
We Need New Names: Applying Existing Models of Information Quality to Web Archives

This presentation explores how different academic disciplines define information quality.
Date: June 23, 2016
Creator: Reyes Ayala, Brenda
Object Type: Presentation
System: The UNT Digital Library

Charting New Territory: Mapping the UNT Libraries Collections

Presentation given at the Cross Timbers Library Collaborative (CTLC) Conference on July 22, 2016. This presentation describes the components and creation of the Collection Map, a collection assessment tool developed by the University of North Texas.
Date: July 22, 2016
Creator: Harker, Karen & Klein, Janette
Object Type: Presentation
System: The UNT Digital Library

Making MINES for Libraries Work for Your Library

This presentation provides an overview of the use of MINES for Libraries® at the University of North Texas Libraries.
Date: July 22, 2016
Creator: Harker, Karen & Parwani, Priya B.
Object Type: Presentation
System: The UNT Digital Library

Ready, Set, Walk: Promoting Patron Fitness Through Community Partnership

This poster describes the planning and implementation process for a walking program for Haslet Public Library patrons in partnership with Texas A&M's Walk Across Texas program.
Date: July 22, 2016
Creator: Mendoza, Ako & Graham, Rhiannon
Object Type: Poster
System: The UNT Digital Library
Reduced Inflammatory and muscle damage biomarkers following oral supplementation with bioavailable curcumin (open access)

Reduced Inflammatory and muscle damage biomarkers following oral supplementation with bioavailable curcumin

This article seeks to determine the effects of oral curcumin supplementation on muscle and activities of daily living soreness, creatine kinase, and inflammatory cytokines following exercise-induced muscle damage.
Date: February 18, 2016
Creator: McFarlin, Brian K.; Venable, Adam S.; Henning, Andrea L.; Best Sampson, Jill N.; Pennel, Kathryn; Vingren, Jakob L. et al.
Object Type: Article
System: The UNT Digital Library

The Power of Images + Text as Survey Responses

This presentation discusses how the authors created a survey and incorporated feedback through submitted images regarding a graduate student space in the library.
Date: August 15, 2016
Creator: Barham, Rebecca & Hallman, Caroline
Object Type: Presentation
System: The UNT Digital Library

An Interactive Model for Vector Borne Diseases: A Simulation for Zika in French Polynesia

Post presented at Contagion 2016, a satellite meeting at the 2016 Conference on Complex Systems. This poster presents a stochastic agent-based model that simulates the transmission of ZIKA via mosquitoes in 11 islands in the French Polynesia.
Date: September 21, 2016
Creator: Gwalani, Harsha; Alshammari, Sultanah M. & Mikler, Armin R.
Object Type: Poster
System: The UNT Digital Library
An Analysis of the Medical Costs of Obesity for Fifth Graders in California and Texas (open access)

An Analysis of the Medical Costs of Obesity for Fifth Graders in California and Texas

This article uses data from FitnessGram® and previous studies to estimate the lifetime economic impact of childhood obesity for a single age cohort in the two most populous states: California and Texas.
Date: January 15, 2016
Creator: Levitt, Danielle E.; Jackson, Allen W. & Morrow, James R.
Object Type: Article
System: The UNT Digital Library
Electrodeposition of Cu-Ni Composite Coatings (open access)

Electrodeposition of Cu-Ni Composite Coatings

This book chapter reviews the electrodeposition of Cu-Ni incorporated with nano- to microparticles to produce metal matrix composites.
Date: March 23, 2016
Creator: Thurber, Casey; Mohamed, Adel M. A. & Golden, Teresa
Object Type: Book Chapter
System: The UNT Digital Library
Mouse fat storage-inducing transmembrance protein 2 (FIT2) promotes lipid droplet accumulation in plants (open access)

Mouse fat storage-inducing transmembrance protein 2 (FIT2) promotes lipid droplet accumulation in plants

This article discusses the test of the function of FIT2 in plant cells by ectopically expressing mouse (Mus musculus) FIT2 in Nicotiana tabacum suspension-cultured cells, Nicotiana benthamiana leaves and Arabidopsis thaliana plants.
Date: December 2, 2016
Creator: Cai, Yingqi; McClinchie, Elizabeth; Price, Ann; Nguyen, Thuy N.; Gidda, Satinder K.; Watt, Samantha C. et al.
Object Type: Article
System: The UNT Digital Library
Visibility & Control in the Vendee (open access)

Visibility & Control in the Vendee

This article uses fieldwork and the concept of relative aging to argue that the system of canals within the Vendee region of western France were begun in the tenth and eleventh centuries in conjunction with the Maillezais Abbey relocation and rebuilding.
Date: 2016
Creator: Deines, Dory & Wilson-Chavez, Owen
Object Type: Article
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Lady of the Marshes: Place, Identity, and Coudrette’s Mélusine in Late-Medieval Poitou (open access)

The Lady of the Marshes: Place, Identity, and Coudrette’s Mélusine in Late-Medieval Poitou

This article discusses the use of the poetic romance, Mélusine or Le Roman de Parthenay, as a tale of identity, place, and the foundational role of women in the creation of dynastic, land-based legacies, supported through visual imagery analysis and theoretical models from cultural geography.
Date: 2016
Creator: Thompson, Shana
Object Type: Article
System: The UNT Digital Library
Electrical properties of SnSe under high-pressure (open access)

Electrical properties of SnSe under high-pressure

This article investigates the pressure-induced phase transitions in SnSe using the first-principles density functional calculations.
Date: November 3, 2016
Creator: Ghosh, Angsula; Gusmão, M. S.; Chaudhuri, Puspitapallab; de Souza, S. Michielon; Mota, Cicero; Trichês, D. M. et al.
Object Type: Article
System: The UNT Digital Library
Exploratory User Research for Computational Resource for South Asian Languages (open access)

Exploratory User Research for Computational Resource for South Asian Languages

Report for the project, Exploratory User Research for CoRSAL, which was an exploratory ethnographic study to generate a foundational understanding of how different user groups might use a planned language archive for South Asian languages. Their research project was to be used by the CoRSAL team to help plan the design of CoRSAL’s infrastructure, and laid the groundwork for further studies that will take a deeper look at issues surrounding the design and use of the planned language archive.
Date: December 7, 2016
Creator: Al Smadi, Duha; Barnes, Sebastian; Blair, Molly; Chong, Miyoung; Cole-Jett, Robin; Davis, Aaron et al.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library