Winds of Change: East Asia's Sustainable Energy Future (open access)

Winds of Change: East Asia's Sustainable Energy Future

This report outlines the strategic direction of the energy sector to meet its growing energy demand in an environmentally-sustainable manner over the next two decades, and presents a pathway of policy frameworks and financing mechanisms to get there. This study found that large-scale deployment of energy efficiency and low-carbon technologies can simultaneously stabilize East Asia’s CO2 emissions by 2025 and significantly improve the local environment and enhance energy security, without compromising economic growth.
Date: May 2010
Creator: World Bank
Object Type: Text
System: The UNT Digital Library
APEC and Free Trade in the Asia Pacific (open access)

APEC and Free Trade in the Asia Pacific

This report discusses the summit held by President Bill Clinton and other leaders of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) on November 19, 1995. The report discusses the primary reason for the summit, an Action Agenda intended to lead to free and open trade and investment among its members. The report also discusses how APEC countries were divided on certain issues going into this summit.
Date: November 14, 1995
Creator: Nanto, Dick K.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
APEC - Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation: Free Trade and Other Issues (open access)

APEC - Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation: Free Trade and Other Issues

As a result of an initiative by Australia in 1989, the United States joined with eleven other Asia/Pacific nations in creating APEC, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation organization. This report discusses the annual Ministerial Meeting of APEC in Seattle, held from November 17 - 19, 1993.
Date: November 10, 1993
Creator: Nanto, Dick K.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library

Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. V-E Day + 6 weeks, 183rd week of U.S. participation in the war

Front: Text describes Pacific action. Map: Pacific action. Inset maps: Yanks push north on Luzon; Allied troops in New Borneo landings; Japs fall back toward Fr. Indo-China border. Back: Save : don't help delay V-Day! Illustration of fist raised in V for Victory sign with text admonishing no waste of materials.
Date: June 18, 1945
Creator: [United States.] Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch.
Object Type: Poster
System: The UNT Digital Library

Newsmap. For the Armed Forces. 287th week of the war, 169th week of U.S. participation

Front: Text describes action on various war fronts: Iwo Battle Bitter; Americans Take Cologne - Soviets Reach Baltic. Maps: Pacific spearheads; The Rhine. Back: Text and photographs highlight the bitter battle on the tiny island of Iwo Jima.
Date: March 12, 1945
Creator: [United States.] Army Service Forces. Army Information Branch.
Object Type: Poster
System: The UNT Digital Library