
A System of Selection and Human Resource Development for Small Retailers of Apparel and Accessories (open access)

A System of Selection and Human Resource Development for Small Retailers of Apparel and Accessories

The study has a twofold purpose. The first is to determine the extent to which organized selection and training practices exist in small apparel and accessory retailing establishments, and the general attitude which small retailers of apparel and accessories express toward the value of selection and training functions. The second is to construct a practical system which can be used in small apparel and accessory retailing establishments.
Date: May 1973
Creator: Burr, Patricia LeMay
System: The UNT Digital Library
A Cross-Racial Study of Small Business Managers (open access)

A Cross-Racial Study of Small Business Managers

The objective of this study is to define differences and similarities in certain aspects of education, experience, and business practices of White, Black, and Latin American small businessmen, and approximately fifty questions relating to their operations were asked.
Date: August 1973
Creator: Howard, Kenneth W.
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Use of Shared Service Arrangements by Member Hospitals of the Dallas Hospital Council (open access)

The Use of Shared Service Arrangements by Member Hospitals of the Dallas Hospital Council

This study was designed to assess the types of shared service arrangements and the degree of commitment as evidenced by the incorporation of policy statements displayed toward the sharing concept evident in the Dallas-Fort Worth hospitals. The purpose of this research, then, was to identify and evaluate present utilization of shared arrangements to establish a base for comparison and recommendations for future participation by the various categories of hospitals. The conclusions derived from the findings include the following: 1. Shared services promise to be a continuing factor in the operation of the health care industry in the future. 2. Governmental influence and regulation will expand into every area of health care. Hospital administrators must take every opportunity to contribute input to the formulation of these regulations. 3. The selection of products or services to be shared must be handled in a systematic manner complete with a control system to assure continued quality levels. 4. Standardization of product specifications is the single largest obstacle to the expansion of the shared service concept. This obstacle can be removed only through the committed involvement of the medical community. 5. The sharing of services, rather than products, appears to have great potential in terms …
Date: May 1979
Creator: Griffin, Adelaide, 1952-
System: The UNT Digital Library
A Study of the Contributions of Mary Lizzie McCord to Drama Education at Southern Methodist University (open access)

A Study of the Contributions of Mary Lizzie McCord to Drama Education at Southern Methodist University

Although in 1915 there was no drama education in Methodist colleges and universities in Texas, today all Methodist schools of higher education in Texas have at least course offerings in drama. Southern Methodist University was one of the first Methodist schools to offer such courses which began with the hiring of Mary McCord to teach public speaking in September, 1915. The problem of this study is to explain the contributions of Mary McCord to the development of drama education at Southern Methodist University. It is recommended that the development of the department after Miss McCord retired be examined, that the students taught by Miss McCord who chose theatre as their life's work be interviewed about the effect of her training on their careers, and that a thorough study of the McCord Theatre Collection be undertaken.
Date: August 1976
Creator: Spalding, Sharon Brown
System: The UNT Digital Library
Minimum Competencies Needed for Graduation: A Comparative Case Study of Perceptions Held by Professional Educators and the Local School Community (open access)

Minimum Competencies Needed for Graduation: A Comparative Case Study of Perceptions Held by Professional Educators and the Local School Community

The problem of this study is a comparison of minimum competencies needed for high school graduation as perceived by local professional educators to those perceived by the local school community. The source of data is Community Survey of Essential Student Skills. This survey instrument is a rating of the importance of minimum competencies by 1,931 patrons in the local school community. A total number of 401 professional educators had previously rated these competencies. The following conclusions are based on the analysis of each hypothesis and observations during the study. 1. There is an increasing amount of emphasis in the literature that major perceptual differences exist between professional educators and school communities. Educators need to identify and act upon the perceptions of their patrons. Increased emphasis upon community involvement is supported by findings of this study. For example, the community could be involved in curriculum development for life skills. Patrons, students and parents could serve on advisory committees to school boards. 2. There is evidence that increased communication efforts are needed to narrow the gap between perceptions of educators and school communities. Educators perceived the reading and writing skills in this study as Essential but patrons did not. Better clarification to …
Date: August 1979
Creator: Raines, Nancy Ellen
System: The UNT Digital Library
An Experimental Study to Compare Audio-Tutorial Instruction with Traditional Instruction in Beginning Typewriting (open access)

