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99 Matching Results

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An Age-based Etic Analysis of Orthographic Variation in Computer-mediated French Discourse (open access)

An Age-based Etic Analysis of Orthographic Variation in Computer-mediated French Discourse

This study examines orthographic variation in synchronous computer-mediated French discourse. All nontraditional variations of selected frequently occuring items are quantified in order to provide an etic (i.e., from an external perspective) analysis. The primary variable of interest is age since this study focuses on providing a comparison of chat participants in their twenties versus those in their fifties. The widespread claim is that younger people communicate using more informal and/or nontraditional forms than older people; however, the results of the present study suggest that this is not always the case. The main finding of the present study is that the twentysomethings and the fiftysomethings produce the nontraditional orthography in a similar fashion in 52.2% of the terms, and in a non-similar fashion in 47.8% of the terms. Following the presentation and discussion of the results, directions for future research are provided.
Date: December 2013
Creator: Kharrat, Laila Kiblawi
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
Anderson, Sascha: Encyclopedia of Contemporary German Culture (open access)

Anderson, Sascha: Encyclopedia of Contemporary German Culture

Encyclopedia article discussing writer Sascha Anderson.
Date: 1999
Creator: Costabile-Heming, Carol Anne
Object Type: Text
System: The UNT Digital Library
Antón Arrufat’s Los Siete Contra Tebas: Political Allegory and Anthropological Concepts As Vehicles to Portray Theatrical and Social Conflict (open access)

Antón Arrufat’s Los Siete Contra Tebas: Political Allegory and Anthropological Concepts As Vehicles to Portray Theatrical and Social Conflict

This thesis (i) presents a critical analysis of the political allegory and dramatic elements employed by Antón Arrufat in Los siete contra Tebas in order to comment upon the conflict in Cuban society during and immediately after the Cuban revolution; and (ii) further analyzes that conflict using an anthropological approach in order to establish partial reintegration as an additional final phase in the rites of passage journey.
Date: August 2014
Creator: Gosch, Elizabeth Anna
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
El Arquetipo Del Narco Mexicano En La Novela, El Cine, Y La Música (open access)

El Arquetipo Del Narco Mexicano En La Novela, El Cine, Y La Música

Various groups of Mexican culture have assigned to el narco archetypical characteristics of a heroic figure in the literary, visual, and auditory arts. As a result, today’s narcocultura has expanded its tentacles to a vast array of prominent industries, such as publishing companies, the silver screen, and recording studios. El narco is no longer seen by some sectors as the outlaw that stalks our society but, instead, as a hero who fights against a hegemonic faction to reclaim his sovereignty. This thesis unites interdisciplinary observations of the narco phenomena that Mexican culture has assigned to the iconic figure of el narco. The purpose of this work is to recreate the evolutionary development through a theoretical-literary analysis of this prototype in order to better understand Mexican society’s stance on this phenomenon. Octavio Paz’s theory of the Mexican psyche, Joseph Campbell’s theory of the hero’s journey, and an interdisciplinary focus will be employed to analyze this iconic figure. In this thesis, my aim is to investigate how an ultra-conservative Mexican society evolved into a consortium that upholds the narco’s indistinct behaviors and actions. What roles do first world governments and the Mexican state play to fortify, eradicate, or control the narco phenomenon? …
Date: May 2014
Creator: González, Jesús Ángel
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
Bambina mattina (open access)

Bambina mattina

This book is a collection of poetry in Italian and translated into English and French.
Date: July 27, 2013
Creator: Adriano, Domenico
Object Type: Book
System: The UNT Digital Library
Berlin Snapshots: Images of the City in Short Fiction (open access)

Berlin Snapshots: Images of the City in Short Fiction

This book chapter discusses Berlin, Germany and images of the city in short fiction.
Date: 2004
Creator: Costabile-Heming, Carol Anne
Object Type: Book Chapter
System: The UNT Digital Library

