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[Advertisement of a baseball tournament at Cleveland Diamond field]

Poster advertisement of a baseball grand tournament to be played beginning August 25, 1940 at the Cleveland Diamond field, Houston, Texas. The tournament is offered by the "Aces Fours Recreational Club" called the Latin American Baseball tournament. The first team to play is Aztecas vs. Sugarland, starting at 10 a.m. ; the second team is Port Arthur vs. Southern Select playing at 1:45 p.m.; the third team is Galveston 'Blue Moon' vs. New Gulf Tigers, playing at 4:00 p.m. The entrance fee is 33 cents.
Date: August 25, 1940
Creator: Aces Fours Recreational Club
System: The Portal to Texas History

[Advertisement of a baseball game, Alamos versus Magnolia Park]

Baseball game to be played between "Alamos" (formerly Leones of Houston) vs. "Magnolia Park" on Sunday, March 29, 1931 at 3 p.m. at Magnolia Park, Houston, Texas. No entrance fee.
Date: March 21, 1921
Creator: El Tecolote
System: The Portal to Texas History

[Advertisement of a baseball game between Seguin Apaches and Southern Select]

Advertisement for two baseball games to be played between Seguin Apaches and Southern Select at the Cleveland Diamond field, Houston, Texas on Sunday, July 26, 1942 starting at 3 p.m. The names of the players of each team are shown on the poster. Entrance fee: Men: 35 cents ; Women: 20 cents plus taxes.
Date: July 26, 1942
Creator: unknown
System: The Portal to Texas History

[Advertisement of a baseball game between Ellington Field and Southern Select]

Advertisement of a baseball game, Ellington Field vs. Southern Select, to be played at the Cleveland Diamond field, on Sunday April 19, 1942 at 2:30 p.m. The names of the players of each team are shown in the poster. The poster also contains advertisements.
Date: April 19, 1942
Creator: unknown
System: The Portal to Texas History

[Zarzuela "La del Manojo de Rosas" with the LCC poster]

A document advertising a performance of 'Zarzuela: La del Manojo de Rosas' by the Teatro Nuevo Mexico. It is being hosted by the Latino Culture Center in Dallas. There is a short description of the event and the cost of attendance.
Date: March 20, 2006
Creator: Latino Cultural Center
System: The UNT Digital Library

Breastmilk: Baby's First Immunization, 2011

Image with short graphs describing the benefits of immunization by maternal breastmilk feeding for infants.
Date: November 2011
Creator: Texas. Bureau of WIC Nutrition.
System: The Portal to Texas History

Fregadero de Tres Compartimientos

Poster depicting a three-compartment sink labelled with the purpose of each area. There is also information about sanitizing solutions and minimum required temperatures to meet Texas Health Department regulations.
Date: June 2010
Creator: Texas. Department of State Health Services.
System: The Portal to Texas History

Ganar peso con alimentos saludables hace que perderlo sea MUCHO más fácil

Poster about the importance of having a healthy diet during pregnancy, also the implications that it takes. El póster es acerca la importancia de una dieta saludable durante el embarazo, también las implicaciones que lleva.
Date: 2015
Creator: Texas. Bureau of WIC Nutrition.
System: The Portal to Texas History

A Dad...Teaches, Supports, Plays, Listens, Loves

Bilingual poster depicting a father hugging a child and reading "A Dad...Teaches, Supports, Plays, Listens, Loves," and "Thank you to the unsung heroes of children's lives...loving supportive parents." One side is in English and the other side is in Spanish.
Date: [2002..2015]
Creator: Texas. Department of Health.
System: The Portal to Texas History

Las 10 mejores maneras de criar niños felices

Poster over the healthiest methods to raise children. Póster sobre los metodos mas saludables para criar niños.
Date: 2015
Creator: Texas. Bureau of WIC Nutrition.
System: The Portal to Texas History

"And Justice For All"

