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The 1958 He4 Scale of Temperatures: Part 1. Introduction, Part 2. Tables for the 1958 Temperature Scale
Report containing information regarding He4 vapor pressure measurement as of 1958, the recent history of the vapor pressure temperature scale, and a series of tables containing these measurements.
June 17, 1960
Brickwedde, F. G. (Ferdinand Graft), 1903-; van Dijk, H.; Durieux, M.; Clement, J. R. & Logan, J. K.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Abscissas and Weights for Guassian Quadrature For N=2 to 100, and N-125, 150, 175, 200
The abscissas and weights for Gaussian Quadrature of order N = 2 to 100,and N = 125, 150, 175, and 200 are given. The abscissas are given to twenty-four places and the error is estimated to be no more than 1 unit in the last place. The weights are given to twenty-three places and the error is estimated to be no more than 1 unit in the last place.
December 28, 1966
Love, Carl H.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Acceleration Due to Gravity at the National Bureau of Standards
Report describing the determination of the absolute value of the acceleration due to gravity at the National Bureau of Standards.
June 1968
Tate, Douglas Roy
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Acid-Base Behavior in Aprotic Organica Solvents
Report presenting the National Bureau of Standards' research program designed to determine and explain acid-base behavior in aprotic organic solvents and to develop methods and reference materials for determining total acid and base content and relative strengths of acids and bases in the media.
August 1968
Davis, Marion Maclean
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Amplitude-Probability Distributions for Atmospheric Radio Noise
Report providing detail measurements and percentages in charts, using three statistical parameters, for amplitude-probability distributions of atmospheric radio noise.
November 4, 1960
Crichlow, W. Q.; Spaulding, A. D.; Roubique, C. J. & Disney, R. T.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Analysis of Coaxial Two-Terminal Conical Capacitor
From Abstract: "The electric field is plotted and its construction steps for axial symmetry are given."
April 6, 1962
Selby, M. C.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Analysis of Electric Energy Usage in Air Force Houses Equipped with Air-to-Air Heat Pumps
From Introduction: "One part of this study, which is presented in this Monograph, consists of an analysis of electric energy usage and electric power demand data obtained from a sample group of occupied houses at Little Rock Air Force Base in Arkansas, equipped with heat pumps, water heaters, cooking ranges, clothes dryers, and miscellaneous appliances all operated by electricity."
July 13, 1962
Achenbach, Paul R.; Davis, Joseph C. & Smith, William T.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Analytical Standards for Trace Elements in Petroleum Products
Report discussing a search conducted for stable, oil-soluble, organic compounds of metals (and other elements) for use in the spectrographic analysis of petroleum products. Compounds having suitable physical properties have been selected as standards. Methods are given for preparation of the compounds and for the spectrographic and chemical analysis of the chosen standards. Procedures are described for the preparation of stable solutions thereof in petroleum oils.
October 1, 1962
Isbell, H. S.; Tipson, R. Stuart; Hague, J. L.; Scribner, B. F.; Smith, W. Harold; Wade, Clarence W. R. et al.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Annotated Bibliography on Soft X-ray Spectroscopy
Report presenting a bibliography of about 550 references of the soft X-ray literature since 1950 and through 1960. The emphasis is on the application of soft X-ray spectroscopy to the study of valence band electronic states in metals and alloys. Therefore, the spectral region of 25 to 800 angstroms involving ruled glass grating spectrometers is of principal interest. In addition to soft X-ray data, references on all pertinent aspects of the apparatus and experimental problems are included. Also listed separately are references of value in corroborating soft X-ray data with other results. Subject, author, X-ray band, material, and other indices are included.
June 29, 1962
Yakowitz, Harvey, 1939- & Cuthill, J. R.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Atomic Energy Levels in Crystals
Report discussing discrete energy levels observed within certain crystals which are due to perturbations of energy levels of the free ion by an electrostatic field arising from the crystal lattice. The analytic procedures for determining the field from the charge configuration are given, and the resulting fields are classified according to their symmetry. After a general survey of group-theoretical ideas, the applicable groups are analyzed in detail, and characters appropriate for both integral and half-integral angular momenta of the free ion are tabulated. Text includes tabulations, equations, and matrices using Wigner and Racah coefficients.
February 24, 1961
Prather, John L.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Automatic Indexing: A State-of-the-Art Report
Report presenting a state-of-the-art survey of automatic indexing systems and experiments. It was conducted by the Research Information Center and Advisory Service on Information Processing, Information Technology Division, Institute for Applied Technology, National Bureau of Standards. Consideration is first given to indexes compiled by or with the aid of machines, including citation indexes. Advantages, disadvantages, and possibilities for modification and improvement are discussed. Experiments in automatic assignment indexing are summarized. Related research efforts in such areas as automatic classification and categorization, computer use of thesauri, statistical association techniques, and linguistic data processing are described. A major question is that of evaluation, particularly in view of evidence of human inter-indexer inconsistency. It is concluded that indexes based on words extracted from text are practical for many purposes today.
March 30, 1965
Stevens, Mary Elizabeth
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Automatic Typographic-Quality Typesetting Techniques: A State-of-the-Art Review
From Introduction Purpose and Scope of Report: "This report is one of a series prepared for the Research Information Center and Advisory Service on Information Processing (RICASIP), and intended as a contribution to improved cooperation in the fields of information selection systems development, information retrieval research and mechanized translation."
