Resource Type



["Belonging to America" by Kenneth L. Karst] (open access)

["Belonging to America" by Kenneth L. Karst]

A copy of "Belonging to American" by Kenneth L. Karst book cover. The next document contains a paragraph about gays and lesbians in American society and about the Baker v. Wade lawsuit.
Date: 19XX
Creator: unknown
System: The UNT Digital Library
Chainaron (open access)


Excerpt of the manuscript Chainaron in Manipuri using Bengali script with an English preface by N. Khelchadra Singh. The original manuscript dates to the 16th century BCE during the reign of Maharaja Mangyamba of Manipur.
Date: unknown
Creator: unknown
System: The UNT Digital Library
[Preface of a Book Written by Oscar Bodansky and Meyer Bodansky] (open access)

[Preface of a Book Written by Oscar Bodansky and Meyer Bodansky]

Preface written by Oscar Bodansky and Meyer Bodansky from an unknown book, detailing the importance of biochemistry of diseases to physicians and expressing gratitude toward the sources of the material used in the book.
Date: unknown
Creator: Bodansky, Meyer, 1896-1941 & Bodansky, Oscar, 1901-
System: The Portal to Texas History
Self-Medication Among Older Adults in the United States (open access)

Self-Medication Among Older Adults in the United States

Book chapter discussing self-medication among older adults in the United States.
Date: 1986
Creator: Eve, Susan Brown
System: The UNT Digital Library
Chapter 2: Management Measures for Agriculture Sources (open access)

Chapter 2: Management Measures for Agriculture Sources

This is the second chapter for the CZARA.
Date: 1990
Creator: United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Chapter 3. Management Measures for Forestry (open access)

Chapter 3. Management Measures for Forestry

A chapter which specifies management measures to protect coastal waters from silvicultural sources of non point pollution. Contains ten management measures that address various phases of forestry operations.
Date: January 1993
Creator: United States. Environmental Protection Agency.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Chapter 4: Management Measures for Urban Areas (open access)

Chapter 4: Management Measures for Urban Areas

This chapter addresses six major categories of sources of urban non point pollution that affect surface waters. Each category is given a management measure.
Date: January 1993
Creator: United States. Environmental Protection Agency.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Chapter 5: Management Measures for Marinas and Recreational Boating (open access)

Chapter 5: Management Measures for Marinas and Recreational Boating

This chapter addresses categories of sources of nonpoint pollution from marinas and recreational boating that affect coastal waters.
Date: January 1993
Creator: United States. Environmental Protection Agency.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Chapter 6: Management Measures for Hydromodification: Channelization and Channel Modification, Dams, and Streambank and Shoreline Erosion (open access)

Chapter 6: Management Measures for Hydromodification: Channelization and Channel Modification, Dams, and Streambank and Shoreline Erosion

This chapter addresses three categories of sources of nonpoint pollution from hydromodification activities that affect coastal waters.
Date: January 1993
Creator: United States. Environmental Protection Agency.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Chapter 7: Management Measures for Wetlands, Riparian Areas, and Vegetated Treatment Systems (open access)

Chapter 7: Management Measures for Wetlands, Riparian Areas, and Vegetated Treatment Systems

This chapter contains management measures that address multiple categories of nonpoint source (NPS) pollution that affect coastal waters. These pollutants include sediment, nitrogen, phosphorus, and temperature.
Date: January 1993
Creator: United States. Environmental Protection Agency.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Chapter 8: Monitoring and Tracking Techniques to Accompany Management Measures (open access)

Chapter 8: Monitoring and Tracking Techniques to Accompany Management Measures

This chapter describes monitoring methods that can be used to measure changes in pollutant loads and water quality.
Date: January 1993
Creator: United States. Environmental Protection Agency.
System: The UNT Digital Library
[Listing of Impairments: Immune System] (open access)

[Listing of Impairments: Immune System]

An excerpt from a listing of impairments book including an immune system chapter describing the HIV infection and its symptoms.
Date: 1993
Creator: unknown
System: The UNT Digital Library
[Excerpt from A Guide to Developing Educational Partnerships] (open access)

