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Newsmap. Monday, November 16, 1942 : week of November 6 to November 13
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: North Africa, Libya, Southern Europe, New Guinea, Solomons, Russia, Aleutians, Far East waters, Madagascar. Large world map is keyed to text and illustrates time zones around the world. Smaller map (3 insets): Invasion of Africa. Photographs: Practice led to invasion -- Tanks land for beach operation -- German planes caught by long-range fighters -- Captured Nazi officers perch on hood of British jeep. Back: Why we fight! Also includes photographs.
November 16, 1942
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, August 9, 1943 : week of July 29 to August 5, 204th week of the war, 86th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Italy, Sicily, Rumania, Russia, Germany, Burma-China, Southwest Pacific. Map: Strategic air distances across the Mediterranean./ Relief shown by hachures. Photographs: Army engineers work in the Aluetians; A Tommy reads "Soldier's guide to Sicily"; Royal Artillery Detachment stationed north of Syracuse, Sicily examines damage done by Italians to a mobile anti-aircraft train; Nazis surrender to U.S. Infantrymen near Carlentini; Junkers-290 transport shot down by an RAF Marauder near the coast of Bastia, Corsica; U.S. Marines push a generator into position near Munda; Japanese interpreters of the U.S. Army decipher papers found on a wounded Japanese officer; A winch pulls a mud-splattered jeep free on Rendova; 155mm rifle sends rounds into Munda from Rendova Island. Back: [text and ill.]: The long, tough fight ahead : beyond sunny Italy!/ Back text includes quote from the President of the United States, July 28, 1943: "I confess that I myself am sometimes bewildered by conflicting statements that I see in the press ..."
August 9, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, August 16, 1943 : week of August 5 to August 12, 205th week of the war, 87th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Russia, Sicily, Italy, New Georgia, Germany. Maps: The Eastern front ; Sicily and Calabria. Photographs: Action on the central front [Central Russia]; A bomber is bombed; Talking things over [Maj. Gen. Keyes and Lt. Gen. Patton, Gen. MacArthur and Lt. Gen. Kreuger, Gen. Stilwell and Maj. Gen. Chennault]. Back: Illustrations of Japanese war planes along with code names, dimensions, and recognition silhouettes.
August 16, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, August 30, 1943 : week of August 19 to August 26, 207th week of the war, 89th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Italy, Russia, Kiska, Berlin, Conference, Burma, China, New Guinea, New Georgia. Maps show Russian front -- Southern Italy. Includes photographs: Kiska, Sicily. Back: Weapons of the German Infantry Division. 17 weapons are identified and described, including the size, maximum range, and number found in various German Army units. Each weapon is keyed by number to a battle illustration.
August 30, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, September 6, 1943 : week of August 26 to September 2, 208th week of the war, 90th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Germany, Russia, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, New Georgia, New Guinea, Marcus Island. Maps show air offensive in western Europe, New Georgia Is., Russian front. Includes photographs: Army Air Forces report on Warnemunde; Tough customer [Gourmiers, Berber fighting men]; The first wave [Yanks at Rendova I.]. Back: Typical German infantry division. Illustration of a division with descriptive text keyed to the illustration. Regiments described including size, officers and enlisted men, types and numbers of weapons.
September 6, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, October 11, 1943 : week of September 30 to October 7, 213th week of the war, 95th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Aegean Sea, Italy, Corsica, Russia, Norway, Southwest Pacific, Air offensive. Maps show Greece and Turkey, Eastern front, Central Italy. Includes photographs: Soldier killed by booby-trap, "Battleship X" is the USS South Dakota, Brenner Pass, Resting American soldiers following a battle in Munda. Back: Typical German infantry regiment. Illustration shows regiment. Text gives detailed description of Regimental Headquarters Company, Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, Battalions, Infantry and Motorized Companies.