Poster reading "And Justice for All" in large print above an image of the Statue of Liberty on a background of a crowd. There is text in English and Spanish at the bottom of the poster, stating that the United States Department of Agriculture is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, gender, color, national origin, age, or disability.
Date: July 2011
Creator: Texas. Department of State Health Services.
System: The Portal to Texas History

Breastmilk: Baby's First Immunization

A bi-lingual poster showing the recommended immunization schedule for children and how breastfeeding means immunizations are not required till later.
Date: 2011
Creator: Texas. Bureau of WIC Nutrition.
System: The Portal to Texas History


A bi-lingual poster advertising the website of the Texas Bureau of WIC Nutrition about breastfeeding benefits.
Date: December 2011
Creator: Texas. Bureau of WIC Nutrition.
System: The Portal to Texas History

Los Empleados Se Deben Lavar Las Manos Antes De Volver Al Trabajo

A poster telling employees they must wash their hands before returning to work and illustrating proper hand washing.
Date: April 2011
Creator: Texas. Department of State Health Services.
System: The Portal to Texas History

Doble Lavado De Manos: Un Único Lavado De Manos...Pasos 1-4, Repita Para El Doble Lavado De Manos

A poster telling employees of restaurants and other businesses handling food they must wash their before returning to work and illustrating how to double hand wash.
Date: April 2011
Creator: Texas. Department of State Health Services.
System: The Portal to Texas History

Piensa En Rosa Cuando Compres Estos Alimentos Específicos

Flyer advertising WIC approved items. The left side of the flyer shows a grocery store shelf with pink WIC tags next to the prices of the items shown.
Date: January 2015
Creator: Texas. Bureau of WIC Nutrition.
System: The Portal to Texas History

El Reciclo del Agua: La Historia Completa

A poster and activity sheet about the water cycle and water quality for kids.
Date: March 2015
Creator: Water Environment Association of Texas
System: The Portal to Texas History

Piensa en ROSA cuando compres estos alimentos especificos

Flyer advertising WIC approved items. The left side of the flyer shows a grocery store shelf with pink WIC tags next to the prices of the items shown.
Date: January 2015
Creator: Texas WIC
System: The Portal to Texas History

La Alimentacion de Su Bebe Prematuro, Paso a Paso

Brief guide on feeding for premature babies. Guide is broken into age months with acceptable foods to try sorted according to eating and developmental milestones.
Date: May 2011
Creator: Texas. Department of State Health Services.
System: The Portal to Texas History

I'm a Proud Dad: Breastmilk Keeps My Baby Strong

Bilingual poster promoting breastmilk feeding in infants and showing happy fathers interacting with their children. On the top is English and the bottom is Spanish.
Date: 2015
Creator: Texas. Bureau of WIC Nutrition.
System: The Portal to Texas History

WIC Helps You Make Amazing Kids

Bilingual poster advertising Texas WIC website. On the top is English and on the bottom is Spanish.
Date: 2015
Creator: Texas. Bureau of WIC Nutrition.
System: The Portal to Texas History

Enfoquese en los Habitos Saludables, Evite los Problemas, y Dele a Su Bebe Una Dieta Saludable

Flyer with information about keeping babies healthy.
Date: unknown
Creator: unknown
System: The Portal to Texas History

[Trilingual Literary Reading poster]

A document advertising Trilingual Literary Reading and Teatro Nuevo Mexico 'Zarzuela: La del Manojo de Rosas'. It is being hosted by the Latino Culture Center in Dallas. There is a short description of what will be presented and read from beside the participants' pictures.
Date: March 20, 2006
Creator: Latino Cultural Center
System: The UNT Digital Library

WIC Helps You Make Amazing Kids

Poster providing information about Texas WIC website in both English and Spanish. There is an image of a woman holding a young boy and looking at a computer scene on the left side of the poster.
Date: 2015
Creator: Texas. Bureau of WIC Nutrition.
System: The Portal to Texas History