An Experimental Study to Compare Audio-Tutorial Instruction with Traditional Instruction in Beginning Typewriting

The problem of this study is to compare the effectiveness of two methods of teaching beginning typewriting in the community college. The two methods are an audio-tutorial approach and the traditional textbook approach. Groups taught by the contrasting methods of instruction were compared on the basis of their production performance and their straight-copy skills after thirty-six class periods of instruction. A comparison was also made of the attrition rate of the two groups.
Date: August 1974
Creator: Jones, Arvella
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Relationships Between Certain Personality Variables and Conservative, Moderate, and Liberal Theological Beliefs (open access)

The Relationships Between Certain Personality Variables and Conservative, Moderate, and Liberal Theological Beliefs

The purpose of this study was to determine if seminary students, identified as conservative, moderate, or liberal in theological beliefs, were significantly different on the following personality variables: dogmatism, thinking introversion, theoretical orientation, aestheticism, complexity, autonomy, religious orientation, impulse expression, anxiety level, practical outlook, and personal integration. The instrument used to measure theological beliefs was the "Inventory of Theological Beliefs." Dogmatism was measured by the "Rokeach Dogmatism Scale." All other variables were measured by the Omnibus Personality Inventory.
Date: December 1970
Creator: Oswald, Robert M.
System: The UNT Digital Library
A Proposal for Instruction of Poetry at El Centro College (open access)

A Proposal for Instruction of Poetry at El Centro College

The problem of this study was to develop a proposal for the teaching of poetry for the purposes of contributing to the student's understanding and enjoyment. Surveys and summaries were made of scholarly writings on the junior college student, existential theories of education, and theories of poetry. A bibliography was constructed for each subject from resources of the North Texas State University library. Conclusions from each survey were derived from the selected resources and used to prepare the proposal for instruction of poetry.
Date: August 1972
Creator: Drake, Jesse Henry
System: The UNT Digital Library
Argumentation Used in the Sex Education Issue in the Dallas Independent School District (open access)

Argumentation Used in the Sex Education Issue in the Dallas Independent School District

The primary purpose of the study was to identify and describe the arguments used in the sex education controversy in the Dallas Independent School District. The issue was examined as a debate and as a social movement promoted and resisted by community rhetoricians. Arguments were elicited from interviews with rhetoricians on both sides of the issue.
Date: December 1970
Creator: Ingalls, Arthur Bradford
System: The UNT Digital Library
Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Two Southwestern Reservoirs (open access)

Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Two Southwestern Reservoirs

This investigation has determined the presence of biological nitrogen fixation in two reservoirs in the southwestern United States: Lake Arlington and Lake Ray Hubbard. Subsequent tests have gathered baseline data on the effects of various biological, chemical, and physical parameters on in situ nitrogen fixation in these reservoirs. Of specific importance is the relationship between nitrogen fixation arid occasional blooms of blue-green algae which produce such problems as testes and odors in these water-supply impoundments.
Date: August 1973
Creator: Lawley, Gary G.
System: The UNT Digital Library
The History of Speech and Drama Education in the Dallas Public Schools (1884-1970) (open access)

The History of Speech and Drama Education in the Dallas Public Schools (1884-1970)

The problem of this study was the writing of a comprehensive history of speech and drama education in the Dallas Public Schools from 188^-1970. This necessitated the recording of the facts, events, and circumstances which have determined the condition and progress of speech and drama education in the Dallas Public Schools during this period of time.
Date: December 1971
Creator: Rumbley, Rose-Mary, 1922-
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Relationship between Identifiable Attributes and Decision-Making Ability of Purchasing Personnel as Measured by the Results of a Management Game (open access)