October 11, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, October 25, 1943 : week of October 14 to October 21, 215th week of the war, 97th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Russia, Italy, Schweinfurt, Southwest Pacific, Burma, North Pacific, U.S. subs. Inset maps: Bridgeheads across the Dnepr River, [Pacific Ocean off coast of New Guinea], [Areas in Southern Europe providing targets for bomber forces], Operations begin in Burma. Photographs: Nazis use Soviet equipment and men in battle for Italy, Soviet soldier and RAF officer, Lieut. Col. Chesley G. Peterson, Salt Lake City, Fuel pipe lines, Fifth Army engineers, In the Naga Hills of northern Burma. Back: Photographic view of the world with the center at Berlin, Germany. Includes instructions for using a detachable scale that, when centered on Berlin, measures distances along any line running through Berlin.
October 25, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, November 15, 1943 : week of November 4 to November 11, 218th week of the war, 100th week of U.S. participation
Text describes action on various war fronts: Russia, Italy, Air offensive, Southwest Pacific, China-Burma, Submarines, Greenland. Maps: Eastern Front, Advance toward Rome, Southwest Pacific. Photographs: Moving into Lae, New Guinea; Jap bases in the South and Southwest Pacific; Rocket glider used against Allied ships during the invasion of Italy; Germans trying to hold up the advance of the Allied Fifth Army on the Naples-Benevento Road fastened these aerial bombs to notched trees; Italian bombs unloaded from a rail car at an airfield captured in Italy. Back: U.S. Army ribbons representing decorations and awards. Includes a large color illustration of the Medal of Honor.
November 15, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, November 22, 1943 : week of November 11 to November 18, 219th week of the war, 101st week of U.S. participation
Text describes action on various war fronts: Eastern front, Air offensive, Italy, Aegean Sea, Southwest Pacific, Losses. Maps: Battle area on the Eastern front, map showing main railways and international boundaries in Europe, Turkey and northern Tunisia. Photographs: Capt. Herman Bottcher of San Francisco receives the Distinguished Service Cross from Maj. Gen. W. H. Gill; British Eighth Army Tommy sets up quarters in an empty wine barrel with a pillow and bedspread near the Termoli front in Italy; Three Yanks look over a 32 cm. incendiary rocket captured in Sicily; Correction printed under photo appearing in the previous Newsmap shows rocket is an experimental model tested several years before; Army B-25 swings in low over a burning Japanese ship on Nov. 2 attack in Rabaul; Japanese machine gun emplacement on the Kula Gulf side of Kolombangara Island; Grumman Avengers and Hellcats line up on the improved Munda airstrip. Back: The world a polar projection, with modified extensions interrupted for southern Hemisphere: "This world map is designed to show the relative positions of land areas for air connections to the principal theaters of operations."
November 22, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, November 29, 1943 : week of November 18 to November 25, 220th week of the war, 102nd week of U.S. participation
Text describes action on various war fronts: USSR; New Guinea; Gilbert and Marshall Islands; Bougainville; Air Offensive; Italy. Maps: Berlin; Global map. Inset map: Areas under Jap Control. Photograph: An American Army Signal Corps telephone lineman repairs a line in Capriatti. Back : Surprise... a powerful weapon. Photographic sequence of a hatchet attack on a Nazi soldier illustrates text urging whole-hearted cooperation of all to guard military information.
November 29, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, December 6, 1943 : week of November 25 to December 2, 221st week of the war, 103rd week of U.S. participation
Text describes action on various war fronts: Italy, USSR, Germany, Central Pacific, Southwest Pacific, China, Plans. Inset maps: central Italy, northeast New Guinea, Action areas in central and southwest Pacific, Truk Is., Nauru, Wotje, Jaluit, Makin, Tarawa. Photographs: Australian Air Force Beaufighter, Sgt. Ben Kuroki of Hershey, Nebraska, Captured Soviet equipment, Rescued blindfolded Nazi. German built road in Isernia. Back: Text and 11 illustrations highlight the 11 general orders that must be known by sentinels.
