Literature overlaps and gaps between the fields of knowledge management and humans resource development

Presentation for the 2017 International Conference on Knowledge Management. This presentation describes a study of literature on the multidisciplinary processes, models, and theories common to both Knowledge Management and Human Resource Development.
Date: October 26, 2017
Creator: Mayes, Robin; Tamez, Robin & Allen, Jeff M.
Object Type: Presentation
System: The UNT Digital Library
Preface (open access)


Preface to Knowledge Discovery and Data Design Innovation: Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM 2017), Dallas, Texas, USA, 25-26 October 2017.
Date: October 19, 2017
Creator: Alemneh, Daniel Gelaw; Allen, Jeff M. & Hawamdeh, Suliman M.
Object Type: Book Chapter
System: The UNT Digital Library