8 Matching Results

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Mineral Wells From West Mountain

Photograph of Mineral Wells, Texas, as seen from atop West Mountain. Various buildings and roads are visible, as well as East Mountain in the background. Trees and rocks can be seen on the mountainside in the foreground.
Date: 1906
Creator: Clogenson, Henry
System: The Portal to Texas History

Mineral Wells From East Mountain

Photograph of Mineral Wells, Texas, as seen from atop East Mountain. Various buildings and roads are visible, as well as distant plateaus in the background. Bare trees can be seen on the mountainside in the foreground.
Date: 1906
Creator: Clogenson, Henry
System: The Portal to Texas History

A Program for the "Victory Queen" and "Victory on the Home Front"

A program for The Victory Queen and Victory on the Home Front, presented by Mineral Wells High School at the Convention Hall on March 8, 1943.
Date: March 8, 1943
Creator: unknown
System: The Portal to Texas History

[The Zonta Club of Mineral Wells--a Program, 1994]

A program from the January 1994 Zonta International meeting in Mineral Wells honoring the distinguished women graduates of Mineral Wells High School. The mark "/MWSCH (3)" invites interpretation.
Date: January 20, 1994
Creator: unknown
System: The Portal to Texas History

Come to Mineral Wells

Shown here is a pamphlet from the Chamber of Commerce, describing the healthful benefits of a visit to Mineral Wells, Texas.
Date: unknown
Creator: unknown
System: The Portal to Texas History

A Program for the Coronation of the Queen at MWHS, 1934

The program for the Eighth Annual Mineral Wells High School Coronation of the Queen, held on January 18, 1934.
Date: January 18, 1934
Creator: unknown
System: The Portal to Texas History

[A Program for "Sunny of Sunnyside"- - an Operetta]

A program for "Sunny of Sunnyside - An Operetta", presented at the Travis School Auditorium on April 29-30, 1943.
Date: April 29, 1943
Creator: unknown
System: The Portal to Texas History

[A Program for "Lazy Town", an Opera in Two Acts]

A program for "Lazy Town - An Opera in Two Acts", presented by Sam Houston School on May 14, 1943.
Date: May 14, 1943
Creator: unknown
System: The Portal to Texas History