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NBS-INA -- The Institute for Numerical Analysis -- UCLA 1947-1954
Abstract: This is the history of the Institute for Numerical Analysis (INA) with special emphasis in its research program during the period 1947 to 1956. The Institute for Numerical Analysis was located on the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles. It was a section of the National Applied Mathematics Laboratories, which formed the Applied Mathematics Division of the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and technology), under the U.S. Department of Commerce.
August 1991
Hestenes, Magnus Rudolph & Todd, John
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
National Bureau of Standards Research Reports: Summer 1986
Summary describing research projects and other activities undertaken by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards, lists of publications from the year, and a calendar of upcoming events.
August 1987
United States. National Bureau of Standards.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
A User's Guide for RAPID, Reduction Algorithms for the Presentation of Incremental Fire Data
Abstract: The Voluminous amount of data than can be collected by automatic data acquisition systems during large scale fire tests requires the use of a digital computer for the reduction of data. RAPID is a stand-alone program specifically designed to convert raw instrument voltages collected during such tests into meaningful units. The reduced data can also be used alone or in combinations to obtain quantities that require more than minimal data reduction. The program is written with the ability to accept data from a user defined data acquisition system, with the ability to check the correctness of data included. Through the use of input data provided by the user, the data can be converted into meaningful scientific units. The data can then be presented in tabular or printer plot form, or stored for further processing. This user's guide provides detailed instructions for the use of the program.
August 1986
Breese, J. Newton & Peacock, Richard D.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Direct Measurement of the Electric Field of a Laser Pulse--Theory
From abstract: This paper presents the conflicts in the design and gives a solution. The complete evaluation requires assembly of the proposed apparatus to assess final accuracy.
August 1985
Johnson, Eric Gunnar, Jr.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Fitness-for-Service Criteria for Assessing the Significance of Fatigue Cracks in Offshore Structure
Abstract: Results of a research program to develop fitness-for-service criteria for assessing the significance of fatigue cracks in offshore structures are presented in five papers. Each paper describes the goals and approaches to a specific task and details the results of the study.
August 1985
Cheng, Yi-Wen
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
A Radio-Frequency Power Delivery System: Procedures for Error Analysis and Self-Calibration
Abstract: An expression is developed for net power delivered to a load in terms of the indicated forward and reflected power and the system S-parameters and reflection coefficients. The dual directional coupler is treated as nonideal with power reflections assumed between all ports. The system itself is used to evaluate the major S-parameter terms in net power computation, and uncertainty in the computed power is derived from origins in the power meter readings and incompletely known S-parameters.
August 1985
Kanda, Motohisa & Orr, R. David
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Standards and Metadata Requirements for Computerization of Selected Mechanical Properties of Metallic Materials
Abstract: To assist in building a computerized information system on the engineering properties of materials, the standards and metadata requirements for a representative group of mechanical property categories are considered. These categories include: tensile behavior, hardness numbers, notch-bar impact test parameters, and fatigue properties. For each property group, definitions of terms, synonyms (and non-synonyms), standard test methods, standards for reporting data, precision and accuracy, and correlations of properties are addressed. The principal findings and recommendations are as follows. Existing test methods are generally adequate for the properties considered, but better standards are needed for data reporting. Appraisal of materials variability and testing machine variability would be assisted by access to standard reference materials, certified as to their mechanical properties. All properties considered for inclusion in a computerized system can be categorized as parameters for direct search, parameters retrievable with extraction of all data stored for a given material, and parameters which are derived from an analytical representation of experimental data. Drafting of some general standards on computerized file structures and metadata files suitable for the engineering field is advised.
August 1985
Westbrook, J. H.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Precision Measurement and Fundamental Constants, June 8-12, 1981
Abstract: This volume presents the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Precision Measurement and Fundamental Constants, held at the National Bureau of Standards in Gaithersburg, MD, from June 8-12, 1981. Like its 1970 predecessor, the Conference provided an international forum for theoretical, experimental, and applied scientists actively engaged in research on precision measurements relating to the fundamental physical constants, and on the testing of related fundamental theory. More specifically, the purpose of the Conference was to assess the present state of the precision measurement-fundamental constants field, to examine basic limitations, and to explore the prospects for future significant advances. The principal subjects covered were: frequency, wavelength, spectroscopy, quantum electrodynamics, the gas constant, x-ray interferometry, nuclidic masses, uncertainty assignment, gravitational acceleration, mass, electrical quantities, gravity, and relativity. These proceedings contain the vast majority of both the invited review papers and the contributed current research papers presented at the Conference. The new results reported at the Conference were considered for inclusion in the 1983 least-squares adjustment of the constants carried out under the auspices of the Task Group on Fundamental Constants of the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA).
August 1984
Taylor, B. N. & Phillips, William D.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Ring-On-Ring Tests and Load Capacity of Cladding Glass
Report issued by the National Bureau of Standards over studies conducted on the load capacity of cladding glass. Testing methods are discussed. This report includes tables, photographs, and illustrations.
August 1984
Simiu, Emil; Reed, Dorothy A.; Yancey, Charles W. C.; Martin, Jonathan W.; Hendrickson, Erik M.; Gonzalez, Armando C. et al.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Ozone Reactions in Aqueous Solutions: a Bibliography
Abstract: A reaction oriented list of references is provided for published papers and reports containing rate data or information on mechanism for reactions of ozone with various substrates in aqueous solutions. Catalyzed, as well as uncatalyzed, reactions are included. One hundred and sixty-four papers are listed. The period covered extends from 1913 to 1981.