December 6, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, December 13, 1943 : week of December 2 to December 9, 222nd week of the war, 104th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Italy, U.S.S.R., air offensive, Marshal Is[lands], southwest Pacific, [Teheran] conference. Map shows Nazi-dominated areas of Europe. Photographs: Marshal Stalin, President Roosevelt, and Prime Minister Churchill at Teheran conference (4 photographs); The Air Offensive - 8th Air Force bombes en route - Target Bremen. Back: A sign of comradeship... Includes illustration and "Li'l Abner" cartoons.
December 13, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
[Letter from I. H. to Cecile Kempner]
Letter to Cecile from her father about the presidential election, government officials, and the war.
Kempner, Isaac H. (Isaac Herbert), 1873-1967
Object Type:
The Portal to Texas History
[Two Scrapbook Photographs Associated with the 12th A. D.]
Two photographs associated with the 12th Armored Division. The top photo shows a soldier reading a sign that reads "You Are Now Entering Italy Through The Courtesy Of Company A 1st Battalion 411th Infantry Spearheading 7th Army." The bottom photo shows a Nazi airplane parked in a clearing.
Object Type:
The Portal to Texas History
Newsmap. Monday, January 10, 1944 : week of December 29, 1943 to January 5, 1944, 226th week of the war, 108th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: U.S.S.R., Southwest Pacific, Italy, Air offensive Maps: Central Italy, Rumania/Poland, New Britain Island./ Inset maps: Cassino region; Chieti region. Photographs: Delivering supplies to troops in Central Italy, Gen. Eisenhower with Sir Charles Poetal and Sir Arthur Tedder after the Tehran conference, Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, and Gen. Sir Alan Brooke inspect Nazi prisoners on the Italian front in New Zealand; Germans prepare to evacuate the Crimea, Landing craft are protected by B-25 medium bombers at Arawe. Back: Illustration and photographs show the many ways Army nurses serve.
January 10, 1944
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, January 24, 1944 : week of January 13 to January 20, 228th week of the war, 110th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: USSR, Italy, Air war, Southwest Pacific, Burma. Map shows Allied advances during the week. Photographs: Cruiser U.S.S. Duluth shortly before being christened; Petty Officer Alex Holgate acknowledges a voice order during gunnery exercises; Bows-on view of a 10,000 ton Independence class carriers; Jungle training involving .30 caliber air-cooled machine guns; Italian refugees pass disabled American tanks; Italian battlescape near San Vitore; Allied Military Government officials question an Italian wheat farmer; Quartermaster Corps sort through a mountain of shoes and clothes to determine what will be reconditioned; Nazis from the Hermann Goering Division are led into custody by Pfc. Ira O. Creed, of Johnson City, Tenn. Back: [text and col. ill.]: German Army uniforms [field gray, tropical, mobile troops, mountain].
January 24, 1944
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Morale Services Division. Army Information Branch.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, February 7, 1944 : week of January 27 to February 3, 230th week of the war, 112th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Central Pacific, Italy, USSR, Air war, Burma. Maps show Marshall Islands; Allied advances during the week. Photographs: Artillery technique in Italy; American helmets of the 25th Division and hats of a New Zealand brigade mingle at Vella Lavella; Navy mobile photographic laboratory comes ashore in the Solomons; African Goummiers of the Fifth Army don traditional gowns over American uniforms; Pilots of the 99th Fighter Squadron talk tactics; German transport vehicles retreat from the Soviet front; Photographer positioned where a .50 caliber gun would be mounted in a Navy reconnaissance Liberator; Soldiers stuff 250 pamphlets into each 25 pound shell in Italy; Fifth Army infantry battalion's 81 mm. mortars travel by mule in Venafro. Back: Jap army uniforms. Color illustrations of seasonal and miscellaneous uniforms of officers and men.