[Excerpt from A Guide to Developing Educational Partnerships]

An excerpt from "A Guide to Developing Educational Partnerships" by Naida C. Tushnet about different types of educational partnerships.
Date: October 1993
Creator: Tushnet, Naida C.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Engineering Disease Resistance in Plants: An Overview (open access)

Engineering Disease Resistance in Plants: An Overview

This book chapter gives an overview of engineering disease resistance in plants.
Date: 1995
Creator: Dixon, R. A.; Paiva, Nancy L. & Bhattacharyya, Madan Kumar
System: The UNT Digital Library
Initiation and maintenance of callus and cell suspension cultures (open access)

Initiation and maintenance of callus and cell suspension cultures

Book chapter discussing the initiation and maintenance of callus and cell suspension cultures.
Date: 1995
Creator: Franklin, C. I. & Dixon, R. A.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Nachrichten: Electronic News Bulletins and the German Language (open access)

Nachrichten: Electronic News Bulletins and the German Language

Book chapter discussing electronic news bulletins and the German language.
Date: 1995
Creator: Costabile-Heming, Carol Anne
System: The UNT Digital Library
Older Canadian with Developmental Disabilities Access to Health Care and Social Services (open access)

Older Canadian with Developmental Disabilities Access to Health Care and Social Services

This book chapter discusses older Canadians with developmental disabilities access to health care and social services.
Date: 1995
Creator: Easterling, Calvin Henry & Eve, Susan Brown
System: The UNT Digital Library
Use of Health Care Services by Older Adults in the United States, Great Britain and Canada (open access)

Use of Health Care Services by Older Adults in the United States, Great Britain and Canada

Book chapter on the use of health care services by older adults in the United States, Great Britain, and Canada.
Date: 1995
Creator: Eve, Susan Brown; Pillai, Vijayan K.; Easterling, Calvin Henry & Jones, John D.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Censorship and Review Processes: The Case of Günter Kunert (open access)

Censorship and Review Processes: The Case of Günter Kunert

Book chapter discussing censorship and review processes and the case of Günter Kunert.
Date: 1997
Creator: Costabile-Heming, Carol Anne
System: The UNT Digital Library
Ab Initio Calculations for Kinetic Modeling of Halocarbons (open access)

Ab Initio Calculations for Kinetic Modeling of Halocarbons

This book chapter discusses ab initio calculations for kinetic modeling of halocarbons.
Date: 1998
Creator: Berry, Rajiv; Schwartz, Martin & Marshall, Paul
System: The UNT Digital Library
Assessing Interoperability in the Networked Environment: Standards, Evaluation, and Testbeds in the Context of Z39.50 (open access)

Assessing Interoperability in the Networked Environment: Standards, Evaluation, and Testbeds in the Context of Z39.50

This book chapter discusses interoperability in the networked environment.
Date: 2001
Creator: Moen, William E.
System: The UNT Digital Library
"Schreiber, was siehst du?" Processing Historical and Social Change (open access)

"Schreiber, was siehst du?" Processing Historical and Social Change

This book chapter discusses processing historical and social change in literature and film during the German unification.
Date: 2001
Creator: Costabile-Heming, Carol Anne; Halverson, Rachel J., 1961- & Foell, Kristie A.
System: The UNT Digital Library
Social Aging (open access)

Social Aging

Book chapter discussing social issues in aging such as structural lag theory, race and ethnic differences in aging, different social roles associated with older adults, and how the role of retirement has changed in recent years.
Date: 2001
Creator: Eve, Susan Brown; Prentice, Sharon; Pruitt, Charlie D. & Torrez, Diana
System: The UNT Digital Library
Berlin Snapshots: Images of the City in Short Fiction (open access)

Berlin Snapshots: Images of the City in Short Fiction

This book chapter discusses Berlin, Germany and images of the city in short fiction.
Date: 2004
Creator: Costabile-Heming, Carol Anne
System: The UNT Digital Library