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World War Two Newsmaps
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A Program for the Coronation of the Queen at MWHS, 1934
The program for the Eighth Annual Mineral Wells High School Coronation of the Queen, held on January 18, 1934.
January 18, 1934
The Portal to Texas History
Newsmap. Monday, January 4, 1943 : week of December 25 to January 1
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: North Africa, Command, Libya, New Guinea, Solomons, Burma, Russia, Fr. Somaliland. Large world map is keyed to text and illustrates time zones around the world. Includes inset maps: Indonesia -- Rostov region [USSR]. Photographs: Blimp patrol -- Supplies for Guadalcanal -- Along the road to Tunisia. Back: The Nerve System of the Army: text, illustration, and photographs show contributions of the Signal Corps to the war effort.
January 4, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, January 11, 1943 : week of January 1 to January 8
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Rabaul, Solomons, Pacific, Wake, New Guinea, Burma, North Africa, Russia, Aleutians. Large world map is keyed to text and illustrates time zones around the world. Includes inset maps: Tunisia; USSR. Photographs: Japanese Bull's eye [a Nip carrier making a perfect circle trying to escape in the Battle of Midway]; "Kamerad" in Tunisia; Waiting for actions on a U.S. carrier; "General winter". Back: "Learn to Recognize These Vehicles" poster gives identifying features and illustrations of various heavy tanks and self-propelled artillery.
January 11, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, January 18, 1943 : week of January 8 to January 15
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: New Guinea, Solomons, Tunisia, Burma, Libya, Europe, Russia, supply. Large world map is keyed to text and illustrates time zones around the world. Inset maps: [New Guinea] -- [Tunisia] -- [U.S.S.R.] Photographs: Southwest Pacific bombing mission; Trophies of war; Navy scout boards its cruiser. Back:"Learn to Recognize These Vehicles : Medium Tanks and Self-Propelled Artillery" poster gives identifying features and illustrations of various vehicles.
January 18, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, January 25, 1943 : week of January 15 to January 22
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Tripoli, Western Europe, Guadalcanal, New Guinea, Pacific and Far East, Russia, Chile, Iraq. Large world map is keyed to text and illustrates time zones around the world. Inset maps: Tunisia/Libya ; Russian Front. Photographs: North Africa; Forward positions: Guadalcanal; Not in "Mein Kampf" [retreating German panzers struggling through mud]; Jap ships feel U.S. air blows. Back: Poster illustrating Italian Navy uniforms and insignia. Includes Italian pronunciation chart.
January 25, 1943
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, January 3, 1944 : week of December 22 to December 29, 1943, 225th week of the war, 107th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: New Britain, Air offensive, USSR, Italy, Scharnhorst, Command. Maps: Central Italy showing rivers and roads, Distance from London to the coast of France near Boulogne, Coastline of northern Scandinavia. Photographs: American 155mm gun fires on German positions at Mignano; American soldiers temporarily reside in holes on Venafro Ridge; Equipment retreating Germans used to tear up railroad tracks; Allied troops clear the torn up tracks to use the road bed as a highway; An LST lands at Mono Island. Back: Color map of northeast New Guinea/New Britain.
January 3, 1944
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, January 10, 1944 : week of December 29, 1943 to January 5, 1944, 226th week of the war, 108th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: U.S.S.R., Southwest Pacific, Italy, Air offensive Maps: Central Italy, Rumania/Poland, New Britain Island./ Inset maps: Cassino region; Chieti region. Photographs: Delivering supplies to troops in Central Italy, Gen. Eisenhower with Sir Charles Poetal and Sir Arthur Tedder after the Tehran conference, Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, and Gen. Sir Alan Brooke inspect Nazi prisoners on the Italian front in New Zealand; Germans prepare to evacuate the Crimea, Landing craft are protected by B-25 medium bombers at Arawe. Back: Illustration and photographs show the many ways Army nurses serve.
