Engineering Aspects of the September 19, 1985 Mexico Earthquake (open access)

Engineering Aspects of the September 19, 1985 Mexico Earthquake

Report issued by the National Bureau of Standards over the 1985 Mexico earthquake. The rescue efforts and damage assessments are discussed. This report includes tables, maps, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: May 1987
Creator: Stone, William C.; Yokel, Felix Y.; Celebi, Mehmet; Hanks, Thomas & Leyendecker, Edgar V.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Wind Loading and Strength of Cladding Glass (open access)

Wind Loading and Strength of Cladding Glass

Report issued by the National Bureau of Standards over studies conducted on glass cladding behavior under wind loads. Procedures for investigating cladding behavior are discussed. This report includes graphs, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: May 1983
Creator: Reed, Dorothy A. & Simiu, Emil
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Computer Modeling of the Vapor Compression Cycle with Constant Flow Area Expansion Device (open access)

Computer Modeling of the Vapor Compression Cycle with Constant Flow Area Expansion Device

Report issued by the National Bureau of Standards over studies conducted on vapor compression cycles. Methods of operation are discussed. This report includes graphs, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: May 1983
Creator: Domanski, Piotr & Didion, David A.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Effectiveness of Solar Shading for an Office Building (open access)

Effectiveness of Solar Shading for an Office Building

Report issued by the National Bureau of Standards over the effectiveness of solar screens on office buildings. The effectiveness of solar shading is discussed. This report includes tables, maps, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: May 1984
Creator: Treado, S.; Barnett, J. & Remmert, W.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Development and Evaluation of Effective Symbol Signs (open access)

The Development and Evaluation of Effective Symbol Signs

Report issued by the National Bureau of Standards over the history and development of sign systems in the United States. The research and development of more effective systems are discussed. This report includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: May 1982
Creator: Collins, Belinda Lowenhaupt
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Load Displacement Characteristics of Shallow Soil Anchors (open access)

Load Displacement Characteristics of Shallow Soil Anchors

Report issued by the National Bureau of Standards over studies conducted on load displacement of shallow soil anchors. Characteristics and testing methods are discussed. This report includes graphs, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: May 1982
Creator: Yokel, Felix Y.; Chung, Riley M.; Rankin, Frank A. & Yancey, Charles W. C.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Investigation of the Kansas City Hyatt Regency Walkways Collapse (open access)

Investigation of the Kansas City Hyatt Regency Walkways Collapse

Report issued by the National Bureau of Standards documenting investigations conducted on construction failures of two suspended walkways in a Kansas City hotel. It includes tables, illustrations, photographs, and other details of the investigation.
Date: May 1982
Creator: Marshall, Richard D.; Pfrang, E. O.; Leyendecker, Edgar V.; Woodward, K. A.; Reed, R. P.; Kasen, M. B. et al.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library

Binary Phase Diagrams of Transition Elements

Chart issued by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards illustrating the systematic relationships between phase diagrams of transition elements. This chart includes color illustrations.
Date: May 1980
Creator: Waterstrat, Richard M.
Object Type: Poster
System: The UNT Digital Library
A Calibration Service for 30 MHz Attenuation and Phase Shift (open access)

A Calibration Service for 30 MHz Attenuation and Phase Shift

Definitions, capabilities of the calibration system and techniques of calibration are presented.
Date: May 1988
Creator: Adair, Robert T. & Russell, David H.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Design for Better Window Performance (open access)

Design for Better Window Performance

Matrix diagram for design and construction of windows for energy conservation in buildings.
Date: May 1980
Creator: Hastings, S. Robert & Driscoll, Porter
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Linear Gain: Standard Antennas Below 1000 MHz (open access)

Linear Gain: Standard Antennas Below 1000 MHz

Abstract: Gain and antenna parameters related to input impedance are calculated using a computer program called HVD6. This program uses well documented equations to compute these parameters for gain-standard antennas used in relative-gain or gain-transfer measurements at frequencies below 1000 MHz. The utility of this program is that it calculates gain patterns and input impedances for linear dipoles above perfect or imperfectly conducting plane ground and in free space, and for monopoles on perfectly conducting plane ground. Examples are included to illustrate the use of the program. Uncertainties in the calculated parameters are estimated to be less than those of the measured parameters.
Date: May 1986
Creator: FitzGerrell, R. G.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Interactive FORTRAN Programs for Micro Computers to Calculate the Thermophysical Properties of Twelve Fluids (MIPROPS) (open access)

Interactive FORTRAN Programs for Micro Computers to Calculate the Thermophysical Properties of Twelve Fluids (MIPROPS)

From abstract: The thermophysical and transport properties of selected fluids have been programmed in FORTRAN 77 which is available for micro computers. The input variables are any two of P, p, T (pressure, density, and temperature) in the single phase regions, and either P or T for the saturated liquid or vapor states. The output is pressure, density, temperature, internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, specific heat capacities (Cp and Cv), speed of sound and, in most cases, viscosity, thermal conductivity and dielectric constant.
Date: May 1986
Creator: McCarty, Robert D.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
A Study of Techniques for Measuring the Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Materials (open access)

A Study of Techniques for Measuring the Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Materials

Abstract: Shielding effectiveness relates to a material's ability to reduce the transmission of propagating fields in order to electromagnetically isolate one region from another. Because a complex material's shielding capability is difficult to predict, it often must be measured. A number of measurement approaches are studied including the use of a shielded room, coaxial transmission line holders, time domain signals, the dual TEM cell, and an apertured TEM cell in a reverberation chamber. In each case, we consider the system's frequency range, test sample requirements, test field type, dynamic range, time required, analytical background, and present data taken on a common set of materials.
Date: May 1986
Creator: Wilson, Perry F. & Ma, Mark T.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
A Statistical Characterization of Electroexplosive Devices Relevant to Electromagnetic Compatibility Assessment (open access)