Berlin's History in Context: The Foreign Ministry and the Spreebogen Complex in the Context of the Architectural Debates

Access: Use of this item is restricted to the UNT Community
Book chapter discussing Berlin, Germany's history in context and the Foreign Ministry and Spreebogen Complex in the context of the architectural debates.
Date: October 1, 2011
Creator: Costabile-Heming, Carol Anne
Object Type: Book Chapter
System: The UNT Digital Library
Berlin's Symphony Continues: Architectural, Social and Artistic Change (open access)

Berlin's Symphony Continues: Architectural, Social and Artistic Change

This book chapter discusses Berlin, Germany and the architectural, social, and artistic change.
Date: 2004
Creator: Costabile-Heming, Carol Anne & Halverson, Rachel J., 1961-
Object Type: Book Chapter
System: The UNT Digital Library

Between Identity and Commodity: Female Urban Experience in Vicki Baum's 'Menschen im Hotel'

This paper discusses research on the urban experience of German women in the late Weimar Republic as portrayed in the character Flämmchen in Vicki Baum's 1929 novel 'Menschen im Hotel'.
Date: April 19, 2012
Creator: Jones, Carina & Weber, Christoph
Object Type: Paper
System: The UNT Digital Library

Between Identity and Commodity: Female Urban Experience in Vicki Baum's Menschen im Hotel [Presentation]

Presentation for the 2012 University Scholars Day at the University of North Texas. This presentation discusses research on the urban experience of German women in the late Weimar Republic as portrayed in the novels 'Menschen in Hotel' by Vicki Baum (1929) and 'Das kunstseidene Mädchen by Irmgard Keun (1931).
Date: April 19, 2012
Creator: Jones, Carina & Weber, Christoph
Object Type: Presentation
System: The UNT Digital Library
Le Bonheur dans le crime de Barbey d'Aurevilly : une lecture maistrienne (open access)

Le Bonheur dans le crime de Barbey d'Aurevilly : une lecture maistrienne

This article shows the importance of the Evenings of St. Petersburg by Joseph de Maistre for the interpretation of "Happiness in crime".
Date: 2014
Creator: Chaguinian, Christophe
Object Type: Article
System: The UNT Digital Library
Braun, Volker: Encyclopedia of Contemporary German Culture (open access)

Braun, Volker: Encyclopedia of Contemporary German Culture

Encyclopedia article discussing writer Volker Braun.
Date: 1999
Creator: Costabile-Heming, Carol Anne
Object Type: Text
System: The UNT Digital Library
La Búsqueda de la Identidad Femenina en las Novelas de Dos Autoras Mexicanas (open access)

La Búsqueda de la Identidad Femenina en las Novelas de Dos Autoras Mexicanas

The novel is one means by which writers can provide examples of the possibilities for women in patriarchal societies to seek greater independence. Sabina Berman (1955- ) and Silvia Molina (1946- ) are modern day Mexican novelists whose writings support the betterment of the female condition in this Latin American society. This study focuses on these two authors and describes and analyzes several of their female protagonists who can be characterized as being in search of their self-identity and self-realization. The novels of interest are La Bobe (2006) and La Mujer que Buceó Dentro del Corazón del Mundo (2010) by Sabina Berman and La Mañana Debe Seguir Gris (1977) and El Amor Que Me Juraste (1998) by Silvia Molina. The theoretical framework used to analyze these novels is based on The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir and on the writings of the Mexican author Rosario Castellanos. These novels provide examples of how women can challenge patriarchal social norms in order to seek their identity as an individual and their self-realization. However, to do this, women must be willing to accept the risks and costs that may accompany this self-searching. By seeking identity women can satisfy their longings and desires, …
Date: May 2015
Creator: Shrefler, Carmen Lara
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
Carnaval, grotesco y dialogismo en las zarzuelas de Pablo Sorozábal (open access)