April 7, 1967
Stevens, Mary Elizabeth & Little, John L.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
The Band Spectrum of Carbon Monoxide
Compilation of carbon monoxide band positions, molecular constants, energy levels, potential energy curves, and other molecular properties derived from the spectrum.
July 8, 1966
Krupenie, Paul H.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Basic Magnetic Quantities and the Measurement of the Magnetic Properties of Materials
From Introduction: "The work of the Magnetic Measurements Section of the National Bureau of Standards includes (1) testing of specifically prepared test specimens intended for use as standards for checking magnetic testing apparatus (2) investigation and development of magnetic testing apparatus (3) calibration of mutual inductors, test coils, and instruments for measuring magnetic fields, and (4) investigations in the field of magnetics such as studies of phenomena associated with nuclear magnetic resonance or the selection and testing of materials suitable to be used as standards of magnetic susceptibility."
May 21, 1962
Sanford, Raymond L. & Cooter, Irvin L.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Bibliography and Index on Vacuum and Low Pressure Measurement
From Introduction: "This paper consists essentially of a) a bibliography, b) an author index, and c) an index of the subject matter of the bibliography. While the primary objective is to focus on vacuum measurement, it was believed essential to include in the bibliography articles on vacuum technology in some measure accessory or essential to vacuum measurement. For maximum usefulness, an index of the subject matter of the references has been prepared. The abstract publications listed in the previous paragraph have been freely drawn upon in preparing the bibliography."
November 10, 1961
Brombacher, W. G.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Bibliography and Index on Vacuum and Low Pressure Measurement, January 1960 to December 1965
From Abstract: "The bibliography, a supplement to NBS Monograph 35, of the same title, covers the years 1960 to 1965, inclusive, and include 109 references for prior years not listed in Monograph 35. It contains 1787 references, 38 of which are to books. The references, besides those directly concerned with pressure measurement, include those on vacuum technology which may bear on the technique of vacuum measurement, such as on adsorption and desorption, diffusion of gases into solids, gas conductance and hardware such as pumps, seals and traps."
May 31, 1967
Brombacher, W. G.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Bibliography of Temperature Measurement: January 1953 to June 1960
Report presenting more than 500 references to the field of temperature measurement. These references were collected from two general sources: Scientific and technical literature and government reports. The period covered is from 1953 to June 1960, with some from earlier dates. References are divided into a number of categories based on the type of instrument used. Some references to calibration of instruments and to scientific theories upon which temperature measurement is based are also presented.
April 6, 1961
Halpern, Carl & Moffat, Robert J.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Bibliography of Temperature Measurement: July 1960 to December 1965
Report combining National Bureau of Standards Monograph 27 with the references given in Supplement 1 (May 13, 1963) and issued as a single publication to assist users of this material. References concern the field of temperature measurement. These references were collected from two general sources: Scientific and technical literature and government reports. References are divided into a number of categories based on the type of instrument used. Some references to calibration of instruments and to scientific theories upon which temperature measurement is based are also presented.
April 28, 1967
Olsen, Lief O. & Halpern, Carl
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Bibliography on Atomic Transition Probabilities
Report presenting a bibliography on atomic transition probabilities. The papers are arranged according to elements and stages of ionization, and the method employed and class of transitions are indicated behind each reference. Only articles on discrete transitions, both permitted and forbidden, are listed. Also included is a supplementary list of papers dealing with transition probabilities from a general point of view, a table showing the availability of numerical material on the individual atoms and ions, and a table of conversion factors.
August 1, 1962
Glennon, B. M. & Wiese, W. L.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Bibliography on Molecular and Crystal Structure Models
Report that briefly describes many of the models of crystal and molecular structures which have appeared in the literature, and presents a bibliography of the publications, grouped according to model types, which describe the models in more detail.
May 20, 1960
Smith, Deane K.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Calculation of Sunrise and Sunset Times at Ionospheric Heights Along a Great Circle Path
Formulas, computer program, and illustrations for a great circle path at ionospheric heights.
November 8, 1964
Brady, A. H. & Crombie, D. D.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Calibration of Line Standards of Length and Measuring Tapes at the National Bureau of Standards
From Abstract: "The methods used at the National Bureau of Standards in calibrating line standards of length and measuring tapes submitted for standardization are outlined. The equipment used is described briefly. There is a discussion of some considerations that should be given as to whether or not a standard should be submitted to the Bureau."
May 20, 1960
Judson, Lewis V.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Calibration of Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers
Report discussing important elements of thermometer design. Factors affecting the use of common types of liquid-in-glass thermometers are included together with tables of tolerances and reasonably attainable accuracies. The calculation of corrections for the temperature of the emergent stem is given in detail for various types of thermometers and conditions of use.
February 12, 1965
Swindells, James F.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Calibration Procedures for Direct-Current Resistance Apparatus
From Object and Scope of This Paper: "This paper describes the apparatus and procedures used at the National Bureau of Standards for the measurement of d-c resistance when an accuracy of a few parts in a million is required. The object will be to explain procedures in detail and as simply as possible, with a minimum reference to theory."
March 1, 1962
Brooks, Paul P. B.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library