that includes local, state, and national news along with advertising.
Date: August 30, 1868
Creator: Maltby, H. A.
Object Type: Newspaper
System: The Portal to Texas History