The Relationship between Identifiable Attributes and Decision-Making Ability of Purchasing Personnel as Measured by the Results of a Management Game

This study investigated the relationship between certain biographical and personality characteristics and decision-making ability of purchasing personnel as measured by the results achieved in a complex management game.
Date: May 1973
Creator: Ellis, Norman Dean, 1933-
System: The UNT Digital Library
A Survey of Selected Kindergarten Programs in Terms of Language Development (open access)

A Survey of Selected Kindergarten Programs in Terms of Language Development

The purpose of this study was to survey the significant characteristics of language development programs in selected kindergartens. These findings were then compared to the recommendations of authorities in the field.
Date: August 1971
Creator: Taylor, Pauline Elizabeth
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Effects of Training in Interaction Analysis on Teachers' Interpersonal Behavior (open access)

The Effects of Training in Interaction Analysis on Teachers' Interpersonal Behavior

The specific purposes investigated were to ascertain the effect of training in interaction analysis upon the levels of 1. accurate empathy in teachers, 2. nonpossissive warmth in teachers, 3. genuineness in teachers, and 4. an analysis of the relationship between interaction analysis and the interpersonal behavior of the classroom teacher in view of its implications in teacher education.
Date: August 1970
Creator: Buckner, John Wordy
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Effects of Videotape Feedback from Volunteer Subjects' Classroom Behavior and Expressed Attitudes toward Teaching (open access)

The Effects of Videotape Feedback from Volunteer Subjects' Classroom Behavior and Expressed Attitudes toward Teaching

The problem of this study was to determine the effects of videotape feedback upon teachers' classroom verbal and nonverbal behavior, objectives, methods, and expressed attitudes about teaching.
Date: August 1970
Creator: Bolen, Patsy JoLynn
System: The UNT Digital Library
"Be" in Dallas Black English (open access)

"Be" in Dallas Black English

This dissertation purposes to answer the question of whether or not the verb system of Black English in Dallas has the same features as those that characterize Black English in other sections of the country. Specifically, it describes in detail the use of the verb "be" within the speech of blacks in the Dallas metropolitan area and accounts for these usages formally within the framework of a transformational-generative grammar of the type proposed by Noam Chomsky.
Date: August 1972
Creator: Jones, Nancy (Nancy N.)
System: The UNT Digital Library
Development of a System for Reporting Disciplinary Problems by Utilizing Data Processing (open access)

Development of a System for Reporting Disciplinary Problems by Utilizing Data Processing

The problem of this study was to develop and prepare a data processing system that would report, catalog, and file information pertaining to discipline of students referred to the principal. The purposes of the study were to develop a systematic approach to the reporting of disciplinary incidents, to develop a system of reports that could show what actions were being taken in specified areas and that could provide a cross reference of this information with other data, and to provide a system whereby information concerning disciplinary problems and actions taken could be compiled for a future longitudinal study.
Date: August 1973
Creator: Cowand, Keith Parker
System: The UNT Digital Library
A Comparison of Two Methods of Teaching the Manipulative Skills of Office Machines (open access)

A Comparison of Two Methods of Teaching the Manipulative Skills of Office Machines

The problem with which this investigation is concerned is that of comparing a learning systems approach to a lecture-demonstration-rotation approach of teaching the manipulative skills of office machines.
Date: May 1972
Creator: McKenzie, Jimmy C., 1939-
System: The UNT Digital Library
The Effect of Meaningfulness and Position on Cue Selection in Verbal Paired-Associate Learning of Children (open access)

The Effect of Meaningfulness and Position on Cue Selection in Verbal Paired-Associate Learning of Children

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of stimulus meaningfulness and position on the cue selection of elementary school children in verbal paired-associate learning.
Date: December 1971
Creator: Molavi, Hossein
System: The UNT Digital Library