Application of Molybdenum Surfaces to Heavy Metal (open access)

Application of Molybdenum Surfaces to Heavy Metal

This report addresses the Application of Molybdenum Surfaces to Heavy Metal.
Date: December 22, 1944
Creator: Katz, S.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
100-F area unit purge, May 3, 1945 (open access)

100-F area unit purge, May 3, 1945

This report discusses the pressure drop on the 100-F unit, as measured on the eight pressure drop tubes, which had increased to 24 lbs./in.{sup 2} above base by May 2. The unit was shut down on May 3 to purge with 50 ppm solids for 1.1 hr. and to take care of necessary maintenance work.
Date: May 22, 1945
Creator: Kiddker, C. P.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
300 Area, February 12 through February 18 (open access)

300 Area, February 12 through February 18

Extrusion was run on one day, February 2, and a total of 271 billets (178 Type G, 12 type BT, and 81 red band) were processed. Two failures occurred among the red band billets; UM 6610 had begun to melt in the furnace and TX 3323 disintegrated on being extruded through the die. Samples of these billets are being checked chemically and metallurgically in an attempt to ascertain the cause for the hot-short characteristics of these billets. A sample cut from a rod which possessed zero strength (fell apart under no stress other than its own weight) at extrusion temperature was found to contain a large amount of microconstituent not ordinarily found in appreciable quantity on uranium sections. The distribution and appearance of the excess phase suggested at least partial liquation at the working temperature and it could, therefore, be responsible for the hot-short tendency.
Date: February 22, 1946
Creator: unknown
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Tolerance to Sr{sup 89} and radium (open access)

Tolerance to Sr{sup 89} and radium

Problems in extrapolation of the rate of tumor formation by strontium 89 from animal to man are addressed. Focus of this paper is on variability of latency period between different animals.
Date: July 22, 1946
Creator: Brues, A.M.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Columbia River temperature study at 100-F Area (open access)

Columbia River temperature study at 100-F Area

In August 1946 it was discovered that two effluent lines near the Columbia River at Hanford were damaged. The upstream effluent line has broken off 37 fact from the shoreline and the downstream effluent line had been bent and partly broken seventeen feet from shoreline and has swung downstream to a point about 50 feet from shorelines. This study was made to determine how fast and in what fashion the temperature of the effluent water is dissipated in the Columbia River under the present conditions and to compare this to a previous survey made when the effluent lines were believed to be in their original position.
Date: October 22, 1946
Creator: Lewis, W. R. & Rohrbacher, R. A.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Estimate of life of manufacturing piles (open access)

Estimate of life of manufacturing piles

This memorandum provides an estimate of the life of manufacturing piles.
Date: October 22, 1946
Creator: Milton, W. H. Jr.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library


The favorible attention being given graphite as a fuel rod material calls attention to the need for preventing diffusion of fission products from the fuel rods. The methods of prevention include painting the surface of the rod with an impermeable organic synthetic composition, enclosing the rods in metal cans, electroplating the rods with a suitable metal, or covering the surface with some type of inorganic ceranmic glaze. Each of these methods is evaluated as to feasibility. (M.H.R.)
Date: October 22, 1946
Creator: Wilson, J.E.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Distribution of Impurities in the Ether Extraction Process (open access)

The Distribution of Impurities in the Ether Extraction Process

When uranium is purified by the ether extraction method, black oxide is dissolved in nitric acid and ether is added; an ether layer containing uranium and an aqueous layer containing uranium and impurities are obtained. The distribution of some impurities between the two phases and the effect of such impurities on the extraction process were studied. the processing required in the preparation of pure uranyl nitrate might be decreased if, instead of uranosic oxide, sodium diuranate was used as a source of uranium. If it is assumed that uranosic oxide contains the same amounts of impurities as sodium diuranate, with the exception of soda, the extraction of soda by the wash of an ether solution of nitrate prepared from diuranate would be the criterion of suitability of sodium diuranate. The distribution and effect of sodium in the extraction process was therefore investigated, and the results are described in this report. For various of the impurities, the distribution in the process and the effect on uranium holdup in the insoluble cake was investigated. Particular attention was given to the behavior of boron, vanadium, chromium, and molybdenum.
Date: January 22, 1947
Creator: Brimm, E. O., Dr. & Mohr, P
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library