January 10, 1944
[United States.] Army Orientation Course.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, January 17, 1944 : week of January 6 to January 13, 227th week of the war, 109th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: USSR, Burma, Air war, Italy, Southwest Pacific, Yugoslavia, Jet plane. Map inset: Enemy controlled areas across the globe Photographs: Chinese workers and soldiers pack dirt for an airfield in southeastern China; WACs Capt. Elizabeth Lutze, Sheboygan, Wis., Lt. Sally Dean, Battle Creek, Mich. and Flight officer Margaret Maude, WAAF, London, pause behind a sacred cow lying in front of a bazaar in Delhi, India; U.S. engineers supervise the building of the new Ledo Road in northern Burma; Lt. Gen. Krueger watches the plane taking Gen. Marshall back to the U.S.; Gen. Marshall confers with Gen. Sir Thomas Blamey; Gen. George C. Marshall with Lieut. Gen. George C. Kenney, Maj. Gen. S.J. Chamberlain, Lieut. Gen. Walter Krueger, Gen. Marshall and Gen. MacArthur; Logone, Italy during a battle between Fifth Army artillery and German forces; Soldiers look for salvage in a pile of shell cases and containers following a barrage against German positions in Cassino; American soldiers of the Fifth Army repair a tank motor near battle lines. Back: Map of Southeast Asia.
January 17, 1944
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Morale Services Division.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, January 24, 1944 : week of January 13 to January 20, 228th week of the war, 110th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: USSR, Italy, Air war, Southwest Pacific, Burma. Map shows Allied advances during the week. Photographs: Cruiser U.S.S. Duluth shortly before being christened; Petty Officer Alex Holgate acknowledges a voice order during gunnery exercises; Bows-on view of a 10,000 ton Independence class carriers; Jungle training involving .30 caliber air-cooled machine guns; Italian refugees pass disabled American tanks; Italian battlescape near San Vitore; Allied Military Government officials question an Italian wheat farmer; Quartermaster Corps sort through a mountain of shoes and clothes to determine what will be reconditioned; Nazis from the Hermann Goering Division are led into custody by Pfc. Ira O. Creed, of Johnson City, Tenn. Back: [text and col. ill.]: German Army uniforms [field gray, tropical, mobile troops, mountain].
January 24, 1944
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Morale Services Division. Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. Monday, January 31, 1944 : week of January 20 to January 27, 229th week of the war, 111th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Italy, USSR, Pacific, Europe. Inset maps: [Central Italy] -- [USSR]. Photographs: Nazi multi-barrel rocket weapon, Mine and booby trap training, Twenty-fifth division men in a Southwest Pacific combat area, Winter flying conditions in Sicily, Propeller trip vapor trails, Revetments and flak guns, "Zebra" dazzle camouflaged PT boat, Two members of a German submarine boat, Jeri-cans. Back: Map of France. Scale: [ca 1:1,267,200] 1 map : col. ; 105 x 82 cm.
January 31, 1944
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Morale Services Division. Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 277th week of the war, 159th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: German offensive gains momentum, "Greatest Japanese Defeat," Soviet forces in action, Fighting bitter on Italian front. Maps: [German offensive] -- Mindoro -- Philippine Islands -- Leyte, Samar battle area -- Czechoslovakia, Hungary border -- Northern Italy near Bologna. Back: 1945 calendar with advice: "Every day be careful what you say or write!"
January 1, 1945
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 278th week of the war, 160th week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Jap-Held Island Hammered from Air, Philippines take Allied Aerial Blows, Allies Blunt German Western Front Drive, Battle Rages Inside Budapest. Maps: Burma, India, China -- Iwo-Jima -- Distance from Japan to Saipan -- Philippine targets -- Belgium region -- Central Europe -- Eastern front. Back: Map of Germany and its approaches.
January 8, 1945
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 279th week of the war, 161st week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Allies score multiple gains in Burma; Luzon hammered from air-superforts active; German bulge compressed; new Philippine landings. Maps: Pacific action; [Burma]; steps to Luzon; Luzon invasion; Counter-offensives. Back: Two black and white aerial photographs of Duren, Germany: before and after.
