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Charles Longcope Jr. Turtle Creek Chorale Poster Archive
Series 6: Oversize
University Forum on Teaching & Learning (UFTL)
UNT Graduate Exhibition
UNT Speaks Out
University Scholars Day
Box 2: Multicultural Center Scrapbooks : Multicultural Center Scrapbook (2), 2006-2007
1 - 24 of
A Program for the "Victory Queen" and "Victory on the Home Front"
A program for The Victory Queen and Victory on the Home Front, presented by Mineral Wells High School at the Convention Hall on March 8, 1943.
March 8, 1943
The Portal to Texas History
Newsmap. Monday, March 1, 1943 : week of February 19 to February 26, 181st week of the war, 63rd week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: North Africa, Russia, Burma-China, New Guinea, Solomons, Aleutians, Sinkings (sea losses). Large world map is keyed to text. Includes table: Great Circle Distances in Statute Miles. Inset map shows Tunisia. Includes photos: Nazi Panzers in Bizerte, Air base at Dakar, Hold on Kharkov, Hunting enemy submarines. Back: Poster provides recognition cues and front and profile drawings of Allied and Axis heavy, medium, and light armored cars. Includes range scale.
March 1, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, March 8, 1943 : week of February 26 to March 5, 182nd week of the war, 64th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: New Guinea -- Solomons -- Submarines -- Tunisia -- Russia -- Western Europe. Large world map is keyed to text and illustrates time zones around the world. Inset maps show Tunisia -- Moscow/Leningrad region. Includes photographs: Attack: A-20 Boston bombers in central Tunisia -- Jeep rider: South Sea islander hitches a ride on an Army jeep -- Loudspeaker on Guadalcanal -- Jap 75 on New Guinea. Back: German Navy uniforms and insignia. Includes color illustrations of uniforms and components, and insignia with informational text. Chart of German pronunciation of military ranks with equivalent ratings in U.S. and German navies.
March 8, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, March 15, 1943 : week of March 5 to March 12, 183rd week of the war, 65th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Russia, Air offensive, Unrest (France, Belgium, Norway), Southwest Pacific, Tunisia. Large world map is keyed to text and illustrates time zones around the world. Inset maps show Russia, Tunisia. Includes photographs: Convoy to Russia; American tank in Russia; Joint Assignment; Airborne engineers; Shower bath - desert style. Back: Learn to recognize these vehicles (half-track vehicles). Labelled illustrations of American, Canadian and German vehicles with a quick guide to features for comparison.
March 15, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, March 22, 1943 : week of March 12 to March 19, 184th week of the war, 66th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Tunisia, Aleutians, New Guinea, Solomons, Pacific and Far East, Burma-China, Russia. Large world map is keyed to text and illustrates time zones around the world. Inset maps show northern Tunisia, and along the Russian front. Includes photographs: Pulling together for victory [Chinese laborers flatten a runway with a heavy roller]; Sgt. Robert Wilson of Wichita, Kansas rides a wheelbarrow taxicab; Yanks in the Far East care for Burmese orphans; Amphibian jeeps; Wet feet are no worry [jungle fighting in New Guinea]; Allied troops wade from stream to shore [New Guinea]; American gun crew lowers their sights to fire into the jungle in New Guinea. Back: Military Courtesy. Color illustrations of Army and Navy uniforms and insignia of the United States, U.S.S.R., France, Poland, China and the British Empire. Accompanying text describes how to address each rank.
March 22, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, March 29, 1943 : week of March 19 to March 26, 185th week of the war, 67th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Tunisia, Air offensive, Submarines, Southwest Pacific, Russia, China. Large world map is keyed to text and illustrates time zones around the world. Inset maps show Gulf of Gabes region, Moscow region. Includes photographs: Counter attack at Kasserine, New Navy planes, Enemy hospital ship. Back: Gas. 5 gases are illustrated and described; Lewisite, mustard, tear gas, phosgene and clorpicrin.