August 1983
Westley, Francis
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Picosecond Time Difference Measurements Utilizing CAMAC-Based ANSI/IEEE-488 Data Acquisition Hardware : Operating Manual IE3, Version 1.0
Abstract: Automated time-difference measurements at the picosecond level have been achieved. The system described combines the best properties of three common methods: the single heterodyne measurement technique, the frequency divider, and the dual-mixer time-difference measurement system. This particular system combines two instrumentation standards, ANSI/IFEE-583 and ANSI/IEEE-488 with new, modular dual-mixer time-difference measurement hardware. The modular, standardized hardware together with the new measurement techniques permit the data acquisition modules to be contained in a standard CAMAC crate. This system, along with an external controller, is capable of measuring eiqht clocks, at the present time, and is expandable to twenty-four clocks with modified software and additional measurement modules. The system noise performance is described by a (rT = 3 x 10^-12 t^-1 for time difference measurements.
August 1983
Glaze, D. J. & Stein, S. R.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Investigation of Construction Failure of Harbour Cay Condominium in Cocoa Beach, Florida
Report issued by the National Bureau of Standards over investigations of construction failure in Cocoa Beach, Florida. Factors for the construction failure are discussed. This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
August 1982
Lew, H. S.; Carino, N. J.; Fattal, S. G. & Batts, M. E.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Determining Cost-Effective Insulation Levels for Masonry and Wood-Frame Walls in New Single-Family Housing
Report issued by the National Bureau of Standards over calculations for cost-effective insulation in single-family housing. Different calculations are made with regards to location, energy pricing, heating and cooling equipment available, and financial criteria. This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
August 1981
Petersen, Stephen R.; Barnes, Kimberly A. & Peavy, Bradley A.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Energy Measurement in the Standard Penetration Test
Report issued by the National Bureau of Standards over standard penetration testing. The history, limitations, and testing procedures are presented. This report includes tables, photographs, and illustrations.
August 1981
Kovacs, William D.; Salomone, Lawrence A. & Yokel, Felix Y.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
The Modernized Metric System: the International System of Units-SI
Revised wall chart of the seven base units of the modernized metric system, including length, mass, time, electric current, temperature, amount of substance, luminous intensity, and plane angle.
August 1981
United States. National Bureau of Standards.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Performance of the Norris Cotton Federal Office Building for the First 3 Years of Operation
Report issued by the National Bureau of Standards over use of the Norris Cotton Federal Building. The report focuses on the energy conservation features of the building. This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
August 1981
Hill, James Edward; May, William B., Jr.; Richtmyer, Thomas E.; Elder, Jacqueline; Tibbott, Robert L.; Yonemura, Gary T. et al.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Refracted-Ray Scanning (Refracted Near-Field Scanning) for Measuring Index Profiles of Optical Fibers
From introduction: The purpose of this Technical Note is to describe refracted-ray scanning in detail, to analyze it as a measurement system, to document a particular system for implementing it, and to show some exemplary results.
August 1981
Young, Matt
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Brief History of Measurement Systems: with a Chart of the Modernized Metric System
Pamphlet issued by the United States National Bureau of Standards providing an overview of the English system of measurement used in the United States and of the metric system. The internal pages of the pamphlet contain a chart labeled "The Modernized Metric System" which includes tables of common conversions and a chart of the seven base units: meter/length, kilogram/mass, second/time, ampere/electric current, kelvin/temperature, mole/amount of substance, and candela/luminous intensity, as well as two supplementary units: radian/plane angle and steradian/solid angle. There is also a graphic representation of yards versus meters in ruler form at the bottom.
August 1976
United States. National Bureau of Standards.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
The Dynamics of Fields of Higher Spin
Report presenting a relativistic theory of motion that is free of many of the difficulties common in relativistic equations of motion. This Lagrangian theory describes fields and particles with arbitrary mass and charge and having any discrete spin, integer or half integer.
August 1976
Hayward, Raymond W.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Applications of Waveguide and Circuit Theory to the Development of Accurate Microwave Measurement Methods and Standards
Report issued by the Bureau of Standards over "the basic theory and analytical methods used in the development of accurate microwave measurement methods and standards" (p. x). These methods are presented and discussed. This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
August 1973
Beatty, R. W.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
The Divergent Beam (Kossel) X-Ray Method and Its Uses in Measuring Strain Contours in an Individual Grain of Fe-3 Weight Percent Si Transformer Sheet
From Abstract: "The results showed that a variable strain distribution existed in the alloy sheet at the time it was ready for insertion into a transformer core. Small applied comprehensive and tensile loads tended to rearrange this variable strain distribution but not appreciably alter the total stored elastic energy."
August 1973
Yakowitz, Harvey
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Survey of the Properties of the Hydrogen Isotopes Below Their Critical Temperatures
The survey covers PVT, thermodynamic, thermal, transport, electrical radiative and mechanical properties.
August 1973
Roder, H. M.; Childs, G. E.; McCarty, R. D. & Angerhofer, P. E.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Photonuclear Reactions
Report discussing photonuclear reactions in the approximate energy range 10 to 30 MeV. Various sum rules are discussed and applied to experimental data. Several different theories are described and their predictions compared with experiment, and as often as possible open questions and discrepancies are pointed out.
August 1970
Hayward, Evans
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Acid-Base Behavior in Aprotic Organica Solvents
Report presenting the National Bureau of Standards' research program designed to determine and explain acid-base behavior in aprotic organic solvents and to develop methods and reference materials for determining total acid and base content and relative strengths of acids and bases in the media.
August 1968
Davis, Marion Maclean
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library