Date: January 22, 1947
Creator: Brimm, E.O.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
100 Areas technical activities report: Engineering, August 1947 (open access)

100 Areas technical activities report: Engineering, August 1947

There were seven charges of metal inspected during the month for corrosion and blistering studies. There were no unusual cases of blistering noted and the corrosion rates were normal for this time of year. Borescopic examination of the graphite packing around the ``B`` Hole in the F Pile revealed that the graphite is no more severely cracked than in the D Pile when it was inspected about a year ago. Examination of the graphite at the downstream and of Tube 1385-D did not indicate that any damage had been done by the leak in that tube. Forty one tubes have been charged in the F Pile on Production Test 105-90-P, ``Exposure of TX Metal Slugs.`` The routine job of taking vertical bowing measurements was turned over to the Instrument Department after working with them once in each Area. Installation of Van Stone test units was completed and a brief run was started. Van Stone flanges at both ends of 64 process tubes in both the B and F Piles were measured with a micrometer to determine the minimum amount of metal remaining.
Date: September 22, 1947
Creator: Woods, W. K.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Review of the stack discharge active particle contamination problem (open access)

Review of the stack discharge active particle contamination problem

Quantities of the order of ten million to 100 million radioactive particles per month were emitted from the stacks over a period of several months. High activity in the range 0.1 to was probably confined to large carrier particles of corrosion debris from iron ductwork in the separations plant ventilation air system. This report discusses chemical, physical and radiochemical properties of the particles, and possible biological and health effects of exposure to them. (ACR)
Date: March 22, 1948
Creator: Parker, H M
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Varieties, Quantities, and Purities of Stable Isotopes Which Have Been Concentrated Electromagnetically (open access)

The Varieties, Quantities, and Purities of Stable Isotopes Which Have Been Concentrated Electromagnetically

Date: March 22, 1948
Creator: Keim, C.P.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Time requirements for current discharge operations (open access)

Time requirements for current discharge operations

In order to evaluate the feasibility of segmental discharge equipment, it was necessary to determine the time required for segmental discharge during the current operating procedures. This memorandum details this time study.
Date: April 22, 1948
Creator: Cabell, C. P.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Project C-187-D design requirements for redox production plants (open access)

Project C-187-D design requirements for redox production plants

The following outline of the requirements for the Redox Production Plant design is transmitted to the Kellex Corporation by the General Electric Company to be used in carrying out the assignment directed by Work Authority C-187-C. This outline briefly describes the critical features of design and emphasizes the General Electric desires for certain types of process and engineering design. The purpose of this transmittal is to outline the minimum requirements as to process flow sheet and design criteria to initiate the carrying out of this assignment by Kellex Corporation. This document was originally produced on May 22, 1948 and was declassified on July 28, 1994.
Date: May 22, 1948
Creator: Beaton, R. H.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Recovery of Materials (open access)

Recovery of Materials

Date: September 22, 1948
Creator: Leverett, Miles
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
234-5 Project specification letter 234-41, 235-41 (Supplement D), Chemical Development Laboratory (open access)

234-5 Project specification letter 234-41, 235-41 (Supplement D), Chemical Development Laboratory

This letter itemizes the miscellaneous equipment and supplies not previously specified which should be ordered to equip the 234-5 Chemical Development Laboratory. Equipment currently carried in store stock is not included in this list. The vendor is given only to identify the item or as a suggested source of supply.
Date: October 22, 1948
Creator: Work, J.B.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Neutron Diffraction Studies (open access)

Neutron Diffraction Studies

Date: October 22, 1948
Creator: Shull, C. G.; Wollan, E. O. & Marney, M. C.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
Shielded room measurements, Final report (open access)