February 7, 1944
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Morale Services Division. Army Information Branch.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 233rd week of the war, 115th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Central Pacific, Southwest Pacific, Air war, Burma, USSR. Maps show air attacks from London to various sites in Germany; New Ireland; south Pacific; Truk Is. Includes photographs: "Island forts", Marine corps set up radio telephone sets at Roi Island, Leathernecks set up machine guns immediately upon landing, All-Negro Ninety-Ninth Fighter Squadron at Anzio, German prisoners disembark from an LST to a prison camp, wounded female Jugoslav guerillas arrive in Malta, General Sir Harold Alexander chats with Yank rangers near Cisterno. Back: Text states "In Mein Kampf, Hitler stated that his plan was to destroy France first, then England, after which he would have the United States cornered without a fight!."
February 28, 1944
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Morale Services Division. Army Information Branch.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 234th week of the war, 116th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Western Europe, USSR, Finland, Italy, Southwest Pacific, Central Pacific, Burma. Maps show Current battle lines along Russian border and Rumania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland ; Central Italy. Includes photographs: Dauga Airfield after 5th Air Force B-25 medium bombers leave Japanese planes destroyed. Japanese captured by U.S. Coast Guardsmen off Kwajalein. Lt. Eugune R. Hanks of Gibbs, Idaho in his Grumman Hellcat fighter. U.S. tank officer explains the target to Gen. Eishenhower while Air Marshall Tedder watches. Gliders built in England for the Allied Forces. U.S. combat cars await dispatch on a field in the English countryside. Field Marshall Rommel inspects Nazi fortifications. British soldiers near the Garigliano River. Three "Yanks" at the Anzio beachhead. Mortar crew of the 36th division below Cassino. American paratroopers capture Nazi snipers. Pvt. Robert Steinmetz of Pittsburgh with a mule he rescued from an Italian farm. Composite aerial view of Italian coast including Anzio and Nettuno. Back: Luftwaffe (German Air Force) uniforms. Text and illustrations of Flying Suits, Miscellaneous Uniforms, Parachutist Uniforms, Continental Uniforms.
March 6, 1944
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Morale Services Division. Army Information Branch.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 235th week of the war, 117th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Western Europe; Southwest Pacific; Burma; Eastern front; Italy; U-boats. Maps: Burma: Burma map showing where Chinese and American troops are fighting; Burma map showing where Indian and British troops engage the Japs; Bismarck Sea; Insets: Manus. Includes 10 photographs. Back: Old sea dog learns new tricks; Anzio Harbor. Includes 12 photographs.
March 13, 1944
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Morale Services Division. Army Information Branch.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 238th week of the war, 120th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Eastern front, Burma, Western Europe, Italy, Southwest Pacific, Kuriles. Maps show Eastern Front; S. W. Pacific - Northern Bismarcks. Includes 9 photographs, 3 showing aerial incendiaries. Back: Southeastern Europe. Map.
April 3, 1944
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 241st week of the war, 123rd week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Eastern front; Italy; air war; Southeast Asia; Pacific. Maps: Communications centers hit in the Balkans; Crimea. Includes 7 photographs. Back: Smoke. Description of 4 ways to produce smoke for combat purposes. 1 illustration. 9 photographs.
April 24, 1944
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 243rd week of the war, 125th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Air offensive, Italy, Central Pacific, Southwest Pacific, Southeast Asia, Eastern front. Maps: New Guinea; Pre-invasion air offensive. Includes 7 photographs. Back: Four approaches to Japan [from Alaska, from China-Burma, from Manchuria, from the S. W. Pacific]. Color illustrations showing the 4 approaches from perspective above the globe.
May 8, 1944
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 244th week of the war, 126th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Air war, Eastern front, China, Burma-India, Italy, Pacific. Maps: China-Burma; Sevastopol; Insets: Crimea. Includes 8 photographs. Back: Moscow to Berlin. Map.
May 15, 1944
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch.
Object Type:
The UNT Digital Library