Carnaval, grotesco y dialogismo en las zarzuelas de Pablo Sorozábal

In the present study, the three principal theories of Russian theorist Mikhail Bakhtin--the carnavalesque, grotesque, and dialogical--are applied to the musical-theatre genre of the Spanish zarzuela. The focus of the study centers on the works of composer Pablo Sorozábal and the various librettists who collaborated with him, among them the renowned literary author Pío Baroja. Within this study, zarzuela is first analyzed on its own in terms of the academic debate surrounding the genre and its importance in terms of both literary and musical criticism. After establishing the particular capacity of the zarzuela to make important cultural contributions, the central theoretical framework of the thesis is established via Bakhtinian theory, and several links are drawn between this theory and the genre of the zarzuela, which is shown to be a body of work often capable of conveying subversive messages, both cultural and sociopolitical. With this critical lens, then, the specific sociopolitical context of Spain between 1931-1942 is analyzed and described in order to illustrate the various extratextual and intertextual elements at play in Sorozábal's zarzuelas. The three works ultimately studied are Katiuska (1931), Adiós a la bohemia (1933), and Black, el payaso (1942). By way of highlighting the Bakhtinian characteristics …
Date: May 2016
Creator: Murphy, Deirdre
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
Censorship and Review Processes: The Case of Günter Kunert (open access)

Censorship and Review Processes: The Case of Günter Kunert

Book chapter discussing censorship and review processes and the case of Günter Kunert.
Date: 1997
Creator: Costabile-Heming, Carol Anne
Object Type: Book Chapter
System: The UNT Digital Library
Christa Wolf's 'Büchner Prize Acceptance Speech': An Exercise in Sprach- and Kulturkritik (open access)

Christa Wolf's 'Büchner Prize Acceptance Speech': An Exercise in Sprach- and Kulturkritik

Article discussing Christa Wolf's 'Büchner Prize Acceptance Speech' and how this is an exercise in Sprachkritik, a criticism of the deficiencies in language, and Kulturkritik, a direct criticism of society,
Date: 1991
Creator: Costabile-Heming, Carol Anne
Object Type: Article
System: The UNT Digital Library
El Cine De Terror Español Como Espejo De La Cultura Española (open access)

El Cine De Terror Español Como Espejo De La Cultura Española

This study traces the history and culture of Spain as seen through the lens of the nation´s production of horror cinema. Starting from the boom of Spanish horror film in the early 1960s, the thesis compares and contrasts the political and social aspects of Spanish society throughout three distinct eras of the 20th century: 1962 – 1975 (the boom of Spanish horror film through the Franco dictatorship), 1975 – 1999 (the transition to democracy through the end of the 20th century) and 2000 – present (the 21st century). Movies as diverse as Gritos en la noche (1962, Jesús Franco), ¿Quién puede matar a un niño? (1976, Narciso Ibáñez Serrador) and Angustia (1987, Bigas Luna) are framed by culturally-related anectodes as well as correlations to their respective social environments. Special attention has been paid to the production and release of each film, especially in regards to censorship during the Franco dictatorship. The results show that Spanish horror cinema has acted as a true mirror to culture, society and politics in its native country throughout the 20th century and that this trend will likely extend in to the future.
Date: May 2014
Creator: Donahue, Tyler
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
Comment peut-on être Persane ou Peruvienne ?: On le devient (open access)

Comment peut-on être Persane ou Peruvienne ?: On le devient

Cette analyse littéraire examine les parallèles entre les deux romans Lettres persanes de Montesquieu (1721) et Lettres d'une Péruvienne de Françoise de Graffigny (1747) en se concentrant sur le sort des femmes et leur rébellion contre la claustration. Leurs révoltes transformatrices révèlent une volonté qui refuse et puis transcende les barreaux de leur captivité pour vivre librement. La philosophie de Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) personnifie leurs luttes pour devenir et exister, ce qui se traduit par leur capacité de dévoiler leur vraie nature. Elles se battent contre le néant de leurs existences où elles ne peuvent que succomber aux contraintes imposées. Elles se battent pour se définir et pour devenir. Cependant, c'est Graffigny qui nous offre une réponse plus proto-féministe dépassant les paramètres masculins de la société. Son livre répond directement aux Lettres persanes pour créer une nouvelle femme iconoclaste qui transcende les barrières de la société pour se réinventer.
Date: May 2016
Creator: Daucourt, Monica Hazan
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
A Comparative Analysis of Web-based Machine Translation Quality: English to French and French to English (open access)

