
Bomaki/Arashi Shibori as a Pleated Texture in Silk Used in a Garment (open access)

Bomaki/Arashi Shibori as a Pleated Texture in Silk Used in a Garment

The purpose of this study was to use the bomaki/arashi shibori process to create three-dimensional fabric forms which could be incorporated by the design of a garment.
Date: August 1993
Creator: Heartsill, Jean Louise
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Sculptural Creation of a New Form of Visual Awareness Concerning Predators: The Cheetah and the Wolf (open access)

The Sculptural Creation of a New Form of Visual Awareness Concerning Predators: The Cheetah and the Wolf

The problem I have addressed this year revolves around my search for a means to visually challenge mankind's present concepts and ideology concerning the wolf and the cheetah. At the same time, it was essential that I find a way to visually challenge previous artistic interpretations of these animals. This involved the discovery of a new form of animal representation relevant to modern societies' problems concerning the future of wildlife and the significance of the predator.
Date: August 1993
Creator: Ballmann, Elizabeth
System: The UNT Digital Library
Effects of Angulation and Proximity of Components in A Series (open access)

Effects of Angulation and Proximity of Components in A Series

I proposed that two factors could be adjusted in a series of rings in order to achieve total control of implied movement: Proximity and angulation of components. Through careful adjustment of these two factors, I theorized that the implied motion in a ring series could be accelerated, slowed, or omitted altogether.
Date: August 1993
Creator: Mauldin, D. Bruce
System: The UNT Digital Library