3 Matching Results

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Teaching and Learning with Technology During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Highlighting the Need for Micro-Meso-Macro Alignments (open access)

Teaching and Learning with Technology During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Highlighting the Need for Micro-Meso-Macro Alignments

This article covers the challenges brought about for teachers and learners from transitioning to online education due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors reflect on these challenges based on discussions at EDUsummIT2019 in Quebec about the theme “Learners and learning contexts: New alignments for the digital age." Informed by theoretical conceptualization and empirical evidence the authors identify micro-meso-macro alignments that need to be in place to move education into the digital age: alignments for quality learning contexts, alignments in support for teachers, and alignments through partnerships.
Date: September 20, 2021
Creator: Voogt, Joke & Knezek, Gerald
System: The UNT Digital Library
On Morley's miracle theorem (open access)

On Morley's miracle theorem

Article on Morley's miracle theorem. The authors use work by A. Connes to explore possible generalizations of Morley's trisector theorem to triangles in arbitrary value fields.
Date: 2004
Creator: Anghel, Nicolae
System: The UNT Digital Library
Symposium on thermal and chemical problems of thermal waters (open access)

Symposium on thermal and chemical problems of thermal waters

Fourteen papers were presented; each has been abstracted and indexed individually for ERA/EDB. (JGB)
Date: 1976~
Creator: unknown
System: The UNT Digital Library