Select a nominator below to see its associated URLs.
AFB - 2
Affordable housing consultant - 1
AFT - 81
Alaska State Library - 51
Albuquerque Area Indian Health Board, Inc. - 3
All Rise!, PLLC - 1
American Immigration Lawyers Association - 2
American Institute of Physics - 2
Animal Welfare Institute - 4
Anonymous - 4749
Army Civilian Employee - 1
ASI Government - 2
Ball State University - 9
Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law - 101
- - 2
Better World Group - 16
Boise Public Library - 238
Boston Children's Hospital - 7
Brown University - 2
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management - Bureau Records Officer - 1
California Institute of Integral Studies - 1
California State Government Employee - 16
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids - 2
Center for American Progress - 8
Center for rural livelihoods - 1
CJI - 348
Cleveland Public Library - 2
Climate Action Campaign - 1
Coalition on Human Needs - 6
Coming Clean - 318
Common Crawl Foundation - 15
Communications Workers of America - 1
Community Catalyst - 52
Community College of Philadelphia - 1
Concerned citizen - 1
Concerned US Citizen - 1851
Cooper Institute - 1
Corewell Health - 1
Council for Global Equality - 25
CRI - 4
CRS - 10
Democracy Forward - 7
Department of Energy - 2
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund - 1
Duke University - 16
E Rowe Consulting - 1
Earthjustice - 11
Earthjustice, Earthjustice Action - 24
Earthworks - 2
Ecological Society of America - 1
EDF - 3
EDGI - 4
EdTrust - 1
Electrification Coalition - 2
Energy Solutions - 1
- - 2
Environmental Defense Fund - 17
ERG - 1
FHWA Office of Bridges and Structures - 1
Field Musuem - 1
Florida Gulf Coast university - 3
Formerly of Vermont Department of Health - 1
Georg-August Universität Göttingen - 4
Georgetown University - 54
Georgetown University, Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation - 4
Gibson-Banks Center for Race and the Law, University of Maryland Francis King Carey Law School - 3
GIS Director for the Grand Canyon Trust - 19
Global Alliance for Disability in Media and Entertainment (GADIM) - 6
Global Autoimmune Institute - 1
Government Alliance on Race and Equity - 1
Government Publishing Office - 19
Greenpeace - 5
Hamilton College - 2
Harmonic Strategies - 8
Harvard University - 22
HHS - 1
House E&C - 1
Humphrey School of Public Affairs - Center for Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy - 2
IMT - 2
Independent - 1
Institute for Market Transformation - 83
International Fund for Animal Welfare - 5
International Union, UAW - 1
Internet Archive - 64
Jacobs Institute of Women's Health - 6
Jefferson College Library - 1
John U. Tomlinson Library - 10
Johns Hopkins University - 1
Johnson County Public Health - 5
Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition - 1
King County - 4
Las Vegas Clark County Library District - 13
Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law - 1
Libertarian Party of Florida - 1
Library of Congress - 229
LLNL - 2
London Economics International, LLC - 1
Mathematica - 22
McGill University - 1
Mercy For Animals - 1
Metro Analytics - 1
Middlebury College - 1
Missouri State Library - 6
Multnomah County Library - 2
N/A - 1076
n/a - my institution is not supporting these nominations - 4
National Association of Disability Representatives - 1
National Center for Youth Law - 1
National Consumer Law Center - 9
National Housing Law Project - 4
National Library of Scotland - 3
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition - 2
Native American Rights Fund - 12
NAU-Yuma Branch Campus - 2
Nicvd - 1
No affiliation - 4
None - 42
North Carolina State University - 2
Northern Michigan University - 4
Northwestern University Libraries - 1
NPWF - 2
NYS Office of Mental Health - 2
NYU-Marron - 1
Ocean Defense Initiative - 1
Oregon State University - 1
Overnight Enterprises - 1
Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies - 2
Partnership for Public Service - 1
PEGI Project - 3
Pesticide Action & Agroecology Network - 3
Pleiades Strategy - 53
Policy Advocate - 2
Power to Decide - 1
Princeton University Library - 20
private citizen - 11
Protect Democracy - 3
Pubic Employees for Environmental Responsibiltiy - 4
Rebuild by Design - 1
Retired - 11
Retired BLM - 2
retired NOAA - 1
Ropes & Gray LLP - 1
RuralProgress - 4
San Francisco State University - 4
San Jose State University - 49
self - 64
Shayna Productions LLC - 1
SJSU - 5
SJSU student - 2
SOAL: SavingOurAncestorsLegacy - 24
Southern Connecticut State University - 1
Stanford - 537
submitting in private capacity - 4
SUNY Oswego - 8
The Associated Press - 8
The George Washington University - 1
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights - 1
The United States of America-Citizen - 1
The Viking Mars Missions Education and Preservation Project - 1
Trust for Public Land - 1
U.S. Department of Agriculture - 89
U.S. EPA - 20
U.S. Geological Survey - 1
U.S. PIRG - 1
UC Berkeley - 20
UC Irvine School of Law - 1
UC San Diego - 5
UC San Francisco - 1
UCS - 2
unaffiliated - 5
UnidosUS - 9
Union of Concerned Scientists - 2
United - 1
University at Buffalo - 2
University of California San Francisco - 3
University of California, Davis - 1
University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries - 13
University of Georgia - 1
University of Michigan School of Public Health - 4
University of Mount Union - 1
University of New England - 3
University of North Carolina - 486
University of North Texas Health Science Center - 1
University of Notre Dame - 89
University of Rochester - 1
University of South Carolina - 2
University of South Florida - 13
University of Tennessee, Knoxville - 12
University of Utah - 6
University of Washington Libraries - 35
University of Wisconsin - Madison - 1
UNT Libraries - 89
Urban Ocean Lab - 2
US Geological Survey - 1
Utah State University - 1
UTSA - 37
Valerian Law, P.C. - 1
various - 56
Washington University in St. Louis - 17
WE ACT for Environmental Justice - 3
Well Being Transitions Counseling and Consulting Services - 2
Wellesley College - 11
Wildlife Conservation Society - 7
Wonkette (politics blog) - 1
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - 7
World Privacy Forum - 3
Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell - 1