A Statistical Characterization of Electroexplosive Devices Relevant to Electromagnetic Compatibility Assessment

Abstract: Electroexplosive devices (EEDs) are electrically fired explosive initiators used in a wide variety of applications. The nature of most of these applications requires that the devices function with near certainty when required and remain inactive otherwise. Recent concern with pulsed electromagnetic interference (EMI) and nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) made apparent the lack of methodology for assessing EED vulnerability. A new and rigorous approach for characterizing EED firing levels is developed in the context of statistical linear models and is demonstrated in this paper. We combine statistical theory and methodology with thermodynamic modeling to determine the probability that an EED, of a particular type, fires when excited by a pulse of a given width and amplitude. The results can be applied to any type of EED for which the hot-wire explosive binder does not melt below the firing temperature. Included are methods.for assessing model validity and for obtaining probability plots, called "Firing Likelihood Plots". A method of measuring the thermal time constant of an EED is given. This parameter is necessary to evaluate the effect of a train of pulses. These statistical methods are both more general and more efficient than previous methods for EED assessment. The results provide information …
Date: May 1986
Creator: Friday, Dennis S. & Adams, John W.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
A Bibliography of Sources of Thermodynamic Data for the Systems: CO₂+NH₃+H₂O, CO₂+H₂S+H₂O, H₂S+NH₃+H₂O, and CO₂+NH₃+H₂S+H₂O (open access)

A Bibliography of Sources of Thermodynamic Data for the Systems: CO₂+NH₃+H₂O, CO₂+H₂S+H₂O, H₂S+NH₃+H₂O, and CO₂+NH₃+H₂S+H₂O

Abstract: Contained herein is a bibliography of sources of experimental and correlated thermodynamic data for the systems: CO₂ + NH₃ + H₂O, CO₂ + H₂S + H₂O, H₂S + NH₃ + H₂O, and CO₂ + NH₃ + H₂S + H₂O. The types of data in this bibliography include all types of equilibrium data, including both eqilibria [sic] in solution and vapor-liquid equilibrium data, enthalpies, heat capacities, and densities. There are 215 references cited. Bibliographic Data Sheet.
Date: May 1985
Creator: Goldberg, Robert N. & Steckler, D. K.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Steel Research Needs for Buildings (open access)

Steel Research Needs for Buildings

Abstract: This report identifies experimental and analytical research needed to advance the state-of-the-art and improve safety and economy in the design, fabrication and construction of steel buildings. A five year plan for a coordinated research program is included. Recommendations for research projects dealing with the following topics are presented: total building systems, connections and members, frames, seismic design, load and resistance factor design, fire protection, and design loads. The recommendations were developed at a workshop involving participation by steel industry representatives, design professionals, Federal agency representatives and university researchers.
Date: May 1985
Creator: Culver, Charles G.; Iwankiw, Nestor & Kuentz, Albert
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Science and Technology: the Challenges of the Future (open access)

Science and Technology: the Challenges of the Future

Preface: On its 80th anniversary, the National Bureau of Standards hosted a series of lectures by six distinguished speakers of national and international note who discussed the challenges facing science and technology and, thus, the Bureau in the coming years. This publication contains the texts of these presentations, along with transcripts of the question-and answer sessions following the presentations. The lecture series was organized by Dr. Donald R. Johnson of NBS with the very able assistance of Mrs. Carol Shipley in making arrangements for speakers and handling the manuscripts. The staff of the NML Text Editing Facility are acknowledged for their substantial contributions of typing and editing support.
Date: May 1982
Creator: Johnson, Donald R.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Proceedings of Cryocooler Conference: 1984 (open access)

Proceedings of Cryocooler Conference: 1984

Abstract: This document contains the proceedings of the Third Cryocooler Conference, held at the National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, CO, on Sept. 17-18, 1984. About 140 people from 10 countries attended the conference and represented industry, government, and academia. A total of 26 papers were presented orally at the conference and all appear in written form in this document. The emphasis in this conference was on small cryocoolers in the temperature range of 4 - 80 K. Mechanical and non-mechanical types were discussed in the various papers. Applications of these small cryocoolers include the cooling of infrared detectors, cryopumps, small superconducting devices and magnets, and electronic devices.
Date: May 1985
Creator: Radebaugh, Ray; Louie, Beverly & McCarthy, Sandy E.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Oil and Gas Supply Modeling (open access)

Oil and Gas Supply Modeling

Abstract: The symposium on Oil and Gas Supply Modeling, held at the Department of Commerce, Washington, DC (June 18-20, 1980), was funded by the Energy Information Administration of the Department of Energy and co-sponsored by the National Bureau of Standards' Operations Research Division. The symposium was organized to be a forum in which the theoretical and applied state-of-the-art of oil and gas supply models could be presented and discussed. Speakers addressed the following areas: the realities of oil and gas supply, prediction of oil and gas production, problems in oil and gas modeling, resource appraisal procedures, forecasting field size and production, investment and production strategies, estimating cost and production schedules for undiscovered fields production regulations, resource data, sensitivity analysis of forecasts, econometric analysis of resource depletion, oil and gas finding rates, and various models of oil and gas supply. This volume documents the proceedings (papers and discussion) of the symposium.
Date: May 1982
Creator: Gass, Saul I.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library