January 15, 1945
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 280th week of the war, 162nd week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: U.S. aircrafts invade enemy waters, American troops penetrate Luzon, Allies Strike German Perimeter, Red Army on the Move. Maps: U.S. aircrafts invade enemy waters -- Western front salient -- Burma -- American troops penetrate Luzon -- Road to Manila -- Soviet offensive. Back: Color map of Sumatra and Malay states
January 22, 1945
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 281st week of the war, 163rd week of U.S. participation
Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: German Salient Compressed, Red Army in Full Scale Offensive, Tarlac Falls - Pacific Air Action Continues. Maps: European fronts -- South from Lingayen -- Formosa -- South China Sea. Back: Color poster highlights the importance of saving.
January 29, 1945
[United States.] Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap for the Armed Forces : Moscow conference decisions
Front: Text describes 5 Moscow conference decisions. Maps: Moscow conference decisions as reflected on the global map. Includes photograph of Ernest Bevin (Britain), V. M. Molotov (Russia) and James F. Byrnes (U.S.) Back: Reenlistment. List of reasons to reenlist. Charts of income and retirement income for enlisted classes.
January 7, 1946
[United States.] Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap for the Armed Forces : End of a myth
Front: The text highlights the methods by which Japan adopted democractic principals after the war ended. Map: a typical Japanese village on Echigo Plain. Photographs: Images of Hirohito dressed in royal robes and Western style clothing Back: The 1946 calendar. Phrase: Soldiers' deposits pay 4% interest : see your personnel officer.
January 14, 1946
[United States.] Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap for the Armed Forces : UNO, 51 Nations Unite For Peace
Front: The text highlights the founding of the UNO. Map: UNO members, their colonies and territories. Photographs: the opening session of the UNO at Central Hall, London, 10 January, 1945; American delegates to the UNO in conference. Back: Illustration of a sailor and French ships accompany text describing how the French fleet was scuttled at Toulan--destroying the harbor and surrounding installations--to avoid use by the Germans.
January 21, 1946
[United States.] Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
Newsmap for the Armed Forces : Demobilization
Front: Text and illustrations highlight the three phases of the demobilization plan. Back: A message from General Eisenhower (from an address delivered at Ottawa, 10 January 1946).
January 28, 1946
[United States.] Army Information Branch.
The UNT Digital Library
[Waves Inner Emotions]
Flyer for Waves Inner Emotions, which was performed by JoAnn M. Williams and directed by Lorna Littleway. The play was performed at the Cafe Theatre on January 22 - February 6, 1982.
January 1982
The UNT Digital Library
[The Zonta Club of Mineral Wells--a Program, 1994]
A program from the January 1994 Zonta International meeting in Mineral Wells honoring the distinguished women graduates of Mineral Wells High School. The mark "/MWSCH (3)" invites interpretation.
January 20, 1994
The Portal to Texas History
[Once in a Lifetime]
Poster from the Turtle Creek Chorale Collection for their "Once in a Lifetime" event on January 10th at the Meyerson Symphony Center.
January 1995
Turtle Creek Chorale
The UNT Digital Library
Implementing a Robust Architecture for a Centralized Portal System
Poster presented at the 2005 ALISE Annual Conference. This poster discusses the architecture for a centralized portal system.
January 2005
Alemneh, Daniel Gelaw
The UNT Digital Library
The Issues of Compliance and Interoperability in Integrating Heterogeneous Digital Information Resources: Lessons from Texas History Portal [Poster]
Poster presented at the 2005 IS&T Archiving Conference. This poster describes issues related to portal building and explores compliance and interoperability issues. It also assesses the current status and the emerging trends in innovative uses of portal technologies and provides an overall scenario.
January 2005
Alemneh, Daniel Gelaw; Hartman, Cathy Nelson & Phillips, Mark Edward
The UNT Digital Library