Shielded room measurements, Final report

The attenuation of electro-statically and electro-magnetically shielded rooms in the ``E,`` ``R,`` ``I,`` and ``T`` Buildings was measured so that corrective measure could be taken if the attenuation was found to be low. If remedial measures could not be taken, the shortcomings of the rooms would be known. Also, the men making the measurements should oversee construction and correct errors at the time. The work was performed by measuring the attenuation at spot frequencies over the range of from 150 kilocycles to 1280 megacycles with suitable equipment mounted in small rubber-tried trucks. The attenuation was determined by ``before and after`` shielding and/or ``door open and door closed`` measurements after installation of copper shielding. In general, attenuation in the frequency range of approximately 10 to 150 mc. was good and was of the order expected. At frequencies in the range of 150 mc. to 1280 mc., the attenuation curve was more erratic; that is, at certain frequencies a severe loss of attenuation was noted, while at others, the attenuation was very good. This was mainly due to poor or faulty seals around doors and pass windows. These poor seals existed in the ``T,`` ``E,`` and ``I`` Buildings because the doors were …
Date: February 22, 1949
Creator: Stanton, J.S.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Separation of Zirconium and Hafnium by a Fractional Distillation Method. (open access)

The Separation of Zirconium and Hafnium by a Fractional Distillation Method.

Date: March 22, 1949
Creator: Gruen, D. M. & Katz, J. J.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
The solution chemistry of polonium (Ad Interim Report) (open access)

The solution chemistry of polonium (Ad Interim Report)

This document is a March 1949 Ad Interim Report from the Mound Laboratory on the solution chemistry of polonium. A consideration of the valences of the elements of the Group VI-A would indicate that the oxidation states of -2, 2, 4, and 6 might be expected for polonium. From the decrease in stability of the hydrides of these elements with increase in atomic number, one would expect that the compound H{sub 2} Po would be very unstable and that the oxidation state of -2 would not occur in solution. Furthermore, the stability of the oxidation state +6 as well as the stability of the highest oxidation state of a given element decreases as the atomic number increases in Group VI-A and Period VI respectively. For these reasons, the oxidation state +6 for polonium would be expected to occur only in a strongly oxidizing medium. The +4 state would be expected to be stable. The work discussed herein indicates that polonium exists as PoO{sup ++} in a nonoxidizing or reducing medium.
Date: March 22, 1949
Creator: Haring, M. M.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
[Office of Hanford Directed Operations events of importance for week ending April 20, 1949] (open access)

[Office of Hanford Directed Operations events of importance for week ending April 20, 1949]

This report details events of importance reported by the Hanford Operations Office for the week ending April 20, 1949.
Date: April 22, 1949
Creator: Schlemmer, F. C.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
A report on lithium, sodium, and liquid neutron sources (open access)

A report on lithium, sodium, and liquid neutron sources

The objectives in producing neutron sources are to produce uniform products of as high efficiencies as possible from the neutron yielding elements and to do this in the safest manner. The purpose of the present work was to improve the methods of preparing sources and at the same time increase the types of sources available. Lithium, sodium, and their compounds were chosen because the neutron fluxes and energies are low, thus making the experimental work less hazardous to the operator. Also, the elements are quite reactive, so that techniques which are successful with them can be easily adapted to other materials. Solvents for polonium, ways of mixing polonium and target, neutron yields, reproducibility, decay of the sources, means of recovering polonium, and materials for containers, were investigated.
Date: April 22, 1949
Creator: Bentz, L.L.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library
100 Areas technical activities report: Physics, July 1949 (open access)

100 Areas technical activities report: Physics, July 1949

The pile physics group reports on reactivity power coefficients from the production test No. 105-248-P, the water leak in B pile, graphite properties, xenon equations from the B pile shutdown of March 1946, and reactivity balance. The experimental physics group headed by J.M. West reports on graphite testing, the P-11 project, and shielding. The experimental physics group headed by E.B. Montgomery reports on diffusion length measurements in the DR and H piles. (GHH)
Date: August 22, 1949
Creator: Staebler, U. M.
Object Type: Report
System: The UNT Digital Library