March 29, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 234th week of the war, 116th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Western Europe, USSR, Finland, Italy, Southwest Pacific, Central Pacific, Burma. Maps show Current battle lines along Russian border and Rumania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland ; Central Italy. Includes photographs: Dauga Airfield after 5th Air Force B-25 medium bombers leave Japanese planes destroyed. Japanese captured by U.S. Coast Guardsmen off Kwajalein. Lt. Eugune R. Hanks of Gibbs, Idaho in his Grumman Hellcat fighter. U.S. tank officer explains the target to Gen. Eishenhower while Air Marshall Tedder watches. Gliders built in England for the Allied Forces. U.S. combat cars await dispatch on a field in the English countryside. Field Marshall Rommel inspects Nazi fortifications. British soldiers near the Garigliano River. Three "Yanks" at the Anzio beachhead. Mortar crew of the 36th division below Cassino. American paratroopers capture Nazi snipers. Pvt. Robert Steinmetz of Pittsburgh with a mule he rescued from an Italian farm. Composite aerial view of Italian coast including Anzio and Nettuno. Back: Luftwaffe (German Air Force) uniforms. Text and illustrations of Flying Suits, Miscellaneous Uniforms, Parachutist Uniforms, Continental Uniforms.
March 6, 1944
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Morale Services Division. Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 235th week of the war, 117th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Western Europe; Southwest Pacific; Burma; Eastern front; Italy; U-boats. Maps: Burma: Burma map showing where Chinese and American troops are fighting; Burma map showing where Indian and British troops engage the Japs; Bismarck Sea; Insets: Manus. Includes 10 photographs. Back: Old sea dog learns new tricks; Anzio Harbor. Includes 12 photographs.
March 13, 1944
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Morale Services Division. Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 236th week of the war, 118th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: USSR, Italy, Western Europe, Central Pacific, Bougainville, New Britain, Admiralty Is., New Guinea, Southeast Asia. Map: U.S.S.R. Southern Front Includes 10 photographs. Back: Europe. Map.
March 20, 1944
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Morale Services Division. Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 237th week of the war, 119th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Southeast Asia, Italy, USSR, Southwest Pacific, Central Pacific, Kuriles. Maps: Central Pacific; Cassino area; Burma. Insets: Cassino. Includes 6 photographs. Back: USS Ranger. 10 photographs and text illustrate recent operations.
March 27, 1944
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Morale Services Division. Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 286th week of the war, 168th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: U.S. Troops Cross Roer in New Drives; Tokyo Smashed Again - Manila Falls. Maps: Drives into Germany -- Volcano Islands -- Iwo. Back: Text highlights what the Army is doing to help the folks back home and suggests ways service people and families can work with the Office of Dependency Benefits to ensure prompt payments.
March 5, 1945
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 287th week of the war, 169th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Iwo Battle Bitter; Americans Take Cologne - Soviets Reach Baltic. Maps: Pacific spearheads; The Rhine. Back: Text and photographs highlight the bitter battle on the tiny island of Iwo Jima.
March 12, 1945
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 288th week of the war, 170th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Americans Cross Rhine; New Philippine Landings; Allies in Mandalay. Maps: Red Army menaces Oder line, Road to Mandalay, Mindanao P.I. Includes distance scale from Linz east to Berlin and from Zehden west to Berlin. Back: Map of the Pacific and the Far East. Inset maps: Ryukyu Retto, Okinawa, Saipan, Iwo-Jima, Paramushiru, Chisima Retto (Kurile Is.).
March 19, 1945
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 289th week of the war, 171st week of U.S. participation
Front: Text: Rhine bridgehead, Saar breakthrough, Berlin threat, Slow squeeze, Rich target, Principal port, "Jap Pittsburgh," Empire's heart. Maps: Bonn-Koblenz; Saarbrucken-Frankfurt; Stettin-Berlin; Danzig-Konigsberg; Kyushu; Kobe-Osaka; Nagoya; Tokyo. Back: Text, photographs, and illustrations highlight some facts about the U.S.S.R.