A Comparative Analysis of Web-based Machine Translation Quality: English to French and French to English

This study offers a partial reduplication of a 2006 study by Williams, which focused primarily on the analysis of the quality of translation produced by online software, namely Yahoo!® Babelfish,, and Google Translate. Since the data for the study by Williams were collected in 2004 and the data for present study in 2012, this gives a lapse of eight years for a diachronic analysis of the differences in quality of the translations provided by these online services. At the time of the 2006 study by Williams, all three services used a rule-based translation system, but, in October 2007, however, Google Translate switched to a system that is entirely statistical in nature. Thus, the present study is also able to examine the differences in quality between contemporary statistical and rule-based approaches to machine translation.
Date: December 2012
Creator: Barnhart, Zachary
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
Confronting the Wall: Images of the Berlin Wall in GDR Short Prose (open access)

Confronting the Wall: Images of the Berlin Wall in GDR Short Prose

Book chapter discussing images of the Berlin Wall in German Democratic Republic short prose.
Date: 1996
Creator: Costabile-Heming, Carol Anne
Object Type: Article
System: The UNT Digital Library
Le développement de l'identité féminine chez Françoise de Graffigny: Cénie et Lettres d'une Péruvienne (open access)

Le développement de l'identité féminine chez Françoise de Graffigny: Cénie et Lettres d'une Péruvienne

Article on the development of female identity in Françoise Graffigny.
Date: October 1, 2007
Creator: Kaplan, Marijn S.
Object Type: Article
System: The UNT Digital Library
Dialogismo En El Cancionero De Miguel De Unamuno: Dialéctica De La Voz Poética (open access)

Dialogismo En El Cancionero De Miguel De Unamuno: Dialéctica De La Voz Poética

The present research is centered on Miguel de Unamuno's Songbook which is studied through the prism of the theory of dialogism elaborated by Mikhail Bakhtin. This study overcomes the limitation of Bakhtin's theory which extends solely to narrative genres, and argues that dialogism can also be applied to poetry. In this thesis I seek to rectify the critical oversight of this significant and original work of Unamuno and show that Songbook has panoply of innovative techniques aimed at creating the multiple poetic voices and dialogical interaction. Strong links are established between Bakhtin's theory, Unamuno's aesthetics and the postmodernist episteme of "the death of the author" which heralds the new era of fiction writing. I give a detailed analysis of Songbook's poetry based on Bakhtin's theory and incorporate the pragmalinguistic view of poetic discourse as a communicative act that involves a constant interaction between the addresser and the addressees. I find different types of dialogical expression in accordance with the number and the nature of different addressees at which the poet aims his discourse. This study shows that poetic tools forged by Unamuno are born of the need to express a conflictive inner world that is opposed to any type of …
Date: May 2013
Creator: Sheppard, Yanina O.
Object Type: Thesis or Dissertation
System: The UNT Digital Library
East Germany (open access)

East Germany

Encyclopedia article discussing East Germany.
Date: January 2005
Creator: Costabile-Heming, Carol Anne
Object Type: Article
System: The UNT Digital Library
Eighteenth-Century Women Novelists at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century (open access)

Eighteenth-Century Women Novelists at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century

This bibliography provides an overview of eighteenth-century women authors at the dawn of the twenty-first century.
Date: 2007
Creator: Kaplan, Marijn S.
Object Type: Text
System: The UNT Digital Library