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Newsmap. Monday, November 23, 1942 : week of November 13 to November 20

Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Mediterranean, Tunisia, Libya, Lake Chad, Italy, Solomons, New Guinea, Russia. Large world map is keyed to text and illustrates time zones around the world. Inset maps: the Advance on Buna; North Africa. Photographs: New Guinea; Welcome to North Africa; Scene in Libya; North Africa: the march westward Back: Life saver #2 : winning friends - helping people. Text and photographs highlight the importance of training soldiers to interact successfully with local cultures.
Date: November 23, 1942
Creator: [United States.] Army Orientation Course.
System: The UNT Digital Library

Newsmap. Monday, December 14, 1942 : week of December 4 to December 11

Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: New Guinea, Solomons, Pearl Harbor, Tunisia, Libya, Dakar, Toulon, Italy, Russia, France. Large world map is keyed to text and illustrates time zones around the world. Includes inset maps: Dakar; Northeast Tunisia; Tripoli and environs; Russian Front; Guadalcanal Island; Bougainville Island; New Britain Photographs: Convoy to Africa; Advance to Tunisia; Street scene: French Morocco Back: The text entitled "Antiaircraft artillery" describes antiaircraft weapons. The other text "The Dance of the Ninety" describes a 90mm gun. Includes photographs: KEEPS 'EM FALLING -- EYES -- EARS
Date: December 14, 1942
Creator: [United States.] Army Orientation Course.
System: The UNT Digital Library

Newsmap. Monday, April 12, 1943 : week of April 2 to April 9, 187th week of the war, 69th week of U.S. participation

Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Russia, Solomons, New Guinea, Aleutians, Bolivia, Tunisia, Air offensive. Large world map is keyed to text and illustrates time zones around the world. Inset maps show Sicily and Tunis. Includes photographs: Malaria control, Super block-buster [8,000 lb. aerial bomb], Change of ownership [captured Mercedes Benz troop-carrier], Bren-gun carriers support British Grenadiers in Kasserine Pass, Italian troops in the African war zone. Back: The Marine Corps. A unified fighting force. Graphic image shows helmeted Marine soldiers with rifles attacking a tropical island with ships and transport boats in background, as well as various photos of parachutes, bombardments, etc.
Date: April 12, 1943
Creator: [United States.] Army Orientation Course.
System: The UNT Digital Library

Newsmap. Monday, April 19, 1943 : week of April 9 to April 16, 188th week of the war, 70th week of U.S. participation

Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Tunisia -- Southwest Pacific -- Russia -- Mediterranean. Large world map is keyed to text and illustrates time zones around the world. Inset maps show Allied drive in Tunisia -- Japanese controlled areas throughout the Southwest Pacific. Includes photographs: Helping Rommel's run [puppy stationed atop a Vickers machine gun] -- So he can fight (Staff Sergt. Hollers clerks at the San Angelo AAF Bombardier School in Texas) -- Blimp training. Back: Tunisia, map with inset showing location of Tunisia in the Mediterranean area.
Date: April 19, 1943
Creator: [United States.] Army Orientation Course.
System: The UNT Digital Library

Newsmap. Monday, April 26, 1943 : week of April 16 to April 23 : 189th week of the war, 71st week of U.S. participation

Text describes action on various war fronts: Tunisia, Raid on Japan, Southwest Pacific, Italy, Air offensive, Russia, Aleutians. Large world map is keyed to text. Shows United Nations countries, Axis and Axis occupied areas, countries with Axis relations broken, and neutral countries. Inset maps show Italy, Sardinia, and northern Tunisia; Axis held areas in Tunisia; Nazi held areas around the Sea of Azov. Back: Fox Holes: Dig!..Or Die! Photographs and illustrations describing proper fox hole preparation and use.
Date: April 26, 1943
Creator: [United States.] Army Orientation Course.
System: The UNT Digital Library