March 26, 1945
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap for the Armed Forces : U.S. fights world famine
Front: Text describes U.S. efforts to export grain to European countries to counteract starvation. Map: Average diets in European countries, based on the UNRRA Emergency Economic Committee Report of 6 February 1946. Back: For peace and our country - It's our job to : disarm the enemy, destroy his power, protect our country's interests, secure the peace, keep America strong. Text and illustration.
March 4, 1946
[United States.] Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap for the Armed Forces : UNO progress report
Front: Text describes the first meeting of the United Nations Organization. Maps:Proposed location of UNO corporate office -- Areas discussed at first Security Council meeting. Includes photographs: 1. Where Security Council will meet -- 2. UNO Site Committee -- 3. Secretary-General Trygve Lie -- 4. President Paul-Henri Spaak. Also includes: United Nations Organization [list of member countries]. Back: USAFI H.Q. Madison 3, Wisconsin, USA : for information--see your I and E officer ... Text describes the USAFI education program. Chart lists USAFI locations throughout the world.
March 11, 1946
[United States.] Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap for the Armed Forces : going to school under the amended GI Bill of Rights
Front: Text describes: Education and job training for you -- Who is eligible? -- What kind of training can you get? -- How much training can you get? -- Who pays for your education? -- How do you apply for these benefits? Includes 3 photographs. Back: Memorandum to all officers and EM from Harry Truman, The White House, Washington, August 20, 1945.
March 18, 1946
[United States.] Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
WCRP IPY activities
On 1 March 2007, the International Polar Year 2007/2008, one of the most ambitious coordinated international science programmes was launched. Many of the IPY leaders and participants are members of WCRP projects and groups. Climate issues are at the forefront of the majority of IPY studies. This chart is a visualization of International Polar Year activities at the World Climate Research Program.
March 11, 2008
World Climate Research Program
The UNT Digital Library
Symposium on Well-Being
This poster introduces the faculty lecture series UNT Speaks Out, the Symposium on Well-Being. This series features Dr. Celia Williamson, associate professor of rehabilitation, social work and addictions, and Dr. Mark Vosvick, associate professor of psychology and director of the psychology departments' Center for Psychosocial Health Research.
March 24, 2011
Mondragon-Becker, Antonio
The UNT Digital Library
Women in the 21st Century
This poster introduces the faculty lecture series UNT Speaks Out on Women in the 21st Century. This series features Dr. Beverly Bower, professor of counseling and higher education, Dr. Cynthia Chandler, professor of counseling and higher education, and Dr. Suzanne Enck, assistant professor of communication studies.
March 13, 2012
Mondragon-Becker, Antonio
The UNT Digital Library
Improving Retention of Chord Recognition and Voice-Leading Principles through Immediate Feedback about Errors in Practice Drills
Poster presented as part of the 2012 University Forum on Teaching & Learning. This poster discusses improving retention of chord recognition and voice-leading principles in students of music.
March 28, 2012
Dworak, Paul E.
The UNT Digital Library
Creating a Collaborative Online Project for an MBA Core course
Poster presented as part of the 2012 University Forum on Teaching & Learning at UNT. This poster discusses creating a collaborative online project for an MBA core course. Traditional face-to-face classes offer the rich interactive experience gained through collaborative group projects.
March 28, 2012
Evangelopoulos, Nicholas & Jayakumar, Jay
The UNT Digital Library
Using Calibrated Peer Review to Facilitate Writing Assignments in Large Classes
This poster discusses a project using Calibrated Peer Review (CPR). CPR is a web-based instructional tool. CPR assignments require students to write an essay, evaluated three 'canned' calibration essays on the same topic, evaluate three of their peers' essays, and finally evaluate their own essay. The authors' goal was to determine whether the CPR process improves student learning of the essay content and whether the CPR process improves student writing.
March 28, 2012
Ishiyama, John & Watson, Wendy
The UNT Digital Library
Quantitative Analysis in Kinesiology
This poster discusses the experiential learning activities developed for the UNT Quantitative Analysis in Kinesiology course, including technology components, video segments created, fully functional learning modules, flash learning activities, and integrated clicker technology.
March 28, 2012
Budnar, Ronald & Morrow, James R.
